Archive for the Sustainability Category

HANDY Doomsday Model

Posted in Sustainability with tags , , , , on November 28, 2023 by Drogo

A DW Apocalypse documentary mentions the HANDY doomsday model: 1. nature 2. masses 3. elites 4. wealth.

They use nuts to represent #1 natural resources, chess pawns to represent #2 general population or common masses, chess knights and bishops to represent #3 elites, and coins for #4 wealth.

Perpetual growth reduces nature, increases human population, and as elites grow they take more wealth from the masses so they cannot afford the cost of living. The elites are the last to go, in extinction models due to some surviving in bunkers after WW3 nuclear fallout.

Human and nature dynamics (HANDY): Modeling inequality and use of resources in the collapse or sustainability of societies. Science direct article.

The predator–prey model, the original inspiration behind HANDY, was derived independently by two mathematicians, Alfred Lotka and Vitto Volterra, in the early 20th century (Lotka, 1925Volterra, 1926). This model describes the dynamics of competition between two species, say, wolves and rabbits. The governing system of equations is : x = (ay)x-bx ; y = cy – (dx)y

In the above system, x represents the predator (wolf) population; y represents the prey (rabbit) population; a determines the predator’s birth rate, i.e., the faster growth of wolf population due to availability of rabbits; b is the predator’s death rate; c is the prey’s birth rate; d determines the predation rate, i.e., the rate at which rabbits are hunted by wolves.

Rather than reaching a stable equilibrium, the predator and prey populations show periodic, out-of-phase variations. Predator populations follow prey populations, although there is lag at peaks between them, showing predators always decrease after their prey population diminishes, and will continue to follow their decline without reaching the same lows as prey until afterwards when it is too late or at least later.


3 Reasons To Hope in 2023

Posted in Alternative Architecture, Creativity / Imagination, Environmentalism, Society Clubs or Social Groups, Sustainability on October 13, 2023 by Drogo

Despite the MIC infiltrating every major political party, social group, and humanist society there are some reasons to hope for a better future.

1. The MIC has not successfully paid off or threatened everyone, there are at least thousands of us who actually want to reduce pollution, wars, and corruption. Even if black-budgets have paid off or or jailed or killed millions of us, leaders give us heroic examples of resistance against evil power. Some good people who want peace are even allowed to speak at the UN.

2. Artists and authors who practice freedom of speech and expression give me hope. Book stores and better yet used book stores are treasures. Even some alternative architecture slips through the cracks of industrial and corporate code. Humans are just egotistical animals after all, and it is good to be reminded of our flaws and limits.

3. The International Energy Agency (IEA) exists. Countries are setting records in deploying climate-friendly technologies, such as solar power and electric vehicles, according to a new International Energy Agency report. The agency, which represents countries that make up more than 80% of global energy consumption, projects demand for coal, oil and natural gas will peak before 2030. As renewable energy costs continue to decline, the IEA says tripling installations of new renewable energy, mostly solar and wind power, will be the biggest driver of emissions reductions.


UFO Disclosure

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Environmentalism, news, paranormal, Protests / Riots, Technology - Vehicles, Ufology / UAP Investigations, Uncategorized with tags , , , on June 15, 2023 by Drogo

UFOs have always been a popular scifi topic in pop-culture, and many sightings and alien abductions have been reported over the years. However recently more scientists have gotten involved as more evidence has been made available via the internet. This essay will focus on 3 aspects in recent UFO news: national security, global environmentalism, and witness testimonies. UFO disclosure is really the biggest story going on, whether it is a massive psy-op or not. Even if no extra-terrestrial aliens exist, the level of counter-intelligence going on at high levels might exceed health care and regular social program budgets combined.

So is it real? It sounds very real according to hundreds of professionals on record.

1. Witness Testimony and Evidence

Dr Greer is amazing with his documentation and publication of whistle-blowing work on UFOs. Greer’s ‘Disclosure Project‘ has over 100 UFO crash retrieval cases or reports, over 100 top-secret bases, and over 700 agency and corporate witnesses in his Disclosure Project compiled over the years. Greer focuses on access to alien technology for cleaner energy and freedom of information as his main demands for declassification of physics and biology that should not just be owned by the MIC (allowing for some classification of propulsion systems to negotiate cooperation with defense contractors). Even if its all fake, and there are no aliens, it is a fascinating paranormal mystery.

For decades Greer’s group has been informing Congress members not read into the secret UFO projects, so they can investigate. This week they are getting this info report dump with some names and locations for them to visit for more. Greer also has a non-profit group with member fees called ‘CE5 Ambassador Program

Greer’s ‘Cosmic Hoax’ documentary responds to current government and media misinformation promoting 3 big lies: We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are – WE DO; Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs – WE CAN and WE DO; The alien UFOs are a threat – THEY ARE NOT.

But Greer is not alone in ufology leadership. Many other have been stepping up, with groups that support the claims by Bob Lazar, Luis Elizondo, other witnesses who have reported beyond top-secret classified information that they believe should be public to some extent. Youtube channels like Lehto Files, Project Unity, and Disclosure Team are so important for a humanist approach towards paranormal phenomena. Additionally a UAP Task-force military intelligence officer (David Grusch with Nation News) has gone public as a whistle-blower. However many of these witnesses are threatened, and many have been killed by secret agency members, MIC assassins, and company thugs.

2. National Security

MIC ‘defense contractors’ (Northrup-Grumun, Lockheed-Martin, Ratheon) are a threat to national security because these humans ruthlessly kill other humans for profit. These MIC corporations conspire with Big Oil and militaries to run governments and commit crimes against humanity to maintain power. These plutocrats use both official and illegal global secret agencies, which according to some insiders are shooting down alien UFOs to capture and control advanced technologies.

Here is a ‘Disclosure Project’ National Press Club video with military soldier and contractor talks regarding why secrecy of UFOs is a national security threat involving treason –

3. Global Environmentalism

The health of our bio-sphere is at stake. Human habitations would benefit from free-energy, assuming that secret technologies can reduce resource pollution and consumption. This affects more than just US national interests, but other countries, and the lives of other animals and plants. Life on Earth is affected by secret agencies withholding information and science. Lt. Colonel Chris Lehto is an active Youtube Disclosure leader, who is fearless as a former AF F16 fighter pilot.


The Start of World War 3

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Economics, Military, news, propaganda, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 25, 2023 by Drogo

Our Ukraine War against Russia is the start of WW3.

Our MIC is going to destroy 99% of the population. The 1% have hoarded so much international wealth they are ready to watch WW3 from their mega-bunkers. Biden has no plans to help Americans, he is more worried about his business partners getting contracts in Ukraine. Biden only funds neo-nazis in Ukraine, but he makes neo-nazis here at home by ignoring poor whites and defunding them. The Ukraine neo-nazi movement is not just in a few battallions, it has spread from west-Ukraine cults of their Nazi WW2 hero Stepan Bandera.

Now Biden blown up the German-Russian gas pipeline, and has forced Germans to send German tanks to the neo-nazis. While in Germany they told Ukrainians to wait to paint swastikas on them, until they got to Ukraine. Our deep state MIC must have been influenced by the Nazis of Project Paperclip, because this is sick.

The USA MIC is using Ukraine families as canon fodder. Ukrainian casualties are over 300,000; while Russias are lower than 80,000 (according to military officers Scott Ritter and Doug MacGregor). Meanwhile CIA propaganda here in the USA is that we should be happy we are getting a discount on the price of war. So many of the same old tricks are being used for Ukraine, that we used during Vietnam, Iraq, and the Gulf War. We provoke a fight by cutting off their borders and ports, and then blame the enemy for starting the war.

Yay more toxic train wrecks and planned explosions spewing poisons into our air, land, and water!!! AND more war??!! Things are really going to hell in piles of garbage. The 1% are total shits.

Ohio does not have enough casualties or devastation to get Biden’s interest in making money from contracts. But once WW3 really gets going, maybe other places will have more of a shot for funding. Delaware needs to at least keep their offices from being bombed though, so the richest companies can use their tax benefits and loopholes. Biden is the used-car conman of wars, Trump should be jealous because Biden has already been worse than Trump in a few ways (or better for war mongers).

Republicans prefer a war against China, but Russia is considered a stepping stone to China by the MIC. All the propaganda against China will prevent peace deals, and get us into a war with both of them according to MIC public predictions. “By 20-blah-blah-blah we will be at war with China” say the prophets of doom!!!

[more later]

Winter Patreon Letter 2021-2022

Posted in Creativity / Imagination, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Multimedia Communication, news, SCOD Status Update Reports, Sustainability with tags , , , on December 1, 2021 by Drogo

Dear Patreons,

Thank you for your financial support of my work.

Having funding and emotional support for my humanist art and writing and music projects has kept me producing work every month. I am able to create on my own terms, which gives me more freedom than I had with clients or bosses. Covid Crisis has not only resulted in a deepened economic depression, but also has reduced collaborations both in person and at distance. I was surprised that more people did not want to pick up the phone and talk like i wanted to during Covid Crisis, but I think physical isolation caused psychological depression as well; such that even “phone people” did not want to just hear about more suffering and decline of society. I am perhaps rare in that I use friends and philosophy in combination to reason my way out of emotional problems, otherwise I get stuck in depression so I have had to rely mostly on my imagination for people to talk to on a weekly basis (I do not count texting as nearly as satisfying to me as voice communication psychologically). Limiting most of our communications to texts, watching other people do monologues on Youtube, or interact in films is primarily where society is failing.

I view our social Covid Crisis problem as directly a result of how our economy is set up to devalue social relations and individuals in general. Yes physical diseases like viruses are real, but more emphasis would be placed on happiness if our economy was more egalitarian. Helplessly watching as billionaire elites loot our treasury and savings and blame it on the inflation they caused is terrible, so sanity must be maintained for me not by totally ignoring the problems, but addressing the problems with compassion because most people do not seem to be able to understand complex problems through angry shouting. Although boring lectures or dialog has the problem of being easy to ignore, it has the advantage of not being seen as a terrorist threat to the soldiers of the plutocrats. Most of us will continue to avoid addressing the problems of pollution or economics directly in our lives in order to receive paychecks which solve the immediate problem of paying bills, but perpetuate the worst problems which are too large to comprehend or explain in a few sentences with the evidence that so many refuse to take as proof of existential crisis of civilization larger than Covid. Yes I believe that economic inequality and environmental pollution are a combined crisis more important than Covid, although Covid certainly distracts and makes it all worse.

Research and support are the unseen forces behind anything substantial my work. You have made it possible for me to go on. We ask from time to time “What is the point? If nothing matters because we are all doomed, then why bother doing anything?” Suicide to me is not a good answer, as I believe there to be value to Life in general. Yes humans are hypocrites and a predatory threat to themselves and others, but Nature has nasty paradoxes that confuse our mammalian brains, which perhaps are binary by default (two cerebral hemispheres seeking “yes or no” answers to “black and white” questions). Self-preservation and compassion are important primary parts of our programming (to me), and so my mind is aggressively programmed to solve problems concerning both of those key components to my life.

While I value my artistic aspects to be worth more to me personally, society values my finances to be worth more monetarily; and so exploring our Capitalist Stock Market rigging and corruption is the most scientific of my projects using data and math (basic numbers, chart matrices, algebra algorithms, fractal interpretations). The social and economic market manipulation by plutocrats on the masses via commercial propaganda and institutional exclusion is incredible in detail, albeit again too boring for most people to explain to others who lack the technical language. As with politics, the problems cannot be explained or even admitted by servants of the rich elites who pay them, as pawns and peons can be replaced easily. However as more job cuts occur, more abused henchmen and sacrificial lackeys are speaking out publicly regarding “secrets”.

The systemic corporate and government lies covering crimes and mistakes sustain functioning, even by an empire in decline. The lessons of how past empires transitioned into different era ages or epochs in history are probably worth reflecting on in our daily meditations more than we might think. We do not want to think that history repeats exactly, but the rhymes made by fractal patterns are fascinating for anyone interested in weaving. Weaving is important for stories, tapestries, nets, baskets, and clothing. Pattern recognition is one of the indicators which determined to the educational system which of us was “gifted and talented”, although most of us “autists” are cursed by our gifts to also be weird. For me although the Roman plagues combined with other corrupt problems of empire resulted in the Medieval Dark Age hundreds of years before the “Black Death”, perhaps the best fact to focus on is that civilization continued despite the decline of empires. Empires transition just as cultures and languages do, into other cultural conglomerates of various changing cellular determinations.

The problems of evaluating art regarding literal vs abstract symbolism will always be a huge part of my work. From my writing, to my drawings, to my audio recordings, I will continue to try to show that it is not just my own work that i am representing, but the value of ‘common creation’ that can be done by anyone and often is accomplished and discarded as rubbish. When I publish my flawed work, I am telling others it is ok to express yourself and to show others. Those who do not respect or appreciate what we do at any moment, are condemned to their own hell. Whether we are also dragged to the levels of suffering by critics is debatable and subjective.

Here are some of my Winter works:

  1. Stock Market research, writing, art, and audio recordings
  2. Writing 3 books: MIC Mysteries, Eco-Romance, and Irish-Romance
  3. Yoga meditation exercises (part of the research evaluation and creation process)
  4. Random music and reading recordings published on Audiomack
  5. SCOD essays and posts

Yule blessings to you!

Sincerely, Drogo Empedocles

ps – maybe my new show could be called “Depressing But True”


Cars of the future are here!

Posted in Futurist, Technology - Vehicles with tags , , , , on August 10, 2021 by Drogo

Essay by Diana Brandt 2021

Over the last decade, solo entrepreneurs with their private investors have been betting on our future moving into the flying car age. There are established companies also investing in this future with their ongoing testing of autonomous flying taxis with Uber also already setting up leases for pad use on various buildings in metro areas globally. Why? It is not just a move towards these new vehicles due to Climate Change, it is about tech in general and the more ease we have with tech, the more desire it will continue to create.

The pandemic of 2020 actually has accelerated businesses into getting on board with the online space. These individual pivots that companies had to make have opened them up to wanting to try new technologies. Business owners that had been resistant are now streamlining their systems to be more online-based. The combination of the pandemic and the fact that climate change is real has ushered in a new human yearning that wants to explore becoming socially and environmentally conscientious. Part of this consciousness is moving into robotics and automation to help at streamlining our vast economic systems, and with that will be autonomous vehicles. This is going to be the first tier of cars that will lead us into the flying car revolution. People are investing in these technologies to ensure that these vehicles are going to get better. For example, the Uber taxi is going to be autonomous; there are prototypes of it right now that are being test-flown.

Presently, these prototypes look more like helicopters and the reality is that if you were to buy one of these flying cars today, the infrastructure is not set up to support use of it. You can drive it down the street, but to actually fly it, you would have to schedule your flight time at a local airport, and then drive into that airport and take off from there.

What this means is that you would have to land at another airport, which is not necessarily that convenient, because the whole purpose of a flying car is for it to be convenient. So, what do I mean by this? We really want what we’ve seen in futuristic films, such as Back to the Future¸ and even in the cartoon TV series, The Jetsons. We want cars like what we have that will literally go from driving on the road to taking flight, straight from the street. We do not want to be at the airport. The sooner people embrace the flying car age, the sooner we will have the infrastructure built. What does this mean?

It means that we will need a different kind of road system, and the cars initially will drive autonomously. The technology is there for cars to hover, with the first hover car being manufactured in Japan. Hover cars are going to be the real way to be driving; we’re no longer going to have wheels to the ground. This will be our second-tier vehicle. Now, hover cars will be autonomous, and they literally will be able to park on your driveway or in your garage, so wheels will come down, but when you’re actually on the road, the car will go into hover mode. Think about this: because the cars will be hovering, our roads won’t actually need to be tarmacked or cement, and to help mitigate climate change and the urban heat island, the roads will reflect heat, not absorb it. What kind of material will be the best for these kinds of new roads? This answer is going to come from biotechnology. They will be able to create a plant-like material that will create greenbelts that we will hover over. When the infrastructure gets into place for the hover, autonomous vehicle, the other beautiful thing is that it will be zero emissions; we’ll leave no carbon footprint. The hope is that we’ll have a break-through on energy, and that the break will come through fusion – at that point we’ll be adept at mastering fusion. Fusion is a clean technology, so once the key is turned to that, we’ll be able to have cars that are smooth, flying, and with no negative or dirty emissions.

However, these cars will have to be regulated to not just fly wherever they want to fly. We will follow the old road systems, but instead of having our lanes going out, we’ll have our lanes going up, at the height of about four stories. Among engineers this has already become a highly debated topic about whether or not cars should fly, because for some the concern is wind turbulence and for scenic views becoming obstructed and the other concern is light pollution that the cars would generate in the sky making it harder for people to view the night sky near the literal fly lanes. Another concern that has come up is to understand the environmental impacts of flying cars with an emphasis on wildlife ecology. For example, wildlife can be on the highway greenbelts making the environment safer for native animals, and of course the wandering domestic pet, in that they’ll be less likely to get injured or crushed; preventing road kill. Here is an example of how there will be work arounds, so as we enter a dense city with high buildings, people will have to go into hover mode, so you won’t be able to go into fly mode in downtown LA. But, when you’re on regular streets that aren’t as densely populated, you’ll be able to do low fly mode at one story, about 15 feet. However, on our highways we will fly up to four stories, (62 feet). Our lighting systems will be different; instead of using the fiber optic streetlights that we have right now, civil engineers are replacing them with drones that will not only light the paths, but be designated to configure the flight lanes.

In the daytime, the autonomous vehicles can read the light colors, so it doesn’t matter if they’re visible to us or not, the cars will see them. The closer to the surface you are to the greenway, that’s the slower lane, and the higher up you go – those are the faster lanes. People have this question? Will they ever be able to fly their flying cars? And the answer is, “Yes!” When you’re on a desert road, and there are no cops around, you can open it up, right? Same with a flying car – when you’re on an open road, with no other vehicles, you’ll be able to open it up, but that’s not to say that there won’t be cops on your tail!

Will we still have ads and billboards? You bet you! What will those look like? They’ll be the specific drones that will flash onto your windshield ad images that will take the place of a billboard, so to put another way, the windshield of your car will pick up the digital images. The other cool part to this air highway is that it will move according to the cars’ vibrations. Highway drones will be designated to hold a lane that will move like a river by making adjustments to shift with the high and low traffic, it will oscillate up and down. Depending on how many cars are in that lane, the lanes will adjust; it will be the same with these drone lanes in the sky. If there aren’t a lot of cars, the lane will be a little narrower, and if there are more vehicles, the lane will widen.

People wonder – what will happen to trucks? Trucks are so massive, there’s no way they can fly? And, you’re right; trucks will not be flying, instead, they’re talking about using magnetism. It’s basically these travel shoots that will move cargo very quickly in pods. Right now, it’s still in the prototype model stage, in testing, but it will be a network created globally, so that these pod deliveries will happen very fast. The technologies that we’re talking about now releasing are just the building blocks of what is going to come in the next 10 to 20 years. We potentially could move into it faster if people embrace these new technologies sooner.

The other part to this picture that people can’t imagine, because we don’t have it yet, is that we will have robotic trash cleaners, just like in the film, Wall-E. It literally will be a robot that’s low flying that will collect any debris that has landed on the greenbelt. Most people will not litter, but whatever litter there is, it will be collected this way. Ideally, we will be functioning as a closed loop global economy. And what does that mean exactly? That most things will be created for reuse; most of the packaging and materials used for products will be set up for reuse. We will have transitioned to a green, environmentally conscientious society on a global scale. And this transition is happening now, but many people don’t realize the relevancy of it yet, but as climate change worsens, more and more people will realize that we’ve got to do something quickly about this, because Mother Nature can be and is unforgiving.

What about buses, one might wonder, public transportation? Many of the public transportation technologies are being developed in Asia. One of them right now exists, and it’s taken a long time for the West to adopt it, the fast train, aka bullet train. We will not have flying public transit. We will have these public transportation movers that will glide along the street, over and above anything below it; it will probably hover about one story up. It won’t be like a bus. It will be more like being on a ferry boat; you’ll walk up, and it will be more like being in a giant lobby; with seats, a concession stand, a bar, and there will be food, and you’ll be able to look around with great views. Your signal to get off will already be linked to your watch or your mobile phone, and then you’ll know to get off.

There are different types of people movers that are being discussed, from monorails, to fast trains, to magnetic pods, that all depend on the type of infrastructure that we build to support them. The only public transit that will be flying are taxis, and those flying taxis will not stay within the designated four levels; they will be the only vehicles allowed to land on buildings, the way that helicopters do. In some cases, they will be interfaced with other public transit, meaning that it might fly you to a point such as a train or people mover, so they complement each other. Or, it will take you to the building that you’re staying at or entertaining at. Believe it or not, these cars are going to be more efficient, meaning that we will get to places much faster, there will be fewer accidents, because they will be autonomous vehicles, and we will be able to do things that we were never able to do before such as sleeping during our commute. The safety levels will
increase, and the accident levels will decrease.

It sounds like a dream, but this is the utopia that we’re moving into, and I personally hope that people vote for it sooner rather than later, so I can buy my flying car in the next couple of years.


[ Links to be added later ]


Economic Sustainability

Posted in Adaptive Reuse, Deconstructionism, Economics, Futurist, Protests / Riots, SCOD Designs, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , on July 2, 2021 by Drogo

Temporary Values vs Sustained Values

Temporary values are shorter trends, fads, and fashions that are generational or even more fleeting like annually, monthly, weekly, or daily. Sustained values are longer term investments in cultures like gold, silver, copper, and other resources, materials, and ethics. Both are time scale dependent.


Stock Fundamentals

When corporate hedgies want to talk about fundamentals, tell them we have changed the value set to include primates. Stock prices now are fundamentally valued according to their worth to ape lives, as well as profit making capacities.


Success Secret

The secret to sustaining success in progressive philosophy is to focus on boring details rather than radical change (see Chomsky and Gage). One is less likely to be a threat to the establishment authorities if one is too bold, so any architect who seeks a better way for anything should plan slowly considering foundations, scale, and all details; with years of public notice to all parties (including elves). Public and establishment sentiment should be aligned before work is started, to sustain authority over new structures with justified reasoning as common sense.

Communicate and act always in such a way that you would want ‘deep state’ clandestine ‘secret’ agencies to; and with such considerate metaphor and artistic method that it would be easy for others to learn from your sources to interpret as you have, and to reach conclusions in line with your own, for the benefit of society and civilization.

(more later)

Condemned To Irrelevance

Posted in Economics, Politics, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , on April 3, 2021 by Drogo

In public society or popular culture it is generally assumed that we must be part of the corporate commercial 2-party system, because if we sell-out individual integrity to become company approved elite icons, politicians, or their fans we will be relevant to the dominant trends (no matter how fake famous people are behind the illusions and masks). In our system corporations do not want a 3rd political party because it would threaten their control over the 2 established parties. So corporate media encourages the rhetorical talking point threat of independent individuals being “Doomed to obscurity” and “Condemned to irrelevance”, which is what they advocate their masses to do to those who rebel against their oligarchy. The plutocrats who pull the strings do not want their authority questioned, and would rather keep the facade of a democratic sports competition with only two official legitimate teams. The propaganda that nothing more is possible is backed by three threats: smearing, torture, and ignoring.

We have witnessed these three propaganda enforcement threats being used recently. Bernie Sanders and other alternative candidates were smeared as ‘Russian agents’ or ‘anti-Semetic’. Julian Assange and Manning were imprisoned and tortured without trial for exposing the crony corruption of the MIC system. Also Bernie Sanders pointed out that Nader and the Green Party gets ignored, and thus he ran as a Democrat to not be ‘condemned to irrelevance’ like most common people or grassroots leaders. Most of us are doomed to obscurity in popular culture, so it is interesting this is not discussed more. Perhaps we need to condemn commercial culture to obscurity, and reverse the trends so our economy is trickle-up, instead of trickle-down; because trickle-down ain’t workin for most of us who are trying to build on what we were given, not get buried by debt. Actually more of us should remember to be more like Ralph Nader, and he certainly matters and is not forgotten.

i paid 30,000 for an education that taught me i would not make much profit ethically working hard or doing the most important things in life that i loved, and would not be able to afford the cost of living as an adult until i paid off the debt, which meant i had to go from teaching to the military where i got told i was nothing, and the only way to get stable income was to help wage war on working class people foreign and domestic. Meanwhile everytime our economy and pollution got worse, the worst companies got bailed out. So yeah hedgies can f* themselves, i aint leavin.


Eco-Leaks Founder Esteban Servat

Posted in biology, Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Legal / Laws, Organic Development, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , , on January 20, 2021 by Drogo

Esteban Servat is the founder of EcoLeaks. He is an Argentine-American biologist living in Berlin. He spent nearly a decade working in the Silicon Valley, where he also got his master’s of Biotechnology. Sick and tired of the world of Silicon Valley, he moved back to Argentina to start a project to create a self-sustainable, multicultural community in Mendoza province. Everything was going well until the government brought fracking to the province. Then he suddenly turned into an activist and created EcoLeaks.

[Activism Munich interview video]

[Servat Interview Transcript]


Unabomber Manifesto Summary

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Politics, Technology - Vehicles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 18, 2020 by Drogo

Summary of the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Manifesto ‘Industrial Society and Its Future’

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski (aka FC), is an extreme anarchist mathematician murderer who bombed people based on his luddite manifesto. Luddites generally believe that most humans should not rely on high technology, because technology is a powerful tool that we are not responsible enough to use sustainably enough for the benefit of the world as a whole. Many people distrust reliance on technology for logical reasons. One of the main reasons for being skeptical about technology is the same reason that every automatic machine should have a shut off switch or manual mode; because machines can get out of control and can become unresponsive. The best designers and inventors know this if they value function. 

The Unabomber manifesto is basically libertarian-anarchy with a luddite-terrorist conclusion. The first chapter is an attack on left-wing liberals like i hear from Fox News or Alex Jones. Ted believes ‘Leftism’ is dangerous for a variety of opinionated and generalised right-wing framed reasons. The main plot of the manifesto is that Luddite terrorism is necessary because science, industry, and technology are limiting our liberty. ‘Technophiles’ need to be stopped by violent revolution for Nature to rule again. It is unclear whether Ted considered ‘Green’ environmental activists to be Leftist, but he seems to find some agreement with them. Towards the end he tends to attack right-wing nationalism and Capitalism. 

Ted said we “cannot eat our cake and have it too” regarding technology in civilization, because it creates addicts. Rebels should have more kids, to help use technology to destroy the technological system. Then he attacks Leftism again as collectivist over-socialized power subversion of total revolution. Ted believes Leftists want moral global totalitarianism, with an obvious right-wing (Rightist?) propaganda bias. A final end note says some of his statements are false, but Leftists still suck.

Ted bombed and killed multiple times over 17 years. Ted built his package bombs in his Montana simple shed style tiny cabin in the woods. The case was solved by linguistic analysis of Ted’s manifesto and letters, and cooperation of his brother with the FBI. Ted is held permanently at the super-max prison in Colorado, having pled guilty. While many people can relate to his anti-social feelings, love of nature, and politics; and less can sympathize with his primary hatred of technology; only a small criminal minority would agree with his violent actions. 

In two documentaries on the Unabomber there is reference to his brainwashing MK-Ultra tests conducted on him by a Harvard Professor who was contracted with the CIA. Ted was a young freshman (only 16) when he was subjected to intense psychological torture. His extreme and naive manifesto may be the ruins of his mind from that period in his life, and his terrorism a desire for sadistic attention and random revenge on society for subjecting him to itself. 

It is ironic of course that a mental ill person sees others as sick, not them-self. Who is completely well? When i hear most people talk they frequently say “im not into conspiracy theories, but…” then they go on to express their own opinion on a popular half-baked theory. it is popular more than ever for everyone to deny they believe in theories that are conspiracies, or conspiracies that are theories. I guess it is because they believe their ideas are not fake, and it is popular to not be fake while living in a commercial artificial world. Weird and wacky. Is it a new way to call different groups of people liars or unscientific? Is there a need to talk about anyone who is a potential competitor and considers different ideas to be subversive and wrong? Perhaps this is a constant theme in society historically, and gate guardians of the establishment enforce the dress code. Every modern era must have its own trendy terms i suppose. I hope there comes a day when most of us can agree that Ted was insane (more wrong that we are), and so are Trump fans (a large portion of the population).

SCOD Update Summary 2020

Posted in Recommendations & Tributes, SCOD Designs, SCOD Status Update Reports, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 16, 2020 by Drogo

2020-2021 SCOD New Years Update

It was almost 20 years ago that I finished the SCOD Thesis, and graduated from SCAD. I had already dedicated my life to questioning authority and worshiping nature; but I still thought that our adult professional system had at least a few jobs with the government or small business that would fit me fine and allow me to take care of my living needs. While I was able to work several jobs in multiple fields, I never found a single sustainable livelihood that fit me; therefore I had to make my own organically from scratch.

We have made some successful developments with SCOD, even if I have failed to build a physical architectural village experiment at full scale. Due to the large real-life risks we learn through years of experience and research, small scale studies may often be wiser in practice. Sketches, models and games are valid crafts even as an end result. I am grateful to my partners and associates, as they have helped to create scod art work regardless of my own limitations.

SCOD philosophy has been tested harshly over the years, yet I still believe that our commercial conventional corporate system is majorly flawed in several ways. One major scod advance in 20 years regarding the problems is that I can not only list them and ask questions, but I have some more answers. I have had periods to work on problems with partners, and arrive at project conclusions (if not solutions). SCOD theory was always bigger than architecture, because it was based on social and natural conditions that happen to involve designs.

Here are some notes on our systemic problems:

1. While we can sustain pollution, population, and corruption at the rate of increase, the results of our ‘perpetual growth’ progress program (manifest destiny) may make civilization more hellish with worse conditions for the masses. We can work on serious smart growth by desiring to include, rather than exclude alternative people who gets lost in the cracks. We can compare the facts of collapse (histories of empires and species extinctions) with theories of perpetual growth (limitless production/consumption).

2. It seems there will always be an elite plutocratic few, who control the oligarchs and secret societies and agencies. It may be through our educational institutions and democratic politics that we are able to assert more self-control to regulate power and wealth. Propaganda polarization is not helpful when it divides the working class; whether it is about the right to life for humans unborn or born, or reckless growth vs no growth. This extreme division politically serves corporate owners, not the people in general. ‘No growth’ is a term used to attack conservation as being foolish, but conservation management is a sustainable practice in historic preservation and environmentalism.

3.  Competition and cooperation are permanent critical components of society; but these essential aspects involve legal tools of technology and economics which continue to evolve based on failures and achievements. Rather than focusing our snobbish egos on profit, perhaps we can challenge each-other to compete to be better at cooperating for future generations. Heroes can continue to help the poor consumer masses to boycott companies who are the greedy worst. 

4. Commercial corporate media will barely report substantially on pollution or corruption. It is hard for most people to even be factually informed while working jobs, because pay has not kept up with the cost of living. We must organically network and communicate more, with meritorious egalitarian help.

5. We have done well to document existing small scod gardens and farms. Stay tuned for more about small business and economics. When personal finances or public/private grants cover our basic needs, most of us function better; not only to do better work, but also to be happier, generous, and compassionate. More international examples and studies to come regarding UBI and social securities.

We continue to study and design for a better future. – Drogo

“I work for the American Heritage Dictionary, … believe me the lunatics are running the asylum.”  – Steven Pinker


Largest Strike In Modern History

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Critical Commentary of Civilization, jobs, Legal / Laws, news, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , , , on December 6, 2020 by Drogo

December 2020 Indian Labor & Farm General Strike Against Corporate Deregulation

250 million citizens protested and marched for the civil rights of workers and farmers in India. This general strike was the largest in modern world history, but was mostly ignored by corporate media due to corporate crony corruption in government. Corporations have paid government officials to act on their behalf, and allow corporations to deregulate (remove) socialist government programs and that small businesses depend on for scraps in a capitalist world monopolized by large commercial companies. In America we are less organized, and have been successfully confused by corporate propaganda which makes us think that ‘free market capitalism’ is good and government is bad. Even American 3rd party Libertarians tend to believe that it is utopian to allow big business to run everything, while suppressing democracy. In corporate consumer culture the only democracy they want us to practice is choosing a brand to buy; while eliminating competitive brands by any means necessary for their private profit.

[ Video commentary about India’s Strike by Prof. Wolff ]

Post-Modern Business Theory

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Ethics & Morals, inventions, jobs, Legal / Laws with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 4, 2020 by Drogo

SCOD Economic Theory for Post-Modern Transition to Progressive Futurism

SCOD Theory is about designing sustainable communities by focusing on small farms, small business, and organic architecture. Small business should not sell-out by modeling itself on big business; but diverse income sources are necessary to keep communities adaptable, and not reliant on one person or mono-crop. Small business will never be stable, until the modern wealth transfer is reversed back to at least a New Deal 1950’s balance that requires plutocrats to share (see Scrooge). The reversal must be demanded from low grass-roots, but needs to be enforced at the highest national level legally. In general as a whole the gig economy will keep most of us as scavengers or pawn assets easily sacrificed at any moment by monopolies. Small business cannot compete as a way of life with big business (small business is almost as endangered as small farms); unless future changes are made to our system or it collapses. Everyone will become slaves to big corporations if things progress the way they are now.

There is a generational divide (as usual) regarding economic theory. Baby-Boomers were products of the MIC profits of WW2 and the New Deal. Most people understand industrial war profits of victory, but few have appreciated the history of labor unions and government social security from taxation, common welfare, and public services and works. The New Deal (FDR’s Gov vs Big Business deal) was important because it stopped a socialist revolution by taxing the rich heavily, which is part of the 1950s small business success and public programs like schools, transportation, police, and libraries; that was never seen again as plutocrats steadily increased the wealth gap again (see Piketty). Reaganomics ‘trickle down’ economics was the 1980s promise of consolidated commercial power, that cake crumbs would be all we would ever need as long as we let the rich get richer and not ‘punish success’ with egalitarian humanist laws. The main problem of course is that we are not a meritocracy and ‘Global Trumpism’ (see Mark Blyth) is the epitome of believing the myth of the strong business ‘confidence man’ as a just ruler or benevolent dictator. Populism turns to despotism when democracy relies on ‘strong bosses’ who lie their way into power and want to be dictators (see Fascism). Generation-X and younger are products of Baby-Boomer Corporate consolidation of power for profits at the highest levels, and destruction of small local businesses everywhere.  

Currently we have populism vs corporatism; with the corporate media dividing the 2-party system lower and middle class majority using corporate media propaganda. The upper class uses corporate media to sell the idea that populism does not benefit the population, and is called ‘extreme’. Corporate control is called ‘centrist’ because the sell-outs of the 2-party system come together as puppets for plutocrats. Populist Bernie Sanders did not even recommend UBI, and was buried by corporate media and the DNC. However Donald Trump stole most of Bernie’s populist platform ideas and won with them, because the media propped Trump up as ‘the bad cop’. Yang made UBI his major issue, as a rich business populist; but still did not reconcile the increasing wealth gap with the big business desire to remove other aspects of government social support. Joe Biden has been a corporate centrist champion for removing social security and healthcare benefits ‘from the table’ by putting them on the chopping block in bi-partison negotiations; and so he certainly is not interested in UBI.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is important because it allows lives to literally be worth more (from zero or negative amounts), and removes profit dependency for more people to work independently or with others for other reasons like science, art, ecology, therapy, experiments, or fun. Mark Blyth mentioned UBI could function as a federal bank for economic stability for all, not just social security for a few. Blyth says two points about creating stakes for more people to be involved in a better sustained democracy: 1. Create a ‘Citizen Wealth Fund’ for economic equilibrium (market stabilization) 2. Create a Carbon New Deal (don’t use the loaded left-wing word Green).

Besides examples of socialist systems and UBI programs in various economies that function well (see China, Central & South America, Europe & Scandinavia), I have sought to prove my own reasoning regarding financial mathematics. Six months into Project WS-20 have successfully proven that I not only understand corporate business, but my logic programming works specifically well for capital gain.

Project WS-20, 2020 Season Profit = $1500+, Fall Total = $21,000+

Seasonal gross profit goal met. New goal is to hold $5,000 to float until next crash, let it reach a reasonable floor, then buy most shares under $100. Building yield assets for passive income dividends. All securities are in good standing, no debt.

[ AUDIO Recording of Essay ]

Existential Reality Layers

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Politics, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 19, 2020 by Drogo

Lee Camp’s Existential Layers of Reality

(Corporate media rules are not to explore further than level 1)

Layer 1: Surface Appearance

Layer 2: Corporate Oligarchs always win

Layer 3: Global Capitalist Ecological Destruction

Layer 4: What is money? What are countries? What is property?

Layer 5: What is existence? (hint matter=energy)

Liquid Propane (HHO)

Posted in Technology - Vehicles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 15, 2020 by Drogo

Tom’s take on Alternative Fuel

With bio-diesel and wood gas… you want to use a carburetor or at most an old school injector setup. While newer injectors are more fuel efficient with the ECU mappings tied to the rest of the engine, that also means they REQUIRE a particular grade of fuel to function optimally.

I like the concept of veggie oil for fuel, but it’s not always practical. Wood gas is completely renewable but requires a reactor to create it. (So do all bio fuels though)

Now… if I were trying to come up with a cleaner, cheaper and more sustainable fuel to reduce waste of internal combustion engines?

My answer would be liquid propane or HHO (“browns gas”) or a combination of both.

HHO can be derived from SEAWATER. It’s literally infinite.

Wait what?!?!?!!  You say? It’s essentially electrically separated water that burns the hydrogen and oxygen in the combustion chambers/cylinders. You can run a car on it.  The problem is a bunch of assholes in the late 90’s and early 2ks gave it a bad rap by making outlandish claims and using mason jars and hardware store stuff to make their generators.. that worked but they way they pitched it was to “save gas, increase mileage”. Catch is they didn’t quite explain HOW, but happily sold books for $100 for people to try it at home culminating in the mythbusters BUSTING it as a mpg extender but agreeing that it did indeed burn.

There are welding tools and small equipment that are sold to “run on water”.  The catch is you need electricity to generate the gas and when it is no longer applied it reverts to water.

I personally experimented with it. Made a cool torch.  Now it’s a cool conversation piece.

It’s SUPER volatile stuff!

– Tom Overbey