Archive for the propaganda Category

Wizard of Oz as the MIC

Posted in Politics, propaganda, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 26, 2023 by Drogo

A good way to explain the propaganda between the 2 parties is the Wizard of Oz (the MIC) hiding behind the curtain, everything else is a distraction. When we look behind the curtain, we can see the transparent motives of war for profit. Without the disguise, war would not seem profitable to most of us, and we would know who was responsible for the horrors of world wars on a mass scale involving millions of victims. Until that curtain is pulled back for all to see for themselves, those billionaires will not share power to decide our fates as nations.

It is healthy to remind ourselves about how much money is spent to lie to the public and manipulate us. They really want the working class divided and confused. “They” being the billionaire bosses of banks and companies, and their generals and officers and pawns that work for them.

Covid was a threat, but it was not because masks or the shots would do anything, it was because it was DESIGNED to work that way, with no cure for the public. We still do not have a real vaccine for Covid that actually works like a vaccine. Long Covid is almost more common according to reports with those who were vaccinated.

The DNC with their abuse of power, is using the woke side to defend itself. Making issues of power about our appearances and tastes or life-styles or how were born is a great way for industrial leaders to divide the working class. The working class should normally care more about how they can afford to live than what color their friend’s friend is. But the fact that they are being replaced by robots or immigrants does matter, to workers as workers. Workers at least in theory should care more about survival than idiotic opinions on superficial beliefs that dont change anything, but amplify hatred, fear, and misplaced resentment. Instead workers are told by bosses that unions are pointless, because unions can be bought and gossip is full of conspiracy theories which can be lies (according to criminals who can be put on trial for conspiracy charges, they are all lies).

There is ongoing news behind the scenes in the stock market, ufology, and congress war of transparency with corporations. some good news this week, regarding ufos and stocks. Some in congress are demanding the SEC release some of their fraud data, but they are stonewalling due to the corporate capture of FINRA and SEC who cover up white collar crimes, specifically the short selling liquidation of countless companies to drain retail investor wealth.

Yes Ray McGovern, I did hear you quote the philosopher Winnie the Pooh recently. It seems we are on the same spiritual page. “When you care too much, it is called love.” When you care too much about what the MIC is doing to our country, it is patriotic because you love your country.

[more later]


Two Books on Russian Revolution

Posted in Politics, propaganda with tags , , on July 18, 2023 by Drogo

The two books are: ‘Road To Revolution‘, and ‘Masters of Russian Marxism‘.

In the 1860s Czarist Russia became aware that Capitalism and Monarchism were working together and were very similar. I am using 2 of my father’s old books to write about Russian Revolution history. I am seeing many similarities to modern US politics, as we seek for a politics to help the lower class 99%. Our US Military has functioned well as a communist dictatorship (government funded with shared and distributed properties). Evolution depends on us promoting democratic peace over war, otherwise authoritarian totalitarian fascism destroy civilization eventually.


Road to Revolution

Century of Russian Radicalism

by Avrahm Yarmolinsky

Published by Collier Books in 1962

WDS2 Book Review:

‘Road to Revolution’ is about the people and events of the Russian Revolution. Key words in its chapters are: Radishchev; Decembrists; Coasts of Utopia; Freedom?; Axes!; Future, Force, Fraud; Populism, Crusades, Liberty; People’s Will – Sic Semper Tyrannis; Pyrrhic Victory. ‘Road to Revolution’ admits in the introduction it does not fully cover rebellions of earlier Russians under Czars before the 1800s. There were several popular mutinies involving Cossacks which did not overthrow the Russian system of monarchy leading up to 1917, some of which are summarized in early chapters.

The Russian Revolution is a story of “haves and have nots” since 1790. It is a journey from Petersburg to Moscow. Fedor Krechetov was a Russian philosopher who created a secret liberal enlightenment society for slavic royalty who dared to want peace with foreigners and equality of classes. Krechetov’s books and works of other liberal authors were forbidden and the authors were considered to have “depraved weak minds” by traditional conservatives. Potemkin was an author with foreign sympathies, as he liked Shakespeare and identified with Brutus in his play about a Roman political coup.

Russian Decembrist secret societies who opposed the Czars existed by 1801. Czars were emperors of the Royal Russian Empire, and their main enemies were other nobles. Czar Paul I was “strangled in bed” by titled conspirators, based on the pretext of him being too mentally deranged to hold power. In 1809 Speransky proposed a Magna Carta type constitution for nobles. The Speransky Constitution pissed off conservative Czar loyalists, so military settlements were made to control kingdoms in the Russian Empire (see ‘Fiddler On The Roof’). The next Czar directed Russian State revenue mostly to military maintenance, to swallow up public funds that might otherwise support popular resistance.

However most nobles still agreed that if people were free to think and compete economically with the royal minority, royal power would diminish. So brutalizing the population was preferable to making any improvements. Every aspect of common life for the majority of the masses was made militant. Peasants were regimented by barracks, drums, and squads. The serf caste was cheap canon fodder on front lines of imperial wars. Marriages were State arranged.

One third of the male population was in the Russian military, whose campaigns of 1813-14 drained resources which created famines and genocides. Later “Communist” dictators and oligarchs coped this tyranny tradition. Serfdom began to show signs that Capitalism would be hindered under Russian monarchy. Who would have money to pay for consumer products?

Czar Alexander’s Jacobin gang and his henchman Arakcheyev oppressed Russian serfs and peasants harshly using the military. Even some conservatives began to think something must give. The Royal Secretary wrote “The Russian Revolution conflagration will start with these notorious settlements.” Czar Alexander justified ruthless military violence as necessary to sustain the Russian Empire.

Despite successfully repressing the lower class masses, the royal military drained national wealth so much that they could only afford slave labor. Lafayette wrote to Jefferson and referred to this conservative reaction by Russian monarchy as a “counter-revolution” to the Decembrist Constitution coup and assassination of Czar Paul. This crack-down by the Crown led to official foreign support for “White Russians” which would continue to the present. Later US bank and business interests would secretly undermine Russian sovereignty by supporting Anarchist and Communist Red Russians, thus hedging their Wall Street bets internationally.

In 1816 the Faithful Fatherland Society was a salvation for worker unions. Another group was founded in 1818 called the Welfare Union. This labor union function of local social groups is similar to the Masons, Odd Fellows, and other Western fraternal organizations. Meanwhile noble White Russians used the military to send rebels to criminal Siberian labor camps. 25 million rebels were sacrificed for the glory of the Russian Empire during the early 1800s.

So Russian worker societies planned a coup that would include the lower class, based on the Spanish Insurrection of 1820. The ‘Southern Society’ (SS) advocated a military coup, which the United Slavs opposed because they hated military control. To reduce military authority, the United Slavs (US) wanted the masses more involved in rebellion. However the SS convinced the US Russians that military officers would allow true democracy after the coup, when military order was re-established.

In 1825 Emperor (or Czar) Alex died in Taganrog from illness with no heir. His brother Constantine became heir to the Russian throne, but Constantine favored or was in debt to Grand Duke Nicholas; and so Constantine gave up the crown to Nicholas. The Northern Society used propaganda in support of Constantine, which indicated Constantine would be more likely to free serfs and reduce military service to 10 years. The Decembrists had an abortive coup during the Petersburg Putsch, which resulted in an orthodox catechism in the Russian Church. The assassins had failed, and in 1826 the Decembrist conspirators were hung. Czar Nicholas began defending himself against revolution from the start.

Belinsky was a Social-Capitalist who believed in defending a western industrial middle-class. By 1840 rebels were getting bold again. Marx and Engels published the ‘Communist Manifesto‘ in 1848. Marx slowly developed and popularized his own brand of Socialism internationally. Marx’s philosophy became well known politically all over Europe during the late 1800s, including Russia.

Russia signed a peace treaty with France in 1856. The next year Czar Nicholas began to make top-down progressive reforms to allow more citizen freedoms. probably to reduce bottom-up serf revolts and riots due to social unrest. Also in 1857 the anti-authoritarian Kolokol (‘Bell’) newspaper was published by Russians in England. The Kolokol was banned in Russia, but its peasant socialism was attractive to all liberal Europeans.

Chernyshevsky wrote a masters degree thesis on utilitarian aesthetics in Modern Art, the same year Alexander II ascended as Czar. In 1866 Karakozov tried to assassinate Czar Alexander II. Socialists wanted economic change first, which would lead to a more utopian future which they called Communism. There were Communist parties, but most agreed that the most that could be achieved in the short term realistically was a social or liberal friendly Capitalism to replace Monarchy.

Economic theories tend to mirror the classes who create them. Marx criticized Chernyshevsky as having “no concept of Capitalist production mode”, but learned Russian in part to read Cherny’s critique of the bourgeois. Cherny was the first famous Russian to see a nexus between Socialism and the machine system of industry. It was during this industrial revolution that the slavic word for worker ‘robot’, evolved internationally into “mechanical people”.

In the 1860s the General Assembly Constitutionalists (GAC) advocated communes (obshchina). GAC began educating the public about various forms of communes. Rural communes (obshchestvo) were distinguished from urban collective societies (mir). Communes were slavic tradition, but monarchy was also traditional so many slavophils were loyal to the Czar. Yes this book uses the “cz” spelling instead of “ts” for Russian emperors. The royal family by that point were the Romanovs (1613-1917). There were also parliamentarians and secret societies.

Progressive Russian liberals wanted laissez-faire Capitalism in addition to a constitutional monarchy; so it seems capitalists and monarchists became connected politically, while socialists, communists, and anarchists combined socially to oppose authorities. Perhaps news of the American Civil War influenced this awareness of how similar Capitalism can be to Monarchism. The lines between liberals and conservatives were less important to Russians of the late 1800s than the class struggle; due to economic, work conditions, and daily life priorities.

‘Get Your Axes!’ was an 1862 leaflet or revolution flyer from Young Russians, a group notorious for getting arrested. Also that same year they published the ‘Red Flag of Future’ manifesto. Russian revolution evolved from the majority masses wanting to exterminate the minority imperialists and their aristocrats in palaces.

By 1867 the anarcho-communist Bakunin was leading young socialists against elder aristocrats like czarist Herzen. In 1868 Bell news was silenced. Capitalism was a bugaboo hindering populism or ‘the people’s vengence’ (Nechayev). After the Crimean War (1853-1856) Marxism became more popular in Russia. By 1873 ‘Forward’ Marxist Socialism was divided between Lavrovists and Bakuninists. These propagandists were criminalized by Royal Russian authorities.

[the following notes are to be edited later]

1880s Prince Kropotkin anarcho-capitalist aristocrat

Grachevsky schismatic.

executive committee – political band of conspirators and assassins

Mensheviks vs Cossacks and Bolsheviks

Goldenberg. Sic Semper Tyrannis

attempts on Alexander II

anarchist terrorists

People’s Party

Union of South Workers. Black Repartition.

1888 Zurich bombs

1891-2 famine south-east provinces. Free Russian Press (London). topple monarchy eventually

1894 Marxists declared intellectuals and peasants were helpless to corruption. hope was with workers.

industrial proletariat were saviors because they literally were the means of production.

1898 Social-Dem Labor Party.


Masters of Russian Marxism

by Thornton Anderson

University of MD Appleton-CC NY 1963 Meredith Publishing


Plenkhanov – narodnik

2 Marxist Revolutions?

Martov, Trotsky, Lenin, Kuskova, Tolstoi, Bakunin, Plenkha, Belinski, Herzen, Cherny,

Plenk believed Russia had already become Capitalist, by over-taking village communes. Socialism would come from West (Europe) technology and Marxism.

Emancipation Group 1884 – Russian socialism base

peasant apathy

Lenin – political primacy over economics

orthodox Marxism 1917 October Revolution

father was middle class teacher of sciences, and Provincial Education Director.

older brother killed in 1887 in failed assassination attempted on Alexander III.

‘What Is To Be Done?’ 1902

Lenin vs Martov in Russian Congress.

Against the Mensheviks

‘One Step Forward, Two Steps Back’ 1904

party organization

bureaucracy vs democracy, centrism vs autonomism

‘Two Tactics of Social-Democracy’ 1905

‘US Europe’ 1915

Russia broken by anarachists and Narodniks, Lenin wanted to skip Capitalism, as its basic framework is corrupt as Monarchy.

“Proletarians (workers) must keep aware of bourgeois democracy to expand it to include them. This means the masses must be conscious, trained, and educated in open class war for equality. Democracy is the best political tactic. However to defeat our Czarist Monarchy we must use military dictatorship, to use violence. Otherwise conservative reactionists will break rebels institutionally, during their counter-revolution. The military dictator can be elected democratically, but it will not be Socialism yet, until stages of revolutionary development destroy Capitalism. The most unified class wins politics for their portion of national wealth.”

Proletariat unity

States can be socialist but boundaries should mean less in true Communism (without military rule). Democracy desires liberal tourism and cooperation, not authoritarian nationalist control. Communism demands an abolition of classes, for which the military is needing during revolution. The proletariat is the oppressed working class, under dictatorships of Capitalism. Banks and industries combine to finance the upper class plutocracy, which appoints oligarchs politically to oppress the lower class.

Monopoly is a transition from Imperial Capitalism to State Capitalism, which is National Socialism. Only later when National Socialism disbands their standing military and democratizes companies, will true National Communism be born.

Trotsky – minority power

Trotsky disagreed with Lenin and Stalin, but was drawn to Bolsheviks. Trotsky and Lenin were the main rebel leaders duing the 1917 October Revolution. Trotsky was the son of a successful Ukrainian kulak miller, raised around labor. He married a Marxist while in prison.

“Every previous revolution made the machinery of State more powerful, because more rules were made to perpetuate the problems which serve the rich.” – Marx 1852

“Rather than merely transfer military machine bureaucracy from one party to another, real revolution means to shatter such class structures.” – Marx 1971

In place of class Marx proposed national democratic communist government with a socialist economy providing survival basics and labor rights for all citizens, regardless of personal finances or income. Capitalism is an economic class system dedicated to rewarding accumulation of wealth, above sharing or spending of wealth (although spending is preferred over sharing due to financial market and monetary obsession). So there are no limits to the oppression of lower classes by the upper classes in Capitalist ideology, and in that way it is still very Feudal regarding ownership for an upper class minority, and something close to slavery for most others. Capitalism needs Socialist ideals for secular society ethics in economics. When Socialism governs Capitalism, plutocratic corruption of markets and politics is subject to restraint by rules that at least exist (even if they are not enforced enough).

Trotsky proposed Russia return to the pre-industrial free-market Capitalist economy that merchants enjoyed under Monarchy before corporate monopolies began to take power. Trotsky thought that centralized Industry controlled by government could benefit the masses as ‘State Communism’ in 1920. Anarchist Capitalism is basically free-market Libertarianism, which believed in decentralization. So basically Trotsky sold out to Fascist business bosses, like the other Marxist rebel leaders. As is so often the case, political leaders sell out any grass-roots populist bases they have, to the MIC who humans allow to run their economies by convention.

Proletarian dictatorship was considered a temporary bridge between the bourgeois and Socialist society, in Trotskyite political theory. Trotsky said that dictatorships should be eventually dissolved, but laws cannot overcome the failings of culture and economy without ethical will to help instead of hurt. The label of ‘Communism’ does not in itself actually expunge elites from society. The problems are deeper because social structures are more than just politics. Cultural psychologies must change before systemic paradigms can change, and that usually takes many small tweaks and failures of authorities and conservatives to adapt to social changes and outside conditions happening without their consent.

Corruption may be best treated as a personal and social psychology, since corruption ignores or destroys legal regulations like rust on gears. Adding an extra gear does not solve the rust. Regulation must involve oil and grease, and reports on distribution of output and rewards for all involved.

Kollontai, Ukrainian family, workers and women

Remove bureaucracy in political parties and then in government. Require all party leaders to have manual labor status based on work periods.

Bukharin and Osinski

1905 student demo Bukharin in Moscow felt betrayed by Lenin

Brest-Litovsk was abandoned to save Russia for Capitalist managers


Stalin – opposed Lenin publicly. posed as Lenin’s officer, but worked against him to secure his military might. practiced socialism under martial law. military control from above.

1912 – Stalin was a Georgian Social Democrat on the Bolshevik Control Committee. Stalin quoted Marx literally defending Peasants. “The Revolution was to be Capitalist at first, not Socialist, but then it became very Marxist due to the industrial horrors of WW1. People needed have ways to live when there were not markets available, because it was rich market-makers and stock-market industrialists who made industrial wars possible and financially and economically (through politics) caused them to happen. Peasants, on the other hand, practiced common wealth distribution.

1917 – Russian Central Government wanted Socialist control, which gave less to individuals. Stalin’s main rival for influence under Lenin, was Trotsky. Trotsky was a propaganda poet publicly, which influenced the public; but Stalin spoke military language privately and in secret, which was more deadly. Stalin also was more willing to work with industrialists, giving them more, and so they supported Stalin in return. Stalin also knew foreign Capitalists were already attacking Socialists publicly, even if they sometimes supported the rebels in secret to weaken Czarist Russian power.

1931 – Stalin announced he would force industrial advances to catch up to Europe and the USA.

1950 – Marxist problems of linguistics, application vs theory, political rhetoric vs ethical conviction

1952 – USSR economic problems of socialism. economic functions are beyond human legal limits. transition from socialism to communism was related to rural and urban equality progress.

Marxist doctrine says – In true national Communism there will be no state government, because it will be evolved enough in the future to be more egalitarian like anarcho-democracy. What prevents this is traditional culture of MIC, and foreign militaries will still be under Capitalist rule. To liquidate Capitalist enemies it would require an armageddon or apocalypse, which is unpredictable and too dangerous to be desirable in any rational plan.

Towns exploit the country around them, as cities exploit towns. There is antithesis also between physical and mental labor.

some disagreed with Yaroshenko

1. expand means and rates of production

2. all property is public

3. social cultural education: from each ability, to each work, to each need.


Communism is Socialism with no Capitalism remaining in the state system

Socialism is middle phase between Capitalism and Communism

Imperialism creates wars

Leninist principle of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems is Russian policy.


The Start of World War 3

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Economics, Military, news, propaganda, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , on February 25, 2023 by Drogo

Our Ukraine War against Russia is the start of WW3.

Our MIC is going to destroy 99% of the population. The 1% have hoarded so much international wealth they are ready to watch WW3 from their mega-bunkers. Biden has no plans to help Americans, he is more worried about his business partners getting contracts in Ukraine. Biden only funds neo-nazis in Ukraine, but he makes neo-nazis here at home by ignoring poor whites and defunding them. The Ukraine neo-nazi movement is not just in a few battallions, it has spread from west-Ukraine cults of their Nazi WW2 hero Stepan Bandera.

Now Biden blown up the German-Russian gas pipeline, and has forced Germans to send German tanks to the neo-nazis. While in Germany they told Ukrainians to wait to paint swastikas on them, until they got to Ukraine. Our deep state MIC must have been influenced by the Nazis of Project Paperclip, because this is sick.

The USA MIC is using Ukraine families as canon fodder. Ukrainian casualties are over 300,000; while Russias are lower than 80,000 (according to military officers Scott Ritter and Doug MacGregor). Meanwhile CIA propaganda here in the USA is that we should be happy we are getting a discount on the price of war. So many of the same old tricks are being used for Ukraine, that we used during Vietnam, Iraq, and the Gulf War. We provoke a fight by cutting off their borders and ports, and then blame the enemy for starting the war.

Yay more toxic train wrecks and planned explosions spewing poisons into our air, land, and water!!! AND more war??!! Things are really going to hell in piles of garbage. The 1% are total shits.

Ohio does not have enough casualties or devastation to get Biden’s interest in making money from contracts. But once WW3 really gets going, maybe other places will have more of a shot for funding. Delaware needs to at least keep their offices from being bombed though, so the richest companies can use their tax benefits and loopholes. Biden is the used-car conman of wars, Trump should be jealous because Biden has already been worse than Trump in a few ways (or better for war mongers).

Republicans prefer a war against China, but Russia is considered a stepping stone to China by the MIC. All the propaganda against China will prevent peace deals, and get us into a war with both of them according to MIC public predictions. “By 20-blah-blah-blah we will be at war with China” say the prophets of doom!!!

[more later]

Agency Propaganda

Posted in news, propaganda with tags , , , on December 7, 2022 by Drogo

Media Propaganda

Government agencies capture news media to control stories on behalf of their corporate donors. The rich plutocrats decide the narratives which are allowed to be spread publicly, in any country. The reason for this is that the rich fund and run things as despotic tyrants simply because they dictate through money. Every country has these plutocrats (established old wealth) or oligarchs of risky new wealth.

During the 2nd Gulf War it became clearest that Fox News was not only telling only our side of the conflict, as every corporate news company had done before, but they were cheering on our military as a form of patriotism. The money from the captured resources went to companies complicit in the corruption, conflict, and cover up; while the US economy worsened for most people. This is the main reason the middle class has been drained of wealth, to lessen decent and fund war profiteering.

It is not just Fox News, but all corporate media cannot report objective substantial news against their corporate agenda which includes wars, pollution, jobs, etc. It does not make sense for them to try, if their funding would be taken away at the executive level, and lower personnel can be replaced. We need to talk to individuals in other countries and ways of life more than ever before to learn for ourselves what is in our best interests.

Some journalists may be realizing that without a rebel 3rd party like Wikileaks breaking stories that go against their funding, they cannot risk it… so i think the desire for some reporters to be able to publish important anti-establishment news, is getting them to revisit fighting for the Wikileaks again, which they allowed to get run over and is basically buried.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.” — CIA Director William J. Casey

“I am the source for this quote, which was indeed said by CIA Director William Casey at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan with his new cabinet secretaries to report to him on what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the administration.
The meeting was in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, not far from the Cabinet Room. I was present at the meeting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President.
Casey first told Reagan that he had been astonished to discover that over 80 percent of the ‘intelligence’ that the analysis side of the CIA produced was based on open public sources like newspapers and magazines.
As he did to all the other secretaries of their departments and agencies, Reagan asked what he saw as his goal as director for the CIA, to which he replied with this quote, which I recorded in my notes of the meeting as he said it.
Shortly thereafter I told Senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was a close friend and colleague, who in turn made it public.”
– Barbara Honegger

But dont take my word for it, do your own research.

[more later]


Birds Are Real

Posted in Jokes, propaganda, Uncategorized with tags , , on May 9, 2022 by Drogo

Critical Response to the ‘Birds Arent Real’ Anti-Conspiracy Theory

The truth is stranger than fiction… well the NSA, FBI, and CIA will keep trying anyway. Clandestine agencies must fund, er i mean love, this guy. Oops clandestine agencies are not real too i guess. Similar to the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ story, did it for attention and laughs, until shit got real. Similar to the South Park guys, no respect for actual protesters or serious issues. Silly gag story like in Mad or SNL, but as a movement defends abuses of authority and state propaganda, which unfortunately are real.

Birds are real, for the most part, aside from fake birds like statues, toys, decoys, and artistic renderings. So are black operations paid for by professionals whose job it is to lie about what they do. The CIA testified before Congress that it has plotted or ‘conspired’ to overthrow governments, assassinate leaders, and deceive the public about massive crimes they committed; so much so that it is considered official CIA history by historians. What other conspiracy theories are real? It was just announced that the Biden administration has a new ministry of truth, with an anti-conspiracy czar, charged with defending state propaganda as real science facts, and any other ideas or theories that might be false or might question or debunk their mistakes or lies or dis-information. This is an attempt by the Dem Neo-Lib Party to brand everything contrary or challenging as Trump-Russia propaganda, without realizing it is exactly what they use… which is authoritarian propaganda unable to question for the sake of knowledge, unable to investigate cover ups, and unable to improve. These are signs of an empire in decay.