Cannabis is American and Patriotic

Cannabis is American and Patriotic!
Hemp for Ethanol Fuel, Cloth, Paper, Oils, etc.

Few plants are as useful as Cannabis. Hemp and Marijuana are both varieties of the same species, Cannabis. Hemp provides natural, renewable, biodegradable, and non-polluting solutions for many human products. It has an edible seed, nutritious edible oil (usable also as a combustible fuel), strong quality fiber, and a natural medicine all of which have been important for America and the World over the years.

Before the Mid 1800’s most ships were rigged with Hemp rope and sails. Hemp was used in the oakum that sealed the ships boards, in the cloth for sailor and soldier uniforms, and in flags and paper. Our pioneer wagons were covered in hemp canvas. The word ‘canvas’ comes from the name cannabis, from ancient Sumerian and Babylonian languages. America’s founding fathers including George Washington were keen growers of hemp, and Thomas Jefferson was probably the first Hemp activist. Realizing its value to the health and prosperity of the nation, Jefferson encouraged farmers to grow hemp instead of tobacco.

Hemp was the material for European paper makers and made into some of the finest books ever made; including the Guttenberg and King James bibles, and many other famous works. America’s first Declaration of Independence was also printed on hemp paper. Deforestation for paper-making is a problem that could be greatly relieved by us growing hemp and using its superior pulp. Hemp does not require pesticides or herbicides agriculturally. Cannabis can be grown in many different climates in the world. It grows like a ‘weed’ with a long tap root, long stalk, and thick foliage.

The original Levi’s jeans were made from recycled canvas made from hemp fiber. Henry Ford used hemp and other natural fibers to make his cars in 1941. “Reefer Madness” was a theatrical murder-drama filmed as propaganda against Cannabis by Petrol Chemical (Oil related) Companies. A patriotic film called “Hemp for Victory” was positive propaganda for Hemp and WWII, but like other pro-hemp references it was hidden because Cannabis is illegal.

Although corn used to make ethanol has presented many problems, hemp used for ethanol is ideal in our climate. Brazil uses ethanol from sugar cane on a mass scale for most of their vehicles, so for us hemp is most comparable. The emissions from ethanol are far less than from crude oil. Ethanol is not as fuel efficient in the tank, but it burns much cleaner and from cultivation to refinement it is more energy efficient than Oil drilling, piping, and refining combined.

Hemp Cannabis as an agricultural crop has very low THC, unlike the “Pot” Marijuana variety of Cannabis cultivated as a medicinal and recreational drug version. Hemp may have a cute name, like Pot, but neither one is really a joke because they are both a serious resource. Cannabis in all its forms should not be feared either. Cannabis is not just for “druggies”, as many seem inclined to believe. Hemp is a true alternative to using crude oil which is a polluting fossil fuel, and toxic even in all its refined petroleum and plastic bi-products, many of which could also be replaced with hemp based materials. Slowly through better education, we are becoming aware that Cannabis is one of the most natural drugs and renewable resources that we could ever hope for.

Also Marijuana Cannabis has benefits like anger management, pain relief, calming, relaxing, meditation, healing, working out, etc….

Cannabinoids (CBs) are a class of 400 natural chemical protein compounds. CB Endogenous ligands or ‘endo-cannabinoids’ are produced in our bodies, and naturally activate CB receptors in our brains. Some cannabinoids like anandamide (AEA) are also found in plants. Plant cannabinoids or ‘phyto-cannabinoids’ are found in cannabis (THC), echinacea (alkylamides), acmella oleracea, heli-chrysum umbra-culigerum, black truffles, and radula marginata. THC emulates AEA when it binds to receptors.

85 CBs are found in cannabis, one of which is THC. THC suppresses neuro-transmitter release; with a variety of effects in various parts of the brain. Mostly THC stimulates and inhibits mental and physical functions in odd ways. In the hippo-campus area it disrupts regular short-term memory patterns. All of the THC effects alter consciousness which can be used for relaxation, meditation, and other purposes, without damaging brain cells. Many people find THC effective for managing stress, pain, anger, and some can even achieve a ‘zone’ of concentration.

– From the documentaries Hemp Revolution, American Weed, Weed Wars, and other free online sources that cite scientific studies


One Response to “Cannabis is American and Patriotic”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you!!!

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