Archive for candidates

Corporate Party Catch 22

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Legal / Laws with tags , , , , , on October 13, 2020 by Drogo

We have one official party in America, ‘The Corporate Party’; which provides two options – Red (RNC) or Blue (DNC).

“Regardless of who you vote for, a corporate candidate will become president.” – Rock Wheeler

Regarding the ‘Vote Corporate or Be Shamed’ voter shaming that is popular now in what we call our ‘democracy’ – yes even Noam Chomsky can be wrong sometimes, and he later adjusts his positions. Noam Chomsky has survived this long (60 years) as an outspoken liberal because he does not rock his boat on the waters of the system enough to tip it over; he is like Bernie Sanders in this way – while being very liberal and considered radical by corporate media, they both do not threaten corporate power enough to totally lose their status in high society. Sanders explained this as avoiding the ‘Ralph Nader’ model of politics. The Corporate Right will keep giving us criminals to react against with no ranked choice for the freedom of vote; it is a ‘chicken or egg’ stand off. We need both the adult chicken (serious third party) and the egg that it lays (ranked choice voting legislation). The chicken must first get fertilized for the egg to eventually make a new chicken. If significant numbers do not start voting for non-corporate candidates at the highest levels, there will never be enough power to change the law to provide ranked-choice voting nationally. To me the metaphor is clearly there must be a chicken first, to lay the egg. The popular corporate way of thinking is that another animal’s egg must hatch and evolve into a chicken. 

People are starting to question the conventional position on the 2 parties, and as scared as Trump haters (like me) are about nothing changing ‘no matter who’, the corporations are more scared that non-corporate candidates would change things radically regarding the class system. Joy Gray explains that people that keep giving in to the 2-party system will continue to do so, given the model that exists. Successful movements actually include threats to power as well as non-violent martyrdom like MLK. MLK can be used both by the system as idolatry to perpetuate subservience after ‘reforms’, and by rebels who want a legally approved hero. MLK did threaten power as well which legitimized the deeper grievances of the riots, which was why he was assassinated.

‘Keep It Corporate’ means – “Vote Blue no matter who supports a corrupt system that results in Trump” and “Vote Red until the planet is dead.” Trump is literally the end result, the epitome of the 2-party corporate system; the only other option corporate management will ever give us is a Trump-light (Biden); and the differences lessen each election that strategy works.

I get paid by Corporations (Amazon, Tesla, Apple, etc), but i do not work for them; I work with them. This subtle distinction is how I am able to speak out against corporate management, and not be fired. I do business with them and own shares of their companies, which means I actually work with them; but I refuse to let them substantially censor my opinions (popular or not).

Liberal show hosts have been saying “Voting Green Party did not work last time to move the DNC Left.”; but perhaps next time if enough people vote for non-corporate candidates the hosts will say “Snubbing the Green Party last time did not work, now more are ‘throwing away their votes’ towards candidates they prefer (aka voting freely). If only there was a way to get them to vote for candidates they hate.” Nope, whatever corporate party advocates say I am never knowingly voting for a corporate candidate again. The sad thing is that many corporate party advocates claim they hate the corporate parties (tragic irony).


2020 American Primary Rigging

Posted in Ethics & Morals, Legal / Laws, news, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 21, 2020 by Drogo

The biggest threat to American democracy is not Russia or Trump, but the DNC and the electoral college. The DNC primary is rigged so the more DNC candidates do well, they divide the delegates, and their chosen elite Super Delegates can decide against the popular vote, and pick their choice to represent corporate interests. The most important point being that they dismiss the popular vote when it suits their corporate interests. I have heard that the solidly corporate Republicans do not have super delegates; perhaps because they are so authoritarian they do not need to over-ride their own obedient voters (Trump possibly being the exception to the rule). Republican rhetoric is so militant they always fall in line with swift boating and other party talking points without much opposition from within. Where as the DNC is always trying to manage the chaos of liberal activists, which far out-number conservative protesters who do not want change enough to get in the streets usually (thus the name conservative). Although conservatives are also called ‘reactionaries’ to progressives, rebels are usually liberals like our founding fathers in relation to the authority of the UK. Currently the DNC is actively working to defeat Bernie Sanders again, after suppressing his popular vote in 2016. The 2020 DNC primary is set up again to allow them to deny Sanders to run against Trump, despite Sanders clearly being the best candidate to beat Trump for many reasons. Corporate media has been brain-washing most people to think the opposite of the populist reality however, and may help people to continue voting against their own interests for fake candidates that are always the lesser of two evils, rather than a legitimate candidate. The DNC does not even need our over-paid top secret agencies to intervene, because they steal the elections for corporations openly and legally in public, and with the help of commercial conditioning they even sway the popular vote.

note: Rather than blindly believe the New Red Scare lies that our military intelligence and corporate media tells us about peace and environmental candidates; please consider the sources and take time to study the candidates. When you actually study Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard you will find that their seeking to reduce the power of our military industrial complex to wage war, pollute the planet less, and torture folks less, are more likely the reasons that corporate interests have been trying to brain-wash us with billions in corporate media spending.

Why Bernie Sanders is the Only Choice Left in 2020

Posted in Economics, Environmentalism, History, Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2019 by Drogo

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the only choice Left to be president in 2020 because his record is so consistently close to the philosophy of FDR and MLK; sorry corporate DNC. The DNC got to run their corporate candidate last time, and Hillary Clinton (a corporate brand name) lost against Donald Trump (WTF?). The DNC blamed Russia and Environmentalists, and called fellow liberals evil “russians” just like the Republicans did during the Red Scare, with all of the blacklisting and pinko bigotry that came with it during the Cold War; but they found out that some of us are sick of that crap and the brain-washing does not work on us. Those of us resistant to the dictates of authority, prefer the intellectual chaos of real democracy over submitting to the fake rhetoric and lies of corrupted power.

So yes the DNC has been running fake progressives using their corporate money, but the false hope based on lies is fake enough to see through for anyone who studies political ethics even as a hobby. As Killer Mike, Nina Turner, and Cornel West have been saying “The proof is in the pudding.” Sanders may be truly as far left as lesser known candidate veterans like Kucinich and Gravel, but Sanders has proven tougher and has had more popularity than any other politician since 2016. Sanders is so much closer to MLK than anyone else running, and for so much longer. I love some of the others too like Tulsi and Yang, but they do not have as many decades of experience in politics. Bernie is documented as being involved in the 1960s Civil Rights movement, like perhaps most famously in photos and film taken when he got arrested for chaining himself with blacks in a 1963 protest. In economics and environmentalism Sanders is very scientific in his policies [Green New Deal]. Sanders is on record working with Bill Nye the Science Guy to explain to people that the science of climate change is real, and in the Senate Sanders actually forced companies like Walmart and Amazon to pay their workers more. There is no doubt that Sanders can do what he says when he has enough support.

All the other candidates for president in 2020 (including Biden) are imitating his Social Healthcare platform basically in the main aspects, and some can do it better than others. Biden really cannot because he is too corporate crony, and the worst kind of two-faced politician. Sanders pulled the entire DNC more left for sure, along with grass-roots social movements like ‘Black Lives Matter’ and environmentalism (both tending to embrace the non-violent methods of MLK and thus also represent a surviving Peace Movement). The DNC is rigged, and both parties will try to rig the national election again in favor of their corporate donors, but Bernie may have enough support it wont matter, because he certainly has even more support than last time. Corporations and rich ducks have to decide who they want to negotiate with before mobs are sick of yelling, and do not want to talk anymore.

The fact is that Plutocracy can use their money and power to take out any politician or citizen they want, and get away with it legally as they have done before with the assassinations of JFK, JFK’s brother, MLK, and potentially others that are hard to prove due to the nature of the system. Our own Oligarchy usually uses other less lethal means to rig elections (using the electoral college, supreme court, gerrymandering etc); and character assassinate using blackmail and the corporate News Media. However there is only so much the CIA, NSA, HLS, SS, and FBI can do, even including assassinations. They may have to buckle down and allow corporations to negotiate with Sanders, or risk worse violence against their profits from mass movements like Occupy or Yellow Vest (working class of France). This happened with FDR. FDR came closer than any other world leader during WW2 to satisfying labor rights, even those who claimed they were socialist. FDR was not assassinated because plutocrats must have seen him as a way to keep the system from collapsing; yet FDR made the New Deal which taxed the rich corporations heavily and created a prosperous 1950s middle-class who could actually afford to buy products and property.

With FDR our Oligarchs (big business, plutocracy, and MIC) must have realized they were not going to get another leader sympathetic enough to both the poor and the rich to allow the system to function and stop a complete revolution (as in Russia or Germany). Somehow the powerful leaders allowed FDR to win and distribute wealth fairly enough to allow the middle class of the 1950s to buy their crap. Let’s see if industrial corporations, rich aristocrats, and militant bigots figure it out again this century.

By the way, violence is not the only thing that can bring the far Left and the far Right together. The wings of politics merge at the ends of Civil Rights aka Individual Liberties. Populism works politically because it draws support from both the Right and the Left. Sanders is certainly the most proven populist, as his popularity proves; and not even time-tested scary propaganda about evil communists can stop true populism. Trump won as a fake populist, but his record as a con-man was there all along. People want a real populist now more than ever, since MLK and even FDR.

– Drogo H.F. Empedocles

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