Archive for spells

Odin’s 18 Rune Spells

Posted in Pagan, Song Lyrics & Analysis, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on March 1, 2020 by Drogo

In the Hávamál, found in the Elder Edda (or Poetic Edda) there is a section where Odin talks about the 18 rune spell songs (words of power) he has discovered and their uses. Not to be confused with the 9 power songs from Bestla’s father.

  1.  Hope
  2.  Healing
  3.  Defense
  4.  Escape
  5.  Dexterity
  6.  Reverse Magic
  7.  Fire Fighting
  8.  Peace
  9.  Calm
  10.  Confuse
  11.  Blessed Courage
  12.  Death Speak – speak to the dead
  13.  Battle Baptism – for fortune and victory
  14.  Sacred Names – gods and elves
  15.  Dwarven Doors (Thjodrorir) – power, glory, wisdom
  16.  Charm Women – white-armed
  17.  Love Revenge – loath to forsake
  18.  Love Knowledge (self-love and sacrifice)







Harpers Faery Magic

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2013 by Drogo

New-Age Eclectic Pagan Bible  [see related article with links]

by Drogo Empedocles 2013

Multiple religious myths and spiritual magics for polytheistic Neo-Pagans

This book is a modern Eclectic Pagan Bible. It is the personal beliefs of Prophet Drogo Empedocles, and his interpretation of world religions, new-age philosophy, and neo-pagan magic. Polytheistic Celtic-Wiccan influence is finally proudly written here, in contrast to many Hebrew, Christian, and Muslim beliefs; because of their doctrines of cultural war against Pagans. As a handbook guide of holy Pagan scripture, this book is meant to be a shield and a sword for our faith, in the hands of the chosen guardians.

Eclectic-Pagan Celtic-Wiccan New-Age Bible

The word bible, is from the Greek word biblia, meaning simply books. According to religious tradition a bible is also a canon of holy scripture; an authoritative collection of rule books. The dominant rule of this bible is the proclamation of a new covenant with modern religion, culture, and individuals in the form of universal spirituality, and acceptance of unique personal magic. Most of the major religious rule books are now outdated guides. Please help spread the good news of the Pagan Bible!

In various religious and spiritual writings, we may find some answers; or at least stories we can relate to, and are helpful. We may also become upset or troubled by what we read. One curious pattern to notice about written history and other bibles, is how their texts ignore and degrade goddesses, women, and nature-based faiths in general. While mythical stories may be interesting, it is only through our own self-realized connection to civilization and nature that we may put ourselves in context with the true Universe. Remember we are not alone, even when we feel alone.

My name is Drogo Empedocles, and I am a faery. Well, part faery anyway. It is complicated, so I will explain my blood line later. I call myself a faery because fae magic is in my blood, and most of my friends are faeries of one kind or another. I wrote this as my bible, and it is based on my beliefs and my home town. I encourage everyone to write their own bible.

– Dr. Rev. Drogo F.H. Empedocles

HFM Chapters

World Creation Myths

New Age Testament of Drogo

Songs and Poems of Harpers Faery

Spells and Rituals of Harpers Faery

Images, Bibliography, References


**  Note:  this is just a preview introduction for my new book, which is due out later this year…

Harpers Ferry Magic, Elemental Intro

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 27, 2011 by Drogo

I.     Elements: of Nature, Existence, & Us

Elements specific to Harpers Ferry (listed in book)


Air        Gemini Mercury, Virgo Hephaestus, Libra Amore’ Harmony

East      Paralda, Aiet, Yellow Amarillo, Winds, Zephyr, Seraphim

East Rises the Sun between the 2 mountains, dawn drifting to DC

East Coast United States, Wake Up Flying, Good MorningWelcome!


Fire                Aries Mars, Leo Sol, Sagittarius Jupiter Yang Heart

South           Deas Energy Catalyst, Red Life Flame, Djinni, Tan Delta

Metal forged by fire was used in the First Federal Armory for Firepower!

Fighting brings Flux, John Brown’s Raid, and Civil War blood stained.


Water    Pisces Fish, Aquarius Well-Spring, Cancer Yin Moon

West      Aqua Iar, Blue Niksa, Liquid Waves, Poseidon Triton

Setting Sun over Charles Town Races, Pouring Gateway to WV!

River waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah float downstream to DC.


Earth         Taurus Mithra, Capricorn Saturn, Scorpio Pluto

North    Tuath Terra, Green Brown, Virdant Herne, Anubis Geo Ghob

Geology; Shale Limestone, Red Clay Soil, Black Silt Dirt, Sand & Mud!

Woods full of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, and plants grow.


Spirit Synthesis of Place, Metal, and More

Geographic Geometric Triangles


Diagrams of the tri-state area, plan in relation to perspective view.

Energies converge here throughout time, conflicting and combining;

Flowing together and merging as the Potomac and Shenandoah…  

* excerpt from the 2006 book “Harpers Ferry Magic” by Drogo Empedocles. Please document your reference if you share this post.


3 Celtic Spells of Making

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2010 by Drogo

3 Celtic Spells, Chants, Charms, Prayers of Making, Evoking, or Binding

All 3 are acknowledgements of the laws of nature. The first Welsh Spell says the spirit of water and earth elements shines even when the moon is dark. The second Gaelic Spell speaks of the Serpent’s Breath of Life & Death, and our will to make. The third English Spell describes how three aspects can be parts of one whole; as with the symbol “Y”.

1. Welsh Spell of Making

A elfyntodd dwyr sinddyn duw,

cerrig yr fferllurig nwyn,

os syriaeth ech saffaer tu,

fewr echlyn mor necrombor llun.

2. Gaelic Spell of Making (in Modern Irish Gaelic)

Anáil nathrach, ortha bháis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh

3. English Spell of Making (Harpers Ferry, Modern American English)

One flows from Two,

Two Rivers are One.

One is also Three,

And Three is One.


Symbolic Sticks and Stones

Posted in Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2009 by Drogo

This is what Bi-Polar actor Stephen Fry said when he received a rude comment and decided to leave Twitter: “Well maybe I’ll see how I feel in a few days. Very low and depressed at the moment and any drop of meanness makes it so much worse. Sorry.”

When famous people are affected by other people’s comments, it can be exponentially worse than people with less social networking because there are more people to potentially bring them down. Although sometimes all it takes is one comment when one is vulnerable. If someone only has one friend in the World, and they feel offended by them; it can be even worse as so much rides on that one opinion.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” This old spell is a common mind-over-mind mantra, and there are others. “I’m rubber, you’re glue; words bounce off of me and stick to you.” These can be used as a Ward against Words. Its only when we allow our perceived sentiments of other people’s opinions to bother us, that our feelings become symbolic sticks and stones. Symbolic sticks and stones may not directly break our bones, but can break our Will and Spirit to Live.