Condemned To Irrelevance

In public society or popular culture it is generally assumed that we must be part of the corporate commercial 2-party system, because if we sell-out individual integrity to become company approved elite icons, politicians, or their fans we will be relevant to the dominant trends (no matter how fake famous people are behind the illusions and masks). In our system corporations do not want a 3rd political party because it would threaten their control over the 2 established parties. So corporate media encourages the rhetorical talking point threat of independent individuals being “Doomed to obscurity” and “Condemned to irrelevance”, which is what they advocate their masses to do to those who rebel against their oligarchy. The plutocrats who pull the strings do not want their authority questioned, and would rather keep the facade of a democratic sports competition with only two official legitimate teams. The propaganda that nothing more is possible is backed by three threats: smearing, torture, and ignoring.

We have witnessed these three propaganda enforcement threats being used recently. Bernie Sanders and other alternative candidates were smeared as ‘Russian agents’ or ‘anti-Semetic’. Julian Assange and Manning were imprisoned and tortured without trial for exposing the crony corruption of the MIC system. Also Bernie Sanders pointed out that Nader and the Green Party gets ignored, and thus he ran as a Democrat to not be ‘condemned to irrelevance’ like most common people or grassroots leaders. Most of us are doomed to obscurity in popular culture, so it is interesting this is not discussed more. Perhaps we need to condemn commercial culture to obscurity, and reverse the trends so our economy is trickle-up, instead of trickle-down; because trickle-down ain’t workin for most of us who are trying to build on what we were given, not get buried by debt. Actually more of us should remember to be more like Ralph Nader, and he certainly matters and is not forgotten.

i paid 30,000 for an education that taught me i would not make much profit ethically working hard or doing the most important things in life that i loved, and would not be able to afford the cost of living as an adult until i paid off the debt, which meant i had to go from teaching to the military where i got told i was nothing, and the only way to get stable income was to help wage war on working class people foreign and domestic. Meanwhile everytime our economy and pollution got worse, the worst companies got bailed out. So yeah hedgies can f* themselves, i aint leavin.


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