Archive for parties

Wizard of Oz as the MIC

Posted in Politics, propaganda, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 26, 2023 by Drogo

A good way to explain the propaganda between the 2 parties is the Wizard of Oz (the MIC) hiding behind the curtain, everything else is a distraction. When we look behind the curtain, we can see the transparent motives of war for profit. Without the disguise, war would not seem profitable to most of us, and we would know who was responsible for the horrors of world wars on a mass scale involving millions of victims. Until that curtain is pulled back for all to see for themselves, those billionaires will not share power to decide our fates as nations.

It is healthy to remind ourselves about how much money is spent to lie to the public and manipulate us. They really want the working class divided and confused. “They” being the billionaire bosses of banks and companies, and their generals and officers and pawns that work for them.

Covid was a threat, but it was not because masks or the shots would do anything, it was because it was DESIGNED to work that way, with no cure for the public. We still do not have a real vaccine for Covid that actually works like a vaccine. Long Covid is almost more common according to reports with those who were vaccinated.

The DNC with their abuse of power, is using the woke side to defend itself. Making issues of power about our appearances and tastes or life-styles or how were born is a great way for industrial leaders to divide the working class. The working class should normally care more about how they can afford to live than what color their friend’s friend is. But the fact that they are being replaced by robots or immigrants does matter, to workers as workers. Workers at least in theory should care more about survival than idiotic opinions on superficial beliefs that dont change anything, but amplify hatred, fear, and misplaced resentment. Instead workers are told by bosses that unions are pointless, because unions can be bought and gossip is full of conspiracy theories which can be lies (according to criminals who can be put on trial for conspiracy charges, they are all lies).

There is ongoing news behind the scenes in the stock market, ufology, and congress war of transparency with corporations. some good news this week, regarding ufos and stocks. Some in congress are demanding the SEC release some of their fraud data, but they are stonewalling due to the corporate capture of FINRA and SEC who cover up white collar crimes, specifically the short selling liquidation of countless companies to drain retail investor wealth.

Yes Ray McGovern, I did hear you quote the philosopher Winnie the Pooh recently. It seems we are on the same spiritual page. “When you care too much, it is called love.” When you care too much about what the MIC is doing to our country, it is patriotic because you love your country.

[more later]


Political Spectrum Tests

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , on December 7, 2020 by Drogo

Drogo scored as Social Democrat, Libertarian Socialist, and Democratic Socialist

As a Democratic Socialist my subsets were: Reformist, Scientific Utopian, Decentralist, Nation & Party Neutral

Some of these test sites tend to be written in favor of Libertarians, so they are probably written by Libertarians. The ‘Leftist Test’ has seven spectrums, each of which has two opposing values. They are:

Revolution vs. Reform

Those with a higher revolution score tend to support a radical and rapid overthrow of the capitalist system through a mass uprising. Those with a higher reform score tend to favor inducing gradual changes within capitalist structures, such as liberal democracy, with the eventual goal of reaching socialism.

Scientific vs. Utopian

Those with a higher scientific score tend to support or sympathize with the Marxist analysis of society along the lines of dialectical materialism. Those with a higher utopian score tend to believe in a more idealistic analysis of society and reject materialist approaches.

Central vs. Decentral

Those with a higher central score tend to support an economic structure based around centralized national planning. Those with a higher decentral score tend to support an economic structure based around decentralized planning, usually on a more localized scale.

International vs. National

Those with a higher international score tend to support forming an international socialist movement, often with the eventual goal of abolishing nations. Those with a higher national score tend to prioritize building socialism within existing borders and reject the goal of a world socialist republic.

Party vs. Union

Those with a higher party score tend to favor using political parties as the basis of a socialist movement. Those with a higher union score tend to favor using trade unions and other forms of mass organization as a basis of a socialist movement. Being pro-party does not necessarily mean you oppose unions and vice versa, it is more about preference.

Production vs. Nature

Those with a higher production score tend to prioritize industrial output and self-sustainability over ecological goals. Those with a higher nature score tend to support an environmentally oriented economy with strict ecological protections.

Conservative vs. Progressive

Those with a higher conservative score tend to favor more socially conservative policies and views. Those with a higher progressive score tend to support more socially progressive policies and views.


Corporate Centrism Fails Most People

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , on October 28, 2020 by Drogo

Neo-libs and neo-cons will continue to fail us. Corporate centrism will keep wall street bailed out while continuing perpetual war, that is the only thing that seems certain regardless of which crony wins in the 2-party system thus far; and if they stop bailing out wall street and people lose their retirement money, the banks will still be ok. It is practical, not pessimistic, to know we must begin voting for who will serve us, rather than continue to give all our wealth to banks, corporations, and the upper class.

Every-time a leader takes power, an eternal count-down clock runs until they leave power. If a leader fails enough, it is the follower’s responsibility to reduce the time until the next follower becomes a leader. The eternal count-down clock is not a one time process, it is perpetual. Democracy best serves the people when people have enough power to at least vote for who they want to increase democracy, not their favorite oligarch. The lesser evil still serves evil.

Our 2-party electoral system is like a glass window; we see other birds smash into it, and we still smash into it because everyone else is doing it and it looks like we could fly through it which seems to make sense because other people think it will work if more birds smash into it. Lemmings are actually smarter than this, despite rumors to the contrary involving a cliff. When being chased however, many animals will run off a cliff with the herd. It is believed prehistoric hunters practiced this mass slaughter system by driving herds off cliffs.

Our political system is basically ‘Corporate Centrist’ power vs ‘Populist Centrist’ labor division.

Populist Centrism is divided into LEFT and RIGHT by corporate media basically. This is typical strategy for corporations to divide work groups against other work groups to compete for lower wages. Typically the DNC has played the part of the good cop who offers minimal corporate concessions to appease the far left (raising minimal wage to end strikes). But recently Trump won in part not just by using ethnic bigotry to fire up white workers, but also because he stole Sander’s socialist phrases which appealed to workers (health care for all, better paying jobs, end corruption ‘drain the swamp’). Also Trump went beyond Sanders to claim he was going to ‘lock her up’ (punish neo-libs) and end wars (bring troops home).


The Green Party is closest to SCOD philosophy, but we should be free to vote for who we want. Ranked choice voting is needed, but we should still vote freely at least in protest until we get it. Many will still vote for their lesser of two evils on both sides, but both sides need to realize they are being beaten by the system. Biden is slightly better than Trump, and will serve corporate interests about as well. Biden is so much worse than Sanders it is pathetic, and even Sanders submits to his corporate endorsement. Things will still be very bad if corporate candidates continue to be elected.

Green New Deal – Howie Hawkins, Green Party 2020

Free Democracy

Posted in Legal / Laws with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 17, 2020 by Drogo

Millions of people throw away their votes to war mongers of the corporate 2-party system every election; and millions more do not vote because of this problem. If you tell people they can’t vote for who they want, that is not a free democracy, that is clear obedience to rigging. i wrote an essay to dispute the argument that “we cant vote for who we want until ranked choice” (corporate BS). i disagree on the grounds of the chicken or the egg aspects; i believe both are needed (as with legal and illegal protests) and one of those ways is accessible to all now.

Even corporate media is beginning to admit that corporations are more of a threat than immigrants. There is an episode of Hill Rising where a People’s Action rural organizer explains how many Trump voters were tricked but now realize that corporations are more to blame for their economic losses than immigrants. It is still rare for voters to resist corporate control, but it is starting to happen more as grassroots rhetoric develops.

3rd Party Votes are real votes that represent people who want a real democracy. People need to stop suggesting that the 2-party system owns our votes and 3rd party just distracts. If more people could get past that brainwashing and vote 3rd party then we would have a healthy democracy. Trump did not win at all because people voted 3rd party, 3rd party voters voted for who they wanted which was NOT Trump or Trump-Light. Many who would prefer Trump over Hillary voted Libertarian and their vote represents what they want more than Trump does.

“About the Impeachment of Trump; lawyers have identified 12 impeachable offenses, and the two chosen by the DNC were the least criminal of those. The only reason for omission is because to use the other crimes implicates the DNC of guilt as well.” – Chris Hedges

How To Fix Democracy

Professor Mark Blyth says two points about creating stakes for more people to be involved in a better sustained democracy: 1. Create a Social Wealth Fun for economic equilibrium (market stabilization) 2. Create a Carbon New Deal (don’t use the loaded left-wing word Green) [Angrynomics]

Freedom to Vote 3rd Party

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 21, 2017 by Drogo

In America, Land of the Brave and Free, we have a right to vote our conscience.

Sanders & Stein did NOT get Trump elected, the electoral college decided Clinton’s popular win wasn’t worth shit, and many voted for Trump because they hated Clinton. Some of us are not buying corporate-crony talking points anymore, and that means we vote for candidates that do not appear as corrupted, and some are not likely to vote at all if only given a choice between two-evils that clearly don’t care about the masses. Next time someone tries to blame progressives for voting for who they want, tell them there are serious reasons why millions of voters feel disenfranchised.

Also, the far Left is not militant or violent because their main beliefs revolve around Peace and Love, and harmony with the World, and anyone that acts violently against others is acting as a militant (which is a Right-wing behavior based on their beliefs) or just simply a criminal against humanity. Left-wing regimes who use ruthless militaries always contradicted their Liberal convictions; which is a failure to serve the people, and why true Left-wing Liberals always seek more Peaceful means to sustain democratic government.

The Left wants more real democracy, the Right wants elites to represent you; this is why corporate Democrats are really not true Liberals when they support authoritarian business deals over citizens rights. The DNC has been responsible for the New Red Scare, candidates who say that ‘nukes are always on the table’, and fund endless war. The GOP meanwhile has started a New Cold War, as well as all the rest.

If everyone that agreed with the utopian ideals of Sanders or Stein had voted for them, instead of voting for the lesser of 2 evils, we would have not have Trump as a ‘representative’ leader. 12% of Bernie voters voted for Trump because they hated Hillary. Many voters did not vote (half the country) because they hate the 2-party system.

see also: Electoral College and Ranked Choice Voting = Real Democracy

Social Anxiety at Public Parties or Pubs

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Psychology, Pub Library with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2013 by Drogo

Public Parties, Pubs, Clubs, or Bars and Social Anxiety

Thoughts by Drogo Empedocles –

The older I get, the more freakishly strange it feels to go to bars; its always been an odd feeling because it is so different than the rest of society… and yet not odd enough for me, i cant quite explain it.

I am not straight-edge, and I do not consider myself a drug ‘addict’; I strive for moderation most of the time, in most things. However I do like to ‘get out every-once in a while’ and be social, or even host parties; so i would like to express some feelings i have regarding the psychological issues i experience.

Even just to go for music it trips me out. People at parties are a different experience, i remember first learning this at my house as a kid when my parents had Gallery Shows. Some of the social anxiety pressure i think has to do with the amplified volume of collective energy, emotions, and noise. Voice volume gets raised, just to have a conversation or say anything at all; then by nature it feels aggressive or hostile even.

Differences between people aside, im wondering if it is simply the odd condition of people relating to each-other in a much more familiar way than outside the bar? I think it makes it very strange when someone does not interact by those rules in some way, whether being quiet or not wanting to be touched in anyway, etc…

Diversity is important, but it makes for interesting dynamics. Hunter vs Prey scenarios, and what-not. It is funny because im such a sensual and compassionate person at heart, im cool with mutual public affection of common forms, but i realize some other people are not for various reasons, including relationship contracts; and therefore this presents ‘issues’. Usually the most gregarious types of people will be the ones at the party or bar, yet there will inevitably be a minority of introverts or people hostile to affection.

At this point I do not have many conclusions. Perhaps it is simply best to generally avoid the conflict of personalities in any public setting, especially parties and bars.  Yet parties and bars are considered the most fun, and appropriate for Holidays and Celebrations! Hmmmm. I guess I’m somewhere in the middle on all of this, since I am a compassionate introvert at heart, that does occasionally like the thrill of adventure.