Archive for long

Short Squeeze Longs & Highs

Posted in Economics with tags , , , , , on May 21, 2021 by Drogo

This entire process is called a Short Squeeze – It is critical for apes to understand hedgies can bring down a spike all by themselves without us selling much, due to their short position tricks (at least 6 ways). The trick is that when they do, we hold and buy more because their short positions will be forced to cover AGAIN if the stock goes up from any floor they make. The more we understand that, the more the average price rises to meet the spike peaks, as we are doing. There will be more spikes as we go higher, and it will feel like we did something wrong when it does not stay at the top of the spike, but it is just hedgie illusions that the price is low. This entire process is called a Short Squeeze, the gammas are just small option spikes; but it all shows up as a massive rise in price long term because we are squeezing out short positions. Apes are creating anti-hedgie brand names with our method of trading; Elon Musk is already jealous of Adam Aron because we know how to break hedgies for our CEO. HOLD.

How long? How high? – Those are the most common million dollar questions during a short squeeze process. Margin calls should have been made long ago, so the more we investigate, the deeper we are seeing that this systemic problem of the ‘everything short’ goes. Those who have accepted short positions as ethical and legal, instead of fraud and manipulation, are going to have to eat their words. Our market has been drained, and it is up to apes to win the war or no one will have faith in a market ruled by vampire hedgies. How long? As long as it takes. How high? What should be the value of our lives in an economy? Public trusts should continually grow, and there is no ceiling for a bubble until it gets popped.

Hedgie Abuse – Repeat white collar criminals like hedgies dont need to be harassed if they stay behind bars where they belong. maybe they just need to be shown a safe prison to stay in, so we dont have to bully them. Iceland jailed their bankers instead of bailing them out in 2008; so perhaps we need the SEC to jail more corporate executives. Hedgies abuse the system all the time, and that hurts all apes. Ape lives matter because we are united!

Apes have a 99% chance of winning this war. – The rich will NOT (1% chance) allow faith in the stock market to collapse as that would mean total system failure due to the depression we are in already, our way of life cannot afford another crash like 1929 that is why they have always bailed out the biggest corporations first because everyone’s savings depends on them sharing profits because banks wont. Meanwhile companies drain our public trust in government (by corrupting politicians and draining social security and utility funds), so there is already no faith in Congress (according to polls for years and the recent storming of the Capitol here in DC). Also apes are not bound by race, sex, class, party, job, or nationality and we are millions strong!!!

There are several factors involved in squeeze spikes; margin calls, hedgies covering by buying shares, hedgies getting liquidated and DTCC computer covering by buying shares, day traders, public ape hype, corporate FUD, Broker trade halts, and legal SEC & court verdicts. I think gamma squeeze spikes are mostly companies buying shares to cover options, and then selling all the shares they bought, shorting selling them on the way down and putting put options to profit from their spike going back down as their short position keeps the price artificially low again.


“A short squeeze is an unusual condition that triggers rapidly rising prices in a stock or other tradeable security. For a short squeeze to occur the security must have an unusual degree of short sellers holding positions in it. The short squeeze begins when the price jumps higher unexpectedly. The condition plays out as a significant measure of the short sellers coincidentally decide to cut losses and exit their positions. Short sales have an expiration date, so when a stock unexpectedly rises in price, the short-sellers may have to act fast to limit their losses. Short-sellers borrow shares of an asset that they believe will drop in price in order to buy them after they fall. If they’re right, they return the shares and pocket the difference between the price when they initiated the short and the actual sale price. If they’re wrong, they’re forced to buy at a higher price and pay the difference between the price they set and its sale price.” – Investopedia


Capitol Hill Memoir

Posted in Biographies, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , on January 9, 2021 by Drogo

When asking a friend to write an essay about their experiences working for politicians in Washington DC, they sent me this email:

“There are folks who had much more “lofty”experiences than I did, such as those involved with legislation.
A friend has written a book about Birch Bayh. If you’d like to read it, I can send you a copy. It would provide you with much more information than I ever could. [Birch did good things until he retired and started a law firm to represent fossil fuel companies.]
The other great was Gaylord Nelson. Others from that era who come to mind are Frank Church, Jacob Javits, William Proxmire, Jennings Randolph, Emund Muskie, Daniel Inouye, Thomas Eagleton, Charles Mathias, Lowell Weicker, Sam Nunn,Patrick Leahy, John Danforth, Patrick Moynihan, Richard Lugar, William Cohen, Carl Levin, George Mitchell. List from the 96th Congress, 1980.
Political money was not as big a topic back in those days as it is now. Campaign contributions were monitored more closely (my personal understanding) because the period was close to Watergate and its resulting campaign contribution legislation.
I don’t follow the Senate makeup as closely as I used to, but I would say the following are noteworthy: Dick Durbin, Patty Murray, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Warner, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Tammy Baldwin, Jeff Merkley, Patrick Leahy, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Richard Blumenthal, Chris Coons, Tammy Duckworth, Ed Markey, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Bob Casey, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tim Kaine, Maria Cantwell.
Ben Sasse, R from NE, has garnered my respect lately because of his opposition to DJT. Mike Lee  Repub of Utah made a wonderful speech on the floor on Tuesday night. Several Senators gave exceptional speeches Tuesday night about the value of our democracy and the Capitol.
ALSO, did you hear about the National Association of Manufacturers recommendation to invoke the 25th Amendment DJT? It is an organization that usually leans Republican and probably is made up of big political donors.”

From email by Pat L. on Thursday, January 7, 2021

Beards and Naturalism

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Green Fashions, Nature Studies, Pagan, Religions, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2014 by Drogo

To me there has always been a clear connection between facial hair and Naturalism. My theory is that throughout recorded history, men grow beards to defy the fact that they could shave it off with a razor and look more feminine; usually to rebel against the social norms of shaving and assert their manhood and / or be more in tune with Nature.

There is a reason that barbarians that lived wild with nature had facial hair and industrious Romans did not; and there is a reason that when ancient Rome became more intertwined with barbarian cultures, that it became popular in Rome to wear beards! The more industrial a society or culture, the more they will want uniformity for the wearing of helmets (chin straps and gas-masks), stream-lined mechanical safety, and uniform equality for those that cannot grow facial hair thickly or completely (like boys, women, and some men).

Facial hair, like other hair, is considered by many of us Pagans to be a spiritual connection with Nature and the Gods and Goddesses of Nature and Nurturing. Consider that after many terrible industrial wars it has been popular for veterans to grow beards. Famous Naturalists like John Muir, H.D. Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and even Emerson (in old age) all had beards for obvious anti-industrial reasons.

Even those that grow a beard because they are ‘too lazy to shave’ are more harmonious with Nature by allowing their beard to grow, and not artificially shaving it off. Also there are many religious, spiritual, philosophical, and personal reasons for having beards. So before you judge people based on ‘un-fashionable trends’ that you perceive, consider that it may be more or less significant to the person with more hair.

jesus hippy