Archive for President

South Korean Apes

Posted in Politics, stock market with tags , , , , on April 19, 2022 by Drogo

South Korean Apes have not only infiltrated their version of Wall Street aka the Stock Market, but they have just elected their National President. [according to Bloomberg and other business news]

Yoon, a former public prosecutor, has flagged tougher penalties for naked short-selling, a practice that involves selling shares without even borrowing them first.” Yoon – scheduled to assume office as South Korean President on May 10, 2022.

South Korea has been struggling with corruption, like here in the US; but Koreans have made more progress against white collar crimes. No doubt the CIA will attempt to assassinate or at least ruin Yoon’s career, to replace him with another corrupt corporate puppet. It would be amazing if the CIA could only reform themselves the way South Korea is attempting to do; maybe before we have to divide the Ukraine between us an Russia, like we did with Germany, Korea, and almost Vietnam.

[ more later ]


Jimmy Carter & Mr Rogers

Posted in Commercial Corporations, Critical Commentary of Civilization, news, Politics, Recommendations & Tributes, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on March 5, 2020 by Drogo

Jimmy Carter is the closest we got to having Mr Rogers as president.


Jimmy Carter was an exception to the typical Neoliberal candidate, he had more humility and kind heartedness than most humans. I would love to listen to a lecture comparing him to other presidents, but he seemed to defy the slimy corruption to a much larger extent than most, even compared to most of the DNC candidates today, but i am not sure how much of that is a facade due to his southern charm similar to Obama’s charisma. Carter seems to have more substantial integrity than JFK or Obama, but i could be delusional about that image. I think Carter was hated by the establishment and republicans so much because he was not as corrupt as other presidents, but i cannot site all the reasons for my opinion on him. Carter was like having Mr Rogers as president, which certainly meant he was not as aggressive on issues whether good or bad.

i like the ‘Pence’ model of VP, where if you are liberal, you pick someone so radically liberal for your VP that no conservative would assassinate you because they are afraid of your VP taking power. So for example JFK could have picked someone more liberal than himself as VP, and he might not have been assassinated. Biden was a gift to republicans, since he was more conservative than Obama. If Obama had not bailed out the banks, the MIC, and wall street they might have taken him out, and Biden would have been quite happy to serve them at the highest level. Bush’s ‘softer and gentler nation’ concept was very interesting coming from a CIA guy.

The corporate parties are trying to divide us and make us vote against our own interests. This has been my life-long research into politics, to unmask why we do not have democracy where the popular vote counts federally, and why we cannot have actual sincere politicians because of how the people in charge of the parties work actively against us.

I am sick of politics as usual, but i focus on the good aspects that i can have some control over, and one is information sharing about how things work the way they do, and the way they don’t, and the way they should or could. The parties do not want most people knowing, but as an architect the structure of politics is important to me.

So i focus on how to make things better by supporting people who would make important changes for us more than the typical players and endless wars. I get attacked by my own family and conventional party people, but i decided i need to be able to support the best candidates for what i believe in with the environment and civil rights. The two party corporate system causes most of the problems from what i have been able to learn about with corporations and the environment.

Trump is the epitome of our capitalist system unfortunately, without serious change in thinking no one will beat him. that is why i wrote about the folk lore of tweedle dum and tweedle dee issue that gave us trump. sometimes making the sausage is ugly, but i think it is important to learn. If peace and environmental activists can get someone like Sanders to win, we can take over the DNC, and then i will join the DNC again. Our plants and animals need us to make important systemic change.


Bernie Sanders Populism

Posted in jobs, news, Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 25, 2019 by Drogo

There are reasons why Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, and has been supported consistently for years. There are reasons why Trump almost got as many votes as Hillary Clinton. Just like in the Bible, one of these populist prophets for change is real, and the other is false. The way to distinguish them is their record; in other words what they actually do. Sometimes when Trump actually does some good things he said he would do, it is more by accident of self-interest rather than ideology. For example when Trump started to reduce the Cold War with North Korea, it seemed more to be about how he related to another boss who he was sympathetic to; rather than actually wanting peace over profit. Regardless both Sanders and Trump are smeared when they do things that hurt corporate profit, as part of the New Red Scare.

The Sanders and Trump debate will be the best debate in a century (if corporations cannot stop the population from making it happen). Sanders and Trump are well matched verbally, and clearly it would be like ‘Good Cop vs Bad Cop’; both representing the authority of the Federal State, but one wants to give to you and the other wants to take from you. Neither will be reducing taxes on the poor, or give us a UBI, which is sad; but there are plenty of other things to talk about regarding why they are popular and what they actually do offer.

1 in 10 Bernie Sander’s primary voters, voted for Trump because they hated Hillary Clinton. 12 percent of people who voted for Bernie Sanders, in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries voted for President Trump in the general election. That bi-party appeal that Bernie has, is less due to foreign interests (despite the New Red Scare) and more to do with popular working class issues. The New Cold War that Trump has declared with the revival of nuclear tensions, clearly shows how misguided New Red Scare (Russia-gate) conspiracy theorists or Trump voters were. Bernie has a better chance of winning this time, and that scares corporate centrists on both sides of the 2-party MIC.

Blue-collar working class states voted for Bernie (Michigan and every county in WV) according to the results of the 2016 presidential primary. While this shows how fickle people can be, it means 2 things regarding the election. Voters can be tricked into voting against their own self-interests, sure; but more importantly the evidence shows Republican voters will flip more for Bernie than anyone the DNC or corporate media suggests. Populism trumps party labels.






GREEN NEW DEAL – Our Revolution 2019

Posted in Climate Change, Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Economics, Environmentalism, Ethics & Morals, Legal / Laws, news, Organic Development, Politics, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 30, 2019 by Drogo

SCOD Transcript from the Sanders for President 2020 Website

The Green New Deal (GND) concept is public domain and so there are various versions (AOC, Sanders, SCOD) as thesis theories that propose comprehensive plans. This SCOD version is published as part of the Sanders’ ‘Our Revolution’ (evolved from Occupy) movement. Shout out to Standing Rock! [Listen to the Audio Recording of the GND read by Drogo Empedocles]


Statement Introduction and Assumptions:

The climate crisis is the single greatest challenge facing our country, The United States of America (USA); and also our single greatest opportunity to build a more sustainable egalitarian future in America, but we must act immediately. Climate change is a global emergency. The Amazon rainforest is burning, and Greenland’s ice shelf is melting. People across the world are already experiencing the deadly consequences of climate change; as extreme weather events like heat waves, wildfires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes have disturbed or destroyed millions of lives in communities, ecosystems, and economies. Poor lower working class and homeless people have borne this burden; many of them were formerly members of the devastated middle class who lost their jobs, families, homes, and property during the Great Recession. The scientific community tells us we have about a decade to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels, towards greater energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy. We are going to make this planet great again, and healthy and habitable for us, our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Rising temperatures and extreme weather compounded by unrestrained crony corporate political power at the highest levels in government have created health and financial emergencies, causing many Americans to be disabled or commit suicide (see military statistics for soldier suicides and lethal drug epidemics). We must guarantee health care, housing, and a good-paying job to every American, especially to those who have been historically excluded from economic security (aka the basics of modern survival).

The scope of the challenge ahead shares similarities with the crisis faced by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) in the 1940s. FDR’s ‘New Deal’ was successful at creating a larger middle class by improving the livelihoods of lower class workers. Battling World War 2 on two fronts, from East to West, the United States came together within 3 years and restructured the entire economy in order to win the war and defeat fascism (corporate government). As president, Bernie Sanders will boldly direct our nationalist patriotic power to embrace the moral imperative of addressing environmental terrorism threats. Environmental threats affect us more than other forms of terrorism due to corporations that create climate change pollution, poison natural resources, and weaponize racism (Coal Mine Wars). Over-population combined with reduction of resources and wealth for the majority of the population has led to support for hateful mass murder (public shootings). Our environment is not just natural, but also social, cultural, economic, and political (artificial). Those artificial aspects of our environment are dependent on people, so we must mobilize millions of people across the country in support of the Green New Deal (The GND depends on us). From the Oval Office to the streets, Bernie will help generate cooperative ‘Our Revolution’ spirit for changing our system (We The People). We can gather sustainable will power together for energy and transportation technology, and economic progress. Bernie Sanders has the courage, the vision, and the record to face down the greed of fossil fuel executives, and the millionaire and billionaire upper classes who have sabotaged environmental action. While being a millionaire now, President Bernie will accept his share of national responsibility (wealth taxes), and welcome the hatred of those among his upper class who refuse to sacrifice to solve crises they helped create. Bernie will lead our country in this Green New Deal movement, and bring the world together to defeat the existing threats of climate change and corporate control. Please join the GND movement with us!

President, Bernie Sanders Will Avert Climate Catastrophe and Create 20 Million Jobs

Main Proposal Plan:

As president, Bernie Sanders will launch the decade of the Green New Deal, a ten-year, nationwide mobilization centered around justice and equity during which climate change will be factored into virtually every area of policy, from immigration to trade to foreign policy and beyond. This plan outlines some of the most significant goals we have set and steps we will take during this mobilization, including (SCOD consolidated bullet points):

  1. Create 100% Renewable Energy – by expanding alternative sources for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and complete decarbonization by 2050; consistent with the United Nations (UN) Panel on Climate Change goals; by expanding the existing federal Power Marketing Administrations (PMA) to build new solar, wind, water, and geothermal energy infra-structure.
  1. Create 20 million new green jobs needed to solve the climate crisis. These jobs will be good paying, union jobs with strong benefits and safety standards in steel and auto manufacturing, construction, energy efficiency retrofitting, coding and server farms, and renewable power plants. We will also create millions of jobs in sustainable agriculture, engineering, a reimagined and expanded Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC), fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Corps, and preserve our public lands.
  1. Declare National Emergency for Transition – federal spending to be transferred from creating pollution, to ending pollution. Climate Change and the Great Recession are National Emergencies, so we will invest $16.3 trillion for public mobilization of resources to include more minority communities and democracy in the work-place.
  1. Transition workers from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Workers often are neglected by corporations and politicians. We will guarantee five years of a worker’s current salary, housing assistance, job training, health care, pension support, and priority job placement for any displaced worker, as well as early retirement support for those who need it.
  1. Save families money – weatherizing homes, lowering energy bills, building better public transportation, providing grants and trade-in programs for families and small businesses to purchase high-efficiency electric vehicles, and rebuilding our inefficient and crumbling infrastructure, including deploying universal, affordable high-speed internet.
  1. Supporting small family farms – by investing in ecologically regenerative and sustainable agriculture. This plan will transform our agricultural system to fight climate change with agro-ecology, provide perma-culture local foods, and break the corporate stranglehold on farmers and ranchers. [see Revitalizing Rural America plan (RRA)]
  1. Justice for frontline communities – special help for under-resourced groups, communities of color, Native Americans, people with disabilities, children and the elderly through a $40 billion Climate Justice Resiliency Fund (CJRF); providing those border or fence-line communities a just transition including real jobs, resilient infrastructure, economic development.
  1. Reduce global emissions throughout the world – by providing $200 billion to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), rejoining the Paris Agreement, and reasserting US international leadership in the global fight against climate change.
  1. US emission reductions – The United States has for over a century spewed carbon pollution emissions into the atmosphere in order to gain economic standing in the world. Therefore, we have an outsized obligation to help less industrialized nations meet their targets while improving quality of life. We will reduce domestic emissions by at least 71 percent by 2030 and reduce emissions among less industrialized nations by 36 percent by 2030; the total equivalent of reducing our domestic emissions by 161%.
  1. Massive investments in research and development. We will invest in public research to drastically reduce the cost of energy storage, electric vehicles, and make our plastic more sustainable through advanced chemistry. [see free Community College plan]
  1. This GND plan pays for itself over 15 years. – by Making the fossil fuel industry pay for their pollution, through litigation, fees, and taxes, and eliminating federal fossil fuel subsidies; by Generating revenue from the wholesale of energy produced by the regional Power Marketing Authorities. Revenues will be collected from 2023-2035, and after 2035 electricity will be virtually free, aside from operations and maintenance costs.; by Scaling back military spending on maintaining global oil dependence.; by Collecting new income tax revenue from the 20 million new jobs created by the plan.; by Reduced need for federal and state safety net spending due to the creation of millions of good-paying, unionized jobs – Making the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share. The cost of inaction is unacceptable. Economists estimate that if we do not take action, we will lose $34.5 trillion in economic activity by the end of the century. And the benefits are enormous:  by taking bold and decisive action, we will save $2.9 trillion over 10 years, $21 trillion over 30 years, and $70.4 trillion over 80 years. Also the ecological value of preserving living green resources should be calculated into our current economy.
  1. Environmental Economy vs Corporate Greed – We cannot accomplish any of these goals without taking on the fossil fuel billionaires whose greed lies at the very heart of the climate crisis. These executives have spent hundreds of millions of dollars protecting their profits at the expense of our future, and they will do whatever it takes to squeeze every last penny out of the Earth. Bernie promises to go further than any other presidential candidate in history to end the fossil fuel industry’s greed, including by making the industry pay for its pollution and prosecuting it for the damage it has caused. Most importantly, we must build an unprecedented grassroots movement that is powerful enough to take them on, and win. Young people, advocates, tribes, cities and states all over this country have already begun this important work, and we will continue to follow their lead. Regional Economic Development – Provide targeted regional economic development. Communities especially in need of assistance during our transition to a clean energy economy will be eligible for an additional funding for economic development investments through regional commissions and authorities. Our federal regional commissions make targeted economic development investments in rural America. These commissions have funded projects that enhance workforce competitiveness, build and repair infrastructure, and increase community capacity like broadband projects, clean drinking water, organic farming, and energy efficiency.

Funding will be distributed Regionally as follows:

  • $2.53 billion for the Appalachian Regional Commission
  • $506.4 million for the Delta Regional Authority
  • $304 million for the Denali Commission
  • $405 million for the Northern Border Regional Commission
  • $94 million for the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission 
  • $2.02 billion for Economic Development Assistance Programs
  • Infrastructure investments for impacted communities. We will provide $130 billion for counties impacted by climate change with funding for water, broadband, and electric grid infrastructure investments.
  • Connect consumers with local farms and healthy foods. Establish a victory lawns and gardens initiative through a $36 billion investment to help urban, rural, and suburban Americans transform their lawns into food-producing or reforested spaces that sequester carbon and save water. Lawns account for 40 million acres in America, and we spend tens of billions of dollars each year taking care of them each year. Let’s reinvest that money in climate smart practices that encourage everyone to be a part of the solution.
  • Invest $14.7 billion in cooperatively owned grocery stores. Local groceries and co-ops are more likely to buy local products, which will help grow markets for farmers to sell their goods. We will also use these funds to bring grocery stores to food deserts ensuring all people have access to healthy, local food. 
  • Incentivize schools to procure locally produced foods. Institutional purchasing can be a huge boost to local producers and build local farm economies. We will give a meal incentive for schools that acquire at least 30 percent of their food from local sources. Invest $31 billion in local food processing, including slaughter and dairy processing. Rampant consolidation in processing has led to a lack of facilities for small-scale, local producers. Investing in local facilities will help smaller producers to compete with the Tyson Foods of the world. Allow meat slaughtered at state inspected facilities to be sold across state lines, to compete with imported meat.


* END SCOD Summary of the GND *

Trumpism: Symptoms of Corporate Crisis

Posted in Artificial Chemical Products, Climate Change, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Ethics & Morals, Legal / Laws, news, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2019 by Drogo

Trump is a symptom of a larger crony corporate problem.

Sanders earns votes from workers because he gets the problems.

This economy really sucks, and has gotten worse every year since the 1990s for most people as far as cost of living and flow of lower and middle class income goes. The unemployment rate does not account for the larger numbers of people under-employed, unemployed and do not get unemployment benefits, and those not included in those other categories in Federal Records, so the real number of people in America who cannot pay their bills is much higher than is officially recognized.

Global Warming means mass murder. People need to know that industries who fuel Global Climate Change are committing mass murder, due to the political and environmental destabilizing that happens in extreme conditions on all levels of civilization, into the future for as long as the artificially caused imbalance happens. Overall global temperatures rise, climate pattern become more erratic, polar ice melts, sea levels rise, coasts go under water, political migrant crises and harder working conditions for outside labor cause economic and social civil wars, and the problems compound over decades and generations (see Bill Nye or scientists who can speak to non-scientists about it, if you don’t like Al Gore).


How does Trump compare to other presidents? Who else dismantled safety regulations and protection studies for the environment and all products (cutting EPA, USDA, NASA, NOAA, NPS, Dept of Education)?? Trump publicly sides with Nazis against Peace Activists which makes him worse than most modern presidents, and possibly Nixon considering Nixon gave in and created the EPA from public pressure to try to control pollution. Trump is an inside trader, con man who has committed fraud multiple times on large scales, profiting from being president in violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution, and then there are his cases of rape and pedophilia that are on official court record by the victims. People accuse Hillary of murder based on a theory I looked into, but it did not seem worse than what Trump may have done (Epstein) as he is clearly capable and has incited violence at his rallies and in tweets, and there is senate testimony that he threatens people mafia style in his regular business deals. Oh yeah he signed the Dakota Pipeline into effect as soon as he got in office, despite the victory of Standing Rock, and promotes continuing global warming, which means mass murder due to worsening conditions combined with race wars he promotes (Border Concentration Camps & Wall & Ice Raids).

Trumpism is not just about Trump, he is just the chump puppet face of corporate corruption for a world wide phenomenon of nationalist unrest and economic inequality. Other countries already had nationalist reactionary problems, and now have their own versions of Trump, emboldened by his words and actions. Fascism is in power and on the rise in more and more other nations. Italy, Greece, England (Brexit), Spain, China, Hong Kong, Central and South America… all have conservative nationalist movements that want to use violence on minorities and migrants (bigotry) as red herrings for systemic problems that have other causes. Even countries like Mexico and Canada have neo-liberal corporate politicians that want to cut down more forests and keep polluting (more oil pipe-lines) for Capitalism, although they do not want to use violence as much as neo-conservatives. Therefore it is clear that grassroots democracy and Green New Deals are the only way ahead for progressive humanists, regardless of party politics.

[ AUDIO Recording of this Essay ]

Why Bernie Sanders is the Only Choice Left in 2020

Posted in Economics, Environmentalism, History, Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2019 by Drogo

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the only choice Left to be president in 2020 because his record is so consistently close to the philosophy of FDR and MLK; sorry corporate DNC. The DNC got to run their corporate candidate last time, and Hillary Clinton (a corporate brand name) lost against Donald Trump (WTF?). The DNC blamed Russia and Environmentalists, and called fellow liberals evil “russians” just like the Republicans did during the Red Scare, with all of the blacklisting and pinko bigotry that came with it during the Cold War; but they found out that some of us are sick of that crap and the brain-washing does not work on us. Those of us resistant to the dictates of authority, prefer the intellectual chaos of real democracy over submitting to the fake rhetoric and lies of corrupted power.

So yes the DNC has been running fake progressives using their corporate money, but the false hope based on lies is fake enough to see through for anyone who studies political ethics even as a hobby. As Killer Mike, Nina Turner, and Cornel West have been saying “The proof is in the pudding.” Sanders may be truly as far left as lesser known candidate veterans like Kucinich and Gravel, but Sanders has proven tougher and has had more popularity than any other politician since 2016. Sanders is so much closer to MLK than anyone else running, and for so much longer. I love some of the others too like Tulsi and Yang, but they do not have as many decades of experience in politics. Bernie is documented as being involved in the 1960s Civil Rights movement, like perhaps most famously in photos and film taken when he got arrested for chaining himself with blacks in a 1963 protest. In economics and environmentalism Sanders is very scientific in his policies [Green New Deal]. Sanders is on record working with Bill Nye the Science Guy to explain to people that the science of climate change is real, and in the Senate Sanders actually forced companies like Walmart and Amazon to pay their workers more. There is no doubt that Sanders can do what he says when he has enough support.

All the other candidates for president in 2020 (including Biden) are imitating his Social Healthcare platform basically in the main aspects, and some can do it better than others. Biden really cannot because he is too corporate crony, and the worst kind of two-faced politician. Sanders pulled the entire DNC more left for sure, along with grass-roots social movements like ‘Black Lives Matter’ and environmentalism (both tending to embrace the non-violent methods of MLK and thus also represent a surviving Peace Movement). The DNC is rigged, and both parties will try to rig the national election again in favor of their corporate donors, but Bernie may have enough support it wont matter, because he certainly has even more support than last time. Corporations and rich ducks have to decide who they want to negotiate with before mobs are sick of yelling, and do not want to talk anymore.

The fact is that Plutocracy can use their money and power to take out any politician or citizen they want, and get away with it legally as they have done before with the assassinations of JFK, JFK’s brother, MLK, and potentially others that are hard to prove due to the nature of the system. Our own Oligarchy usually uses other less lethal means to rig elections (using the electoral college, supreme court, gerrymandering etc); and character assassinate using blackmail and the corporate News Media. However there is only so much the CIA, NSA, HLS, SS, and FBI can do, even including assassinations. They may have to buckle down and allow corporations to negotiate with Sanders, or risk worse violence against their profits from mass movements like Occupy or Yellow Vest (working class of France). This happened with FDR. FDR came closer than any other world leader during WW2 to satisfying labor rights, even those who claimed they were socialist. FDR was not assassinated because plutocrats must have seen him as a way to keep the system from collapsing; yet FDR made the New Deal which taxed the rich corporations heavily and created a prosperous 1950s middle-class who could actually afford to buy products and property.

With FDR our Oligarchs (big business, plutocracy, and MIC) must have realized they were not going to get another leader sympathetic enough to both the poor and the rich to allow the system to function and stop a complete revolution (as in Russia or Germany). Somehow the powerful leaders allowed FDR to win and distribute wealth fairly enough to allow the middle class of the 1950s to buy their crap. Let’s see if industrial corporations, rich aristocrats, and militant bigots figure it out again this century.

By the way, violence is not the only thing that can bring the far Left and the far Right together. The wings of politics merge at the ends of Civil Rights aka Individual Liberties. Populism works politically because it draws support from both the Right and the Left. Sanders is certainly the most proven populist, as his popularity proves; and not even time-tested scary propaganda about evil communists can stop true populism. Trump won as a fake populist, but his record as a con-man was there all along. People want a real populist now more than ever, since MLK and even FDR.

– Drogo H.F. Empedocles

*FREE Audio recording of me reading my essay onAUDIOMACK!!!*


Congratulations President Obama

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 22, 2013 by Drogo

I write this tribute to our first African-American President on the day of his 2nd Term Inauguration. I proudly voted for him this time. Last time I proudly voted for my Green Party Candidate Cynthia McKinney, who would have been our first Black and first Woman President. Before that I was Kucinich all the way. Many whites forget that it was not long ago that our culture treated blacks as property, because they were our slaves. Not only are we mostly ignorant about this history, it is almost impossible for most of us to feel their suffering, never mind trying to understand that we should celebrate the fact that we have a kind, intelligent black representative leading us now. It is true we can argue that maybe Obama is actually more white socially, but he is a decent negotiator between the two cultures.

Finally I feel the USA is back on track with social liberties, picking up from the 1990s and all the damage that was done in between, regarding racial, ethical, and cultural freedoms in general. Considering what a president has to deal with, I like Barack just fine.

Sure there are policies I disagree with. For example I do not threaten people with nukes or guns. So I am not as conservative as Obama on many issues; and perhaps I would have not bailed out all the banks and auto companies, but I remember the political pressure that was put on him by all those that believe in Wall Street and all that shit, and I am sure there is some bribery going on there to make it all function. I do not gamble like that, but obviously those rich people do. The worst things about Obama (and JFK) is that for all their kindness, they tend to go along with whatever the military wants, so I question everything from Drone Strikes to the regular military shit.

Ok I would also legalize Pot.

Besides those issues, I agree with Obama on Gun Restrictions, Gun Rights, Gay Rights, Equal Rights, Ethics, etc… and most of all Environmental Protection, Alternative Fuels, and Renewable Energy in that we need more of these things. I think we need more radical change faster, but fast change can have worse side effects sometimes than slow change, in a culture where almost half of the voters do not want those changes. So there you have it.

– Drogo

“A decade of War is now ending. Peace need not be maintained by constant War.”     – Obama.


SCOD Membership Level Duties

Posted in SCOD Council with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 8, 2013 by Drogo

Associate: discuss, share, and work on ideas, designs, and projects.

Regular: frequently discuss, share, and work on ideas, designs, and projects.

Council: (regular duties with additional)

Frequently discuss, share, and work on ideas, designs, and projects.

Attend the monthly meetings, and vote.

Term is perpetual (meeting attendance based)

President: (regular duties with additional)

Frequently discuss, share, and work on ideas, designs, and projects.

Conduct the monthly meetings, and vote. If the vote is a tie, arbitrate.

Communicate and advertise: post notices, send messages, write reports, and advocate about projects, events, and meetings before and after.

Term is Seasonal (voted by Council)

Presidents can be self-proposed recommendations or proposed recommendations by others. All presidential candidates should be notified (if not self-proposed), and certain they want to try to be president, before the vote. The winning candidate becomes president upon completion of the vote, or arbitration if needed. If no other candidates are nominated, the current President automatically stays on until the next Seasonal Election time (etc).

this proposal was passed, unanimous vote January 2013

Colbert Roasts Bush

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization with tags , , , , , , , on December 3, 2010 by Drogo

“Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Hindenberg”

White House Press Corps Dinner

Steven Colbert’s Roast of President Bush

(Still one of the best roasts in history.)

US Victory in Iraq! August 31, 2010

Posted in Memorials / Obituaries / Epitaphs, Military, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2010 by Drogo

We Won the War in Iraq! August 31, 2010

Today we won the War in Iraq. As most of our combat troops are leaving Iraq, we can say, “We came, we saw, we kicked ass.” Congratulations US. Thank you President Obama for helping this to happen, and giving a ‘milestone’ speech today on the subject of Patriots. As he said, Patriots can be for or against War.

Today is also the day that I am officially out of the US Military, myself. As of 16:00 this day of the God of War Tew (Tuesday), I have been given an Honorable Discharge from the Air National Guard after 5 years of traditional service. Therefore to honor this day, I here no longer must guard against admitting that I was in the military, as the military restricts the first amendment rights of it’s members under penalty of court-martial law. Operation 10 COW contains my conclusions.

When is the next war? We are already in it (Afghanistan). O well, let us pause to remember the costs of war. Let us never forget the fallen.

World Peace may be impossible, but perhaps we could have less ongoing impossible-to-know-when-the-end-is Military Wars. Now that is worth fighting for!

Obama “Who’s Ass To Kick”

Posted in Environmentalism, Interviews, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2010 by Drogo

President Barack Obama 2010

2010 Gulf Coast Response Video

SCOD 2010

Gulf Spill

Remix 1

SCOD 2010

Oil Spill

Remix 2








Who’s ass should we kick?  Prosecute war criminals like Bush Jr., Chenney, Rumsfeld, and others who lied to personally profit from wars that killed and maimed thousands. Kick BP’s ass out of the market, then subsidize green energy more, and kick fossil fuels the way of the dinosaurs! Let’s get a move on. Kick anyone’s ass that stands in the way of real environmental progress.

As the oil kept gushing out into the Gulf of Mexico, it was as if our hope for change was spilling out too… Obama refused to fight to change the system that was polluting and draining our national wealth for the few.

Who’s ass to kick to get Hope & Change? Hindsight 2020:

Obama was better than Trump, but “the need” to bail out rich companies was a lie, and “wanting to help lower classes” was a lie because none of us got bailed out who went homeless because of those companies, and that paved the way for Trump. Obama describes his own policies as old school Republican centrist, in other words trickle-down economics. His largest accomplishments (besides some Healthcare and some National Park additions) have favored rich people getting richer (bailing out wall street, big banks, big companies, etc), and most of us getting poorer. The system would not have collapsed because competition fills in market gaps. Being the first black president certainly worked to make me give him the benefit of the doubt, and i trusted him and voted for him. In hindsight i think i am not the only one disappointed in his sincerity, and wonder why it was Bush Jr that was the only president to actually give us any help directly to the lower classes (tax refund of what was it $200?) Now Obama is saying we should not fight for hope and change, it is better to vote for corporate centrists who will keep the money where it is. I am still glad i voted for him, because Obama was no doubt better than the Republicans he ran against. McCain would have been worse for sure.

Protected: A Blind Hammer Destroys What It Cannot See

Posted in Film Reviews, Military, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2010 by Tenuous Soap

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Nobel Peace Prize Fighters

Posted in Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Environmentalism, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2009 by Drogo

Why Al Gore Wins Over President Obama

Al Gore and President Obama, have both now won the Nobel Peace Prize. Both men are Democratic leaders seeking to bridge humanitarian concerns in the United States, as well as around the World. They have not only given powerful speeches on human rights, environmental concerns, and the need to help others through peaceful means, they have worked on many projects based on those ideas.

On the flip side, Republicans have done the same thing in their own way. They gave the speeches, danced the dance, and signed a bill here or there for good things. The differences between politicians, lie in the ratio of good to bad ideas as intentions, and the ratio of those ideas to successful plans accomplished with positive results.

There is no such thing as a perfect human, we have flaws. A human with the power of a leader is no more or less corrupt than average humans, they simply have more power granted to them by industrial and commercial complexes fueled by the masses; summarized as ‘the Machine’. Everything a leader decides is simply amplified, through preconceived rituals of law, and obedient communication.

Some leaders are more moral than others, according to popular opinions. Some opinions are more popular than others, at different times. With Al Gore, he is clearly the most moral if you believe that humans have been polluting our own planet since the Industrial Revolution. President Obama is more moral if you believe that we should begin to see past cultural differences, while working within the system. George Bush is more moral if you believe blindly in the doctrines of Christian Churches and Evangelicals since the Crusades.

In this essay, I am arguing in favor of Al Gore over all other well-intentioned popular leaders since Carter and Clinton. Of course this does not include lesser-known, but more valid candidates like Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich (to name a few) who are closer to the earlier role models of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, in thought and deed. Al Gore is a moral and considerate intellectual in two major fields: (1) the Environment and (2) World Peace.

Gore and Obama are both Centrist, and their popularity is due in part to their ability to appeal to many people while being backed by powerful lobbyists. Gore wins by being stronger in his two strongest fields: The Environment and World Peace.

I post this as a reaction to President Obama’s bold speech defending War (in particular his inherited conflicts in the Middle East), by proudly saying that he thinks they are “justified”. Obama chose to defend these industrial attempts at repeating the follies of past centuries of human violence, just as he said he would while running for President. There was no ‘HOPE’ for World Peace if you listened to what he said. Obama declared early on that nukes would “never be off-the-table”, and that we must always use them to threaten anyone who acts against us.

World Peace under military domination of an Empire, is barely World Peace; and if it ever is, it is spotted with rebel uprisings as Empires always are. To be fair to the devil, tribes have fought throughout history as well, even without empires. The conclusion is that World Peace is no more achievable by an Empire than it is by a unity of Tribes.

Individualism is too much a part of civilization to be stamped out by a combat boot. As Orwell and Huxley knew, oppression is far less stable than control through reward. Here is an excerpt from Al Gore’s book Assault On Reason:

“The pursuit of “dominance” in foreign policy led the Bush administration to ignore the UN, to do serious damage to our most important alliances, to violate international law, and to cultivate the hatred and contempt of many in the rest of the world. The seductive appeal of exercising unconstrained unilateral power led this president to interpret his powers under the constitution in a way that brought to life the worst nightmare of the founders. Any policy based on domination of the rest of the world not only creates enemies for the US and recruits for al-Qaida, but also undermines the international cooperation that is essential to defeating terrorists who wish to harm and intimidate America. Instead of “dominance”, we should be seeking pre-eminence in a world where nations respect us and seek to follow our leadership and adopt our values.”

I encourage everyone who fights for the ideals of Inner Peace, Local Peace, and World Peace to study the writings of Al Gore. We are a part of our Environment.

*Al Gore is a former US Vice-President and won the Popular Vote for President; the quote is extracted from his book, The Assault on Reason, published by Bloomsbury © Al Gore