Archive for musicians

Public Domain Podcasting

Posted in Interviews, Music Reviews, POB Audio, POB Video, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 14, 2020 by Drogo

Essay on various forms of podcasting and broadcasting –

I use Facebook broadcasting using live-stream and posts. Audio recordings are the easiest because video can take much longer to set-up for aesthetics, editing, and upload time. The Facebook live-stream recordings have the benefit of no upload time broadcasting, and yet provide a recording. I have been experimenting with various show themes including: comedy, music, readings of stories, lectures, interviews, and discussions. SCODcast music has included remixes, covers, and originals; ambient, folk, and industrial.

Folk music and literature is generally considered ‘public domain’. Popular stories and songs are part of folk lore, and so copyrighted pop media creates a post-modern problem for ‘public domain’ use. Our popular birthday folk song was even copyrighted for several years, so that no one was allowed to sing it in public; the ruling was eventually over-turned legally. When artists push the limits of what is allowed to be played, it holds the mirror to power. 

Facebook mutes anything that its copyright algorithm detects, but Youtube has a monetize option to run ads for the owner. Karaoke has added a new element to pop-culture over the years. It is fun to take some requests and dedicate some shows to people or themes.

National Living Wages Value Artists

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Critical Commentary of Civilization, Economics with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 4, 2015 by Drogo

SCOD economic theory – Living Wage Revolution & The Arts

Artists are people too, and humans in American society have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the future all free people, including all Artists of all kinds (visual, dance, music, etc), should be supported as human beings, regardless of their abilities, economically by government funds on a ‘living wage’, paid for by wealthy corporation and Wall Street mega-business taxes. The price of food, shelter, and utilities should also be kept low, so as not to neutralize the value of money. Unregulated Capitalism and Inflation devalue human and monetary worth. These changes are needed, because throughout history all those who desire to make art, not as a hobby but as a living, have found that only a very few can do so, when governments are run by belligerent greedy assholes that prefer war over art. Many of the most otherwise peaceful and joyful victims of society get lost in deep cracks between the common work and under-funded shallow health-care systems. The common criticism that oppressing authorities have of socialism is that it ‘will allow people to be lazy while others work hard for the same amount’; and that is total bullshit because first of all those that are able to make more money with work would do so, as those that achieve more or better work will be rewarded extra pay and accolades for their accomplishments. Also working hard does not always produce better results than working smart, and those of us who become demoralized by lack of funding and no hope, would be motivated by the fact that we would be appreciated and given what we need to live our lives. Living wages could be reduced as legal penalties when laws are broken, and removed when incarcerated in prison institutions that provide their basic needs during their stay. In this way the greedy can still be greedy, but not at the expense of others that contribute greatly to civilization who have not been valued by economic systems as a whole since the dawn of history. An economic revolution is needed, and all artists should be leading it!

Circular Economy – Dame Ellen MacArthur


Musician Austin Litz

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Interviews, Music Reviews, Organic Development, POB Audio, Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 17, 2013 by Drogo

Local area musician Austin Litz is from Gaithersburg, MD; but actively plays and tours with many other musicians from Frederick, Baltimore, and DC. He plays a multitude of instruments, including keyboard, saxophone, his own voice and digital equipment. Austin’s band Litz includes his brothers and other friends including DJ ‘Plaeyground’ Will Smith. 

“Balance is the key to the cosmic dance of vibrational intentions. ϕ . In music, balance can be measured with tangible, quantitative evidence (volume, tonality). In life, and in music, balance is also subjective matter. Thats where listening to your mind body and soul comes in. All three voices (mind,body,soul) function like a chord and must be tuned accordingly to resonate with the highest purity and beauty (whats beauty? a question for another day I suppose). When observing the majority of the American people, I do not hear a beautiful chord. The body and soul are hard to tamper with directly but can be de-tunned threw manipulation of the mind. Thats where we come in, to send a message of opening your mind. Your body and soul will soon follow. Organizations like Monsanto and Exxon exist due to an abundance of ignorant contentment. Commodified love. Tune yourself into a technicolor chord, try 528Hz! In the Spring I personally can’t wait to plant a dank Garden in the backyard of the Litz house, ride my bike everywhere I can, and learn as much as possible with an unbiased, open mind.”

–  Austin Litz

