Archive for mythology

Joseph Campbell was not racist

Posted in Philosophy with tags , , , on January 14, 2023 by Drogo

Anti-smear Article Against Claims that Campbell was Anti-Semitic and Racist

George Lucas could be attacked for being anti-Western as well, since he cited the Viet Kong as inspiration for the Rebels and used Campbell as a primary influence (see Bill Moyers interviews). Lucas admitted that his writings sympathized with the communists, and this could be the reason why Campbell was targeted by both the New Yorker and the NY Times and labeled a “fascist” by critics who are not fans of his work. There are articles calling Campbell a jew hater too, but the evidence points the opposite direction in his writing, so im not sure about the rumors. One of the libelous articles mentions this fact that he loved jewish mythology, but attacked the dogma of the religion (this makes more sense). Centrist liberals targeted Campbell to devalue his influence on popular and intellectual culture, as MIC funding would be at risk if we had less wars if people took Campbell’s love of other cultures too seriously.

There has been a massive hit job on his reputation, started by elite liberals who should have known better; and followed up by ignorant haters. The main beliefs of Campbell are that we should all get along because our cultures have wonderful similarities and wonderful differences. So as a loyal follower of Campbell i am highly skeptical of the rumors, and find them to be salacious hear-say defamation. The worst ive seen is by some jerk jonathan poletti. I had no idea who his critics were before a fellow writer told me the gossip, but perhaps these less famous writers are more nefarious in their motives than Campbell was socially.

But dont just take my word for it, read Campbell and study his lectures. Bill Moyers pushed him on some issues, and nothing right wing came out. Here is what some of his fellow scholars had to say about the slander.


Someone who knew Campbell had to say, writer Monte Davis –

“As far as I can see, because Brendan Gill — a long=time acquaintance, sometime friend and admirer of Campbell — woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day two years after Campbell’s death and gathered up all his misgivings in one poison-pen elegy.

The Campbell I knew from 1969 on could be acidly snarky about all exclusive monotheisms — the genteel early-20th-century Irish-American Catholicism he (and Gill) had grown up in, as well as Judaism and Islam. But I never saw a trace of anything remotely like what most people mean by anti-Semitism.”

Here is what a fellow myth scholar Tom Gi had to say –

“This charge against Campbell has survived over the years. People who know little about the man or his work will know of this controversy. I’ll tell you how it began.

Just after Campbell died, his work became extremely popular upon the release of PBS’s ‘Power of Myth’(1987). His friend, the literary critic Brenden Gill, was a little disturbed by how Campbell was being effectively ‘canonized’ by the public, made into a saint, particularly by America’s liberals, when the Campbell he knew was in many ways a conservative. So Gill wrote an article in the New York Review of Books titled ‘The Faces of Joseph Campbell’ (1989). Gill said that Campbell was a friend, but that he had his flaws, and that among those flaws were certain anti-Semitic sentiments. For example, Gill contended that Campbell preferred the work of Jung over Freud primarily because Freud was Jewish. This oversimplification was answered, and Joseph Campbell’s character was defended, in the same publication by various authors that included the scholar of comparative religion Huston Smith. Gill then related some more personal examples of his late friend’s anti-Semitism.

This little exchange shouldn’t have been that big a deal. The crux of Gill’s original complaint was not anti-Semitism. It was the liberal embrace of Campbell’s idea of spirituality; that all one needs to do is ‘follow their bliss’, do whatever makes them happy; that is to say, be hedonistic, and they will experience a heaven on earth.

But why did the charge of anti-Semitism stick? I can tell you for certain, that Joseph Campbell was not an overt racist in the sense that he supported the Nazi regime or wore a KKK gown or anything of that nature. He taught at Sara Lawrence College for 38 years. About half of his students were Jewish. It isn’t as though there were repeated complaints about his anti-Semitism. In fact, I’ve never heard one complaint from a student along these lines. Campbell preached openness and acceptance of all races and religions.”

Barnaby Thieme –

“As far as I can see, his philosophical objection to Judaism is epitomized by an anecdote he liked to tell about raising to Martin Buber the possibility that yogis in India are also experiencing God, and the horror and disbelief that suggestion elicited from the Rabbi.

Campbell was against all religious ideas of a “chosen people,” which is specifically why I, as a fairly liberal reader, have found his public statements on politics and history amenable. His central posture was that the great spiritual problem of our age is the necessity that we recognize one another as brothers, and whether or not we can do so will answer the larger questions of how we share the one world we inhabit.”


Arthurian Legends

Posted in Biographies, Pagan, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2020 by Drogo

Allusions to the paradigmatic (original) Arthur, from related Welsh & Irish traditions

[ notes from my RWU Mythology text book p,211 ]

Fionn of southern Ireland (Leinster); 2 Old Welsh Poems (600 AD)

Historia of Nennius (800 AD) – Arthur fought Celtic Kings of the Isle of Britain in the time of Octha, son of Hengist. Dux Bellorum (Commander of Armies) 12 Victories: Battle of Mt Badon, in one he killed 960 men himself in one day.

Mirabilia of the Historia: Tomb of Amir (his son) in south-east Wales

Culhwch and Owen (1100): Glewlwyd was there when Arthur conquered Greece to the Orient. Had been in India, Africa, and Corsica Islands. It was believed Arthur was still alive and would return. during troll and boar hunt, stone bears the paw print of Cabal (Arthur’s dog)

Annales Cambriae (900 AD): battle of Camlann, where Arthur and Medrawd fell

Lives of Saints (1000-1100): Arthur was pivotal ruler

Vita Gildae: reunited with Gwenhwyfar kidnapped by Melwas.

Welsh Poem 1: refers to Pwyll and Pryderi, cauldron of Chief of Annwn, Arthur and men sail to Caer Siddi (Irish-Sidh). Of 3 full ships only 7 men return.

Welsh Poem 2: Glewlwyd, Cai, Bedwyr, Manawydan son of Llyr, Mabon son of Modron, Arthur is Emperor. Peredur, Owain, Gereint were knights. Celtic Maponus and Matrona.

Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia (1136): knowledge, combat, wealth.


[ more to come ]


Harpers Faery Magic Bible

Posted in Book Reports, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Matras Quotes Tips, Pagan, Religions, SCOD Online School with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 22, 2013 by Drogo


New-Age Testament & Neo-Pagan Scripture

by Drogo Empedocles 2013


Multiple religious myths and spiritual magics for polytheistic Neo-Pagans

This book is a modern eclectic Pagan Bible. It is the personal beliefs of Prophet Drogo Empedocles, and his interpretation of world religions, New-Age philosophy, and Neo-Pagan magic. Polytheistic Celtic-Wiccan influence is finally proudly written here, in contrast to many Hebrew, Christian, and Muslim beliefs; because of their doctrines of cultural war against Pagans. As a handbook guide of holy Pagan scripture, this book is meant to be a shield and a sword for our faith, in the hands of the chosen guardians. This Pagan Bible includes stories about the magical town of Harpers Faery, and is a combination of historic-fiction, occult magic, and autobiography.

Eclectic-Pagan Celtic-Wiccan New-Age Bible

The word bible, is from the Greek word biblia, meaning simply books. According to religious tradition a bible is also a canon of holy scripture; an authoritative collection of rule books. The dominant rule of this Neo-Pagan Bible is the proclamation of a new covenant with ancient religions, modern Paganism, culture, and individuals in the form of universal spirituality, and acceptance of unique personal magic, and our diverse environments within the Universe. Most of the major religious rule books are now outdated guides. Please help spread the good news of the Pagan Bible!

The word pagan, from Latin paganus, means “rural country folk”. Paganism usually refers to religions or beliefs which are polytheistic or indigenous (non-Christian). Within Paganism are categories such as polytheism, shamanism, pantheism, or animism. Neo-Paganism is the revival of the ancient old ways, adapted in a new way for our modern times. There are many important reasons for this “New-Age” movement, but perhaps most of all Neo-Paganism exists because Mother Earth deserves some respect again, more than ever before!

In various religious and spiritual writings, we may find some answers; or at least stories we can relate to, and are helpful. We may also become upset or troubled by what we read. One curious pattern to notice about written history and other bibles, is how their texts ignore and degrade goddesses, women, and nature-based faiths in general. While mythical stories may be interesting, it is only through our own self-realized connection to civilization and nature that we may put ourselves in context with the true Universe. Remember we are not alone, even when we feel alone.

My name is Drogo Empedocles, and I am a faery. Well, part faery anyway. It is complicated, so I will explain my blood line later. I call myself a faery because fae magic is in my blood, and most of my friends are faeries of one kind or another. I wrote this as my Bible, and it is based on my beliefs and my home town. I encourage everyone to write their own bible. History happens to real people everyday (before it becomes history). This Bible supports polytheism, faerie equal rights, and bloody swear words; in addition to conventional biblical morality and multicultural ethics. This is my Bible.

Dr. Rev. Drogo F.H. Empedocles

HFM Chapters

World Religious Mythology

Harpers Faery Creation Myth

Harpers Faery Songs & Poems

New-Age Testament of Drogo

Harpers Faery Spells and Rituals

Images, Bibliography, References


1st Edition Ebook – Available on Amazon Kindle!

1st Edition – Buy the Paperback Book on Amazon!

2nd Edition –  Paperback  /  Kindle



New-Age Neo-Pagan Holy Glory

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2013 by Drogo

coexist plate

New-Age is a modern spiritual movement, influenced by global cultural knowledge and wisdom. New-Age zeitgeist is born from an environmental and social awareness of the need to break from some rigid traditions, while taking what we need from various traditions to evolve towards living in harmony with our World the Earth. New-Age multiculturalism celebrates social and religious diversity, and encourages exchange and adaptation. Enlightened New-Age spirituality runs parallel with advances in science, such as the importance of bio-diversity; and mathematical fractals. Enlightened magical thinking has always run parallel with science, as both have their roots in medieval alchemy and astrology. The term New-Age referred to the coming astrological Age of Aquarius. We are concerned with the relationship between ourselves (mind, body, and spirit), and Universe, and other dimensions (micro-macro cosmos, quantum physics, alternate planes). While we tend to embrace many main-stream trends, we also seek alternative fringe concepts. New-Age refuses to be confined by dogmas, but is often willing to include empowering motivational psychologies, self-help, holistic health, parapsychology, consciousness research, ecological design, and their inter-connectedness.

Polytheist Neo-Paganism is part of the New-Age and one of the best religions the World has. Neo-Paganism embraces the freedom to worship one, none, or many deities. The three main types of Abrahamic Monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, & Islam), all have rich and powerful demagogues claiming that they must be obeyed exclusively, based on a “One Way” theory. Neo-Pagan Polytheism has no rich evangelist missionaries, nor the intent to propagate or to proselytise by saying that all other ways are wrong. In fact we see other ways as good, ok, or valid; so long as the faithful are not being told to persecute other faiths. In Paganism there is no eternal punishment doctrine that dictates other religions are doomed to a place like Hell.

In Paganism there is no single leader, scripture or religious philosophy. Most Pagans, however, believe in the divine character of the natural world and Paganism is often described as an “Earth religion”. In Neo-Paganism many of us are both polytheist and pantheist, and are free to worship any gods, even deities that are claimed to be monotheist by their followers (it is not a Sin). While I am advocating the positive aspects of Neo-Paganism beliefs, it really comes down to individual interpretation of scriptures. Neo-Paganism should be proud to be associated with Witchcraft, because the emphasis of that label is on the individual as a natural priest. We have the power within us to commune with Nature, and any other higher powers that we wish to pray to; and reserve the right not to pray.

To be fair it should also be said, that Neo-Pagans often have contemporary liberal values; that are not only at odds with certain understandings of Abrahamic Monotheism, but also ancient Paganism. For example if most ancient Druids were involved with human sacrifice, most modern Neo-Pagan Druids are not involved with human sacrifice, for ethical and legal reasons. Truths or myths of the past are like teachers, they should guide us to find our own ways. It is often very important for new generations to distinguish themselves from their parents. New-Age beliefs embrace this common universal paradigm.

Neo-Pagans believe it is ok to believe in deities your own way. This allows for Agnostic, or even Atheist, interpretation of mythology. Pagans are free to believe in deities that are Jungian archetypes, or just really cool fictional characters; because it is the meaning of myths to the individual that matters most. Witches and warlocks can determine for themselves what it means to believe in the powers of their faith. Human psyche is liberated in the New-Age to be diverse, and in Neo-Paganism we can be united in our diversity. With tolerance, we can coexist, and even harmoniously respect our neighbor’s deities.

Witch Murders

Between 1300-1700, tens-of-thousands of Europeans (mostly women) were executed for “practicing witchcraft”, in a church-government sanctioned mass hysteria academics call the ‘witch craze’. People were burned, drowned, hanged, beaten, and crushed after “trials” in both secular and religious courts; orchestrated or lynched by vigilante mobs. By the most conservative estimate, Dr. Ronald Hutton’s count of execution records, between 35,184 and 63,850 witches were killed (at least 17,000 in Germany). Sociologist Nachman Ben-Yehuda estimates the combined death toll could have been as high as 500,000. The phenomenon of ‘witch hunting’ was a massive concerted prolonged crusade.


Criticism of Monotheism by a Polytheist

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Religions with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 4, 2013 by Drogo

Comments of Caution Regarding Abrahamic Bibles :

Beware the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible, and the Muslim Quran !!!

… for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.” – Exodus, in the Ten Commandments

I have studied the Bible with Catholics, Protestants, and others. My mother taught Sunday School at our Methodist Church, I went to Catholic High School, and I have discussed the Bible with many clerics from all branches over the years. I have studied Christianity almost as much as Paganism. I am not Christian anymore, yet I have intense psychological roots in Christianity and so I feel a need to continue to address my knowledge about it. Also Christianity continually comments on Paganism, so I will return the favor. Of all the religious mythologies in the World, please do not take the Abrahamic bibles literally; specifically the parts mandating bigotry against gays, pagans, or other freedoms like “bad words”.

Jewish, Christian, and Muslim bibles all contain some good general myths, lessons and moral values; yet these books tend to claim to contain the only beliefs for true spiritual salvation, even when there are significant contradictions between them, and hypocrisy within all three of the major popular dogmatic religious texts. The inclusive parts about love are good, and the exclusive parts about hateful bigotry and violent persecution are evil. As Pagans we accept that our gods can have evil destructive aspects, yet ironically those monotheistic bibles claim that their god is purely good, and blame all evil on humans and their trickster spirit The Devil. The Devil has been intentionally depicted as a horned Pagan deity. The tradition of depicting evil as Pagan, is so antagonistic it would be like Pagans saying that our main evil spirit is their God, except that the old man with a white beard is not even a god at all, but simply the most evil spirit that the Goddess ever allowed to exist. To say one “believes the word of God” is one thing, but taking the words literally has led to many evils throughout history.

I will comment on the Christian Bible, since I know it the best, and it includes part of the Jewish / Hebrew Torah, and is similar to the Quran. Of the three bibles, I know least about the Muslim / Islamic Quran. My criticisms of the Christian Bible, are mostly a response to those Christian crusaders and witch hunters (including my ancestors) that waged holy war, and tortured and executed countless other humans, based on their terrible literal interpretations of the holy words of their choice. In fact many believed that they had no choice, because it was the will of God to destroy heretics, pagans, and sinners. My oldest recorded ancestor was an English crusader baron, and in America I am directly related to Judge Danforth, who presided over the Salem, Mass witch trials. It is because of their sins against humanity and the decimation of the old nature gods, that I seek to make amends for the wrongs of Christians against Pagans, and heal our connection with Nature.

Warnings should be placed in monotheist bibles that expose their doctrines of global domination (Manifest Destiny), and their persecution and conquest of pagan cultures. We must continue to make cultural changes in our New-Age of understanding, for our New World religion, spirituality, and magic. We all should have the freedom to practice Abrahamic religions, in our own personal ways by reading them as works of glorious fiction. I consider the Christian Bible to be metaphorically divinely inspired. The Bible can enrich the soul, just as manure can enrich the soil. If either one can relieve some of our suffering, than I say unto thee, “Hallelujah”. I know there are certainly many millions of people that have felt their lives were enriched by monotheist practices. The truths in religions are the archetypal metaphors and moral lessons that apply to the current needs of the people. I will quote Bishop Spong now, because as he says, “Christianity must change or die.”

Notes & Quotes on Sins of Scripture by Bishop John Shelby Spong

Let us have a Christianity that supports civil rights, equal rights, religious freedom, peace, and evolution of thought! Amen.

“Christian voices in our world continue to employ words that reveal nothing less than arrogance toward other religions, whose adherents they regard as fit subjects not for dialogue but for conversion. This attitude is regularly enforced with biblical claims that a particular religious tradition the certainty of the ultimate truth of God that is seen first as religious bigotry and later as religious persecution.” – Preface

“The Bible is a subject of interpretation: there is no doctrine, no prophet, no priest, no power, which has not claimed biblical sanctions for itself.” – Paul Tillich

“In the history of the Western world, however, this Bible has also left a trail of pain, horror, blood, and death that is undeniable. Yet this fact is not often allowed to rise to consciousness. Biblical words have been used not only to kill, but even to justify that killing. … It might be difficult for some Christians to understand, but it is not difficult to document the terror enacted by believers in the name of the Bible.”

“I had to document the evil that Christians have so frequently rendered to others in the name of our religion, including the way we have justified violence with biblical quotations. … There is plenty of guilt to go around. It appears to be in the nature of religion itself to be prejudiced against those who are different in looks, language, habit, and religion. Violence is almost always the result of such prejudice.”

“I believe the Bible must be preserved, but not the Bible that people have used to enhance the pain and evil present in human history.” – Word of God

“Perhaps the strangest claim ever made for any written document in history is that its words are, or somehow contain, the Word of God.” “By Sins of Scripture I mean those terrible texts that have been quoted throughout Christian history to justify behavior that is today universally recognized as evil.” Beyond the biblical lists of immoral mandates… “It is quite easy to demonstrate that the Bible is simply wrong in some of its assumptions. It is hard to maintain the claim of inerrancy in the face of biblical statements that are obviously incorrect. The Word of God is not infrequently simply wrong.”

Moses did not write the Old Testament (Torah). He was dead for at least 300 years. David did not write Psalms, again several years after the death of King David. Jesus’s followers did not write the Gospels. Paul was wacked. “Paul was many things, but divine was not one of them.” – A Claim That Cannot Endure

Bible and Environment

Over-breeding is a real problem in the modern World. Environmental ignorance is a real problem for civilization as well.

Climate Change Summary

As global warming occurs at the poles, ice melts. The Ocean water temperature rises, and coastal flooding is happening around the World. This causes more frequent and larger hurricanes and tidal waves that kill and displace thousands. Combined with droughts on the mainland, these disasters create more violent civil conflicts.

Biblical Anti-Environmental Attitude Summary

The quest to dominate the Earth comes from Old Testament times. Hebrews coming from Egypt, had a sky god named “YHVH” (I am that I am). They wanted their ancestral homeland back from the Canaanites, who worshiped an Earth Goddess Astarte, and her Lord Baal (Master). Hebrews were shepherds who believed in animal sacrifices to their sky god, and Canaanites were agrarian farmers who preferred grain sacrifices to their gods. The Hebrews invaded and made holy war against the Canaanites, their neighbors.

“Mother Earth is fighting back. Mother Earth is rebelling against the way she has been treated by a single species which acts as if the whole world exists to provide comfort and wealth for that species.”

“…let them have dominion over … (animals), and all the earth…” – Genesis 1:26

“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.” – Genesis 1:28

“Bad theology creates bad ecology.”

What was it about Jesus the human, that caused people to say his miracles were true and that he was the Messiah? – Chapter 31

No, I do not believe that Jesus stilled the storm, walked on water, … But I do want to understand what the experience was with Jesus, that caused people to apply Hebrew scripture God language to him.”

Carl Sagan a devout Atheist with a Jewish background, was a friend of Spong. Yet as an astrophysicist he was always referencing religion and God. He said if Jesus had ascended at the speed of light, he would still be traveling within our Galaxy. Perhaps the point of the New-Age Movement, is that despite whether any of the prophets wanted us to believe all of their stories literally, or not; we need to use their stories and lessons in ways that fit our own lives and times.

To make a god in our own image is not a sin of idolatry or vanity, it is a natural healthy desire to understand ourselves and promote our well-being. However many cults and religions have attempted to say that their one “God” is exclusive to their faith, and “He” is only accessible to others through full conversion to their entire dogmatic system of exclusive beliefs. It is a great evil to claim that only your own god exists. To admit that all religions are myths, is not just to admit to how false the stories may or may not be; but also to understand that spiritual experiences can only be communicated through fictional metaphors, because the Spirit World is not defined by non-fiction physical reality. Religious Mythology is taken very seriously, but metaphors are less likely to promote war.


Drogo’s Comments about Mormons

Mormon Bible & The Church of Latter Day Saints

Revolutionary War veteran and Congregationalist preacher, Solomon Spalding (1761-1816) wrote a satirical historic-fiction of the lost civilization of the “American Mound Builders.” He had a skill for mimicking biblical language. Joseph Smith came from a family of evangelical Christian folk-magicians. During his years of treasure hunting he was given Spalding’s main unpublished work, known as “Manuscript Found”, which is now ironically “lost”. Together with his friends, Smith based the book of Mormon on the only existing copy of Spalding’s best work. Smith was a charlatan and learned many ways how to fool many people by using spiritual language. Only years later Mormons publicly released a paper claiming to be the Spalding draft, “Manuscript Story”, but it was clearly either a fake or simply an early Spalding draft. The draft version was clearly different than what was used to write the Book of Mormon, so it was either a false draft made by Mormons, or one that Smith had not used because it did not have the same tone as the other Spalding texts.

“Manuscript Story” and “Manuscript Found” were separate works, but the Book of Mormon is the only public version of “Manuscript Found”. If there is a copy of the Spalding version, it is very possible the Mormon Church will never let it see the light of day. It is more likely that Mormons destroyed it early on. Regardless it is important to realize that Joseph Smith did write the finished version of the Mormon Bible in order to deceive gullible people in order to get their money, and have influence and power. Beyond the evil of tricking people to get rich, Mormon’s have a Bible that ignores historic Native American Indian tribal cultures, and claims that Christianity was their original faith, and that losing their faith in God was an evil that turned their skin red. Native Americans were NOT descended from the evil Lamanites, and we need to stop the literal lies of Mormons that were apologist attempts at making white frontier immigrants feel better about taking Native American lands, killing them, and taking their religion and culture from them. Mormons can be nice people, and I enjoy talking to the elder missionaries that have come to my door over the years trying to convert me; however the Mormon Bible have evil lies in it, and therefore to take the stories literally as the Mormon Church mandates is fucking stupid. Oops I said a cuss word, which also disagrees with their beliefs.

This is the account given by Solomon’s brother, John Spalding about “The Manuscript Found” (the lost version):

“The book was entitled the “Manuscript Found,” of which he read to me many passages. It was an historical romance of the first settlers of America, endeavoring to show that the American Indians are the descendants of the Jews, or the lost tribes. It gave a detailed account of their journey from Jerusalem, by land and sea, till they arrived in America, under the command of NEPHI AND LEHI. They afterwards had quarrels and contentions, and separated into two distinct nations, one of which he denominated Nephites and the other Lamanites. Cruel and bloody wars ensued, in which great multitudes were slain. They buried their dead in large heaps, which caused the mounds so common in this country. Their arts, sciences and civilization were brought into view, in order to account for all the curious antiquities, found in various parts of North and South America. I have recently read the Book of Mormon, and to my great surprize I find nearly the same historical matter, names, &c. as they were in my brother’s writings. I well remember that he wrote in the old style, and commenced about every sentence with “and it came to pass,” or “now it came to pass,” the same as in the Book of Mormon, and according to the best of my recollection and belief, it is the same as my brother Solomon wrote, with the exception of the religious matter. — By what means it has fallen into the hands of Joseph Smith, Jr. I am unable to determine.”

These recorded accounts were verified by several other close relatives that knew Solomon Spalding and his works.

“I well recollect telling Mr. Spalding, that the so frequent use of the words ‘And it came to pass, – Now it came to pass,’ rendered it ridiculous. Spalding left here in 1812, and I furnished him the means to carry him to Pittsburgh, where he said he would get the book printed, and pay me. But I never heard any more from him or his writings, till I saw them in the Book of Mormon.” – Henry Lake a business partner of Spalding 1833

The Spalding theory started by Ed Howe in 1834 is certainly a more reliable conspiracy theory, than the Book of Mormon is. The facts of history seem relative and sparse, yet Smith was far less educated than Spalding. Smith was certainly somewhat literate, clever, and had many other sources and friends to help him edit. Mormonism is one of the worst branches of Christianity, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other evangelicals; because it mandates the literal fallacies that emphasize aggressive bigotry, with the only uncompromising resolution being that you have to believe as they do, or go to Hell. Time for a change? Hell yeah!

* Christianity in Conclusion

The fact that Christian Kingdoms and Empires had become intolerant of all other religions, and even hateful of Nature, was not the fault of their loving and benevolent founder, Jesus. The blame must clearly be laid upon those who wrote and interpreted the scriptures of sin, and acted out the evil events so clearly recorded in history. European colonists in North America often rationalized their evils with the repeated mantra that they were saving primitive, barbaric, pagans by forcefully spreading Christian civilization. It is very possible regardless of our religious beliefs, to love Jesus or his story. I go even further to study Christian mythology and enjoy Gothic Architecture. For me, that is enough, and for those that think I am doomed to Hell because they are brain-washed, it will have to be enough unless they want to metaphorically feel my Pagan wrath. Heh, yes let them fear my curse words, because sometimes you just need to tell people to kiss your ass. Live and let live, but I will debate with them about enlightenment if I have to stop the spread of their corruption. It is a pain in the ass, but freedom is worth it. Freedom of spirit is true Salvation.

I believe that Christians (and all monotheists) should have the freedom to practice the worship of just one god, however I recommend for the sake of everything holy, the future of humanity, and the planet that they use a New-Age spiritual philosophy in the tradition of henotheism, so that we can all get along. I encourage my brother Christians to adopt a new Bible, just as I am doing by writing this one. Bibles should not be the authority on the word of the gods, as any person’s linguistic expression in book form or spoken, will always be from their human perspective. The Christian Bible was written by men, is interpreted by men, and so we should be cautious because some Christians are more enlightened than others, just as with all faiths.

Henotheism is the belief and worship of a single god while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities that may also be worshipped; the believer worships one god alone without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity.


Germanic & Norse (Viking – Asatru)

Posted in Pagan, Religions with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2013 by Drogo


All worlds (Ymir) were created in Ginnungagap. Ymir created all other beings, who continue to reshape Ymir. The spine of Ymir is Yggdrasill, and it is fed by Mimir. The first gods were the matriarchal, agrarian Vanir Earth Gods, who were conquered by the patriarchal, warlike Aesir Sky Gods. The Aesir shaped their Golden Hall Valhalla, in Asgard, as a heaven for brave warrior souls who die in Midgard. The souls become einherjar, and prepare for the final war Ragnarok. Ragnarok (like Armageddon-Apocalypse) destroys much and kills many, save for the chosen few, and Midgard will be repopulated by a couple who survive safely inside Yggdrasill. – Scandinavian Eddas (Iceland skaldic Codex Regius 1200s)

Ginnungagap – Void Gap, between fire and ice

Ymir – Nine Realms – High-Worlds: Asgard, Muspell, Alfheim ; Mid-Worlds: Midgard, Vanaheim, Jotun ; Low-Worlds: Svartalf, Niflheim, Hel

Yggdrasill – World Tree Deity (Ash or Yew), cosmic center Irminsul, unites all the worlds, enables reincarnation, and rebirth of humanity

Odin – All Father God, wisdom, magic (Woden, Wodan, Wotan in German)

Thor – Thunder God, lightning, storms, blacksmiths (Thunor – Saxon, Thur – as in Thur’s day)

Loki – Trickster God, offspring: wolf Fenrir, snake Jörmungandr, and Hel.

Baldur – Bold, brave, shining God of Light, or Day (Baldor, Baldr, Baldere, Baldag)

Fenrir – Wolf (Fenris, Fenryr = “fen dweller”, ulfr = “wolf”), son of Loki, destined to kill Odin during Ragnarok, (Freyr brother of Freya)

Freyja – Nature Goddess, animals, wise woman, crone, seer, oracle (Frigg, Freya), heavenly afterlife field Fólkvangr

Wyrd – Fate, destiny, cosmic connection spirit energy, magic word, (weird = supernatural spirit)

Mimir – Water God, river and well of wisdom and memory (mim), life blood of Yggdrasill, created by Fire and Ice mixing in Ginnungagap

valkyries – female spirits who decide which warriors die in battle and which live (angels of battle)

things – assemblies or meetings, covens meeting in groves at a sacred tree

runes – (futhark) alphabet used by Germanic and Norse tribes (100 AD ?), also used in magic and prophesy

Days of the Week named for gods – Tiu’s day (Tyr), Woden’s day (Odin), Thor’s day, Freya’s day ;  [ Website 1;  Website 2 ]


Vanir: (N)Jord, Freyr, Freya, Vana, Kvasir, Heimdal, Ullr, Gullveig, Heidr, Nanna, Sjofn

Half-blood Vanir / Vanir associated traitors / Vanir Giants, Spirits, or Monsters: Ran, Ltir, Mimir, Fenrir, Skull, Hati, Hel, Alvíss, Vali, valkyrie,Var Saga, Skadi, volva, Syn, Gna, Gef


Aesir: Odin, Thor, Frigg, Baldr Bragi Forseti Dellingr Hermóðr Höðr Hœnir Lóðurr Loki Meili Móði and Magni , Vili and Vé, Fulla



Asgard – Aesir Kingdom, home of their Great Hall, Valhalla

Alfheim – Elf Realm, home of light elves (alvar)

Muspell – Fire Realm in the South


Midgard – Manheim, Human Home, man (maor)

Vanaheim – Vanir Kingdom, old Earth deities, Freya’s Fólkvangr (Elysian Field)

Jotunheim – Giant Realm, giants (jotunn)


Svartalf – Dvergar – Dark-Elf Dwarf Realm

Niflheim – Ice Realm, arctic ice and mist in the North

Helheimr – Hel’s Underworld Kingdom in Niflheim, Dead Realm, lost souls (Hell – lowest frozen levels)


 * caution: this perspective is Vanir biased to counter predominant Aesir biased sources, and all those that seek to diminish the power of the Earth Goddess. Rather than interpreting the facts to perpetuate Aesir patriarchy, I favor the facts that support Vanir matriarchy, which should help bring the Earth back into balance; Sky God + Earth Goddess = Balance. The Vanir took on the name of the Aesir when Freya married Odin, in the patriarchal tradition of those that are conquered.

Greek / Roman Polytheism

Posted in Religions with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 16, 2013 by Drogo

Olympian Gods

Ancient Classical Greek & Roman Religious Mythology Origins

Out of the void of Chaos came Great Grandmother Gaia (Earth), Great Grandfather Uranus (Sky), Pontus (Sea), Eros (Love), Tartarus (Suffering), and Erebus (Dark). Gaia and Uranus were the parents of the Titans (monster gods): Kronos (Time), Hyperion (Light), Oceanus (Ocean), Rhea (Land), Prometheus (Fire), and others. Kronos castrated the tyrannical Uranus, and became King Titan. Kronos and his sister-wife Rhea gave birth to Olympian Gods. Kronos’ son Zeus, waged war on the Titans and won. Zeus married his sister, Hera, and begot more Olympian Gods. The Olympian myths began as an oral bardic tradition based on ancient leaders at least as early as 1,700 BC (St. Jerome).

Kronos created humans from Earth, and there is symbolism to interpret historically. Kronos respected the Earth (his mother Gaia) and was most likely a prehistoric king-chieftain of agricultural settlements. Prince Kronos rebelled against his warlord father Uranus, who worshiped the Sky and raided settlements. Kronos defended the people of these settlements, and they worshiped him (like Gilgamesh). Humans were allowed to grow food freely from the Earth, the arts were allowed to flourish between villages, and thus events in Time were orally recounted more often, creating the Greek Golden Age. From Neolithic times until the Silver Age, Gaia ruled also; as Mother Earth fertility goddesses were powerful (the last great goddess perhaps being the Roman Venus). Zeus and the Olympians came to power in the Silver Age, and made humans from ash trees. These humans fought and disobeyed the gods, so Zeus killed them. The Bronze Age began, and eventually led into the Heroic Age (which I consider to be historically a part of the Bronze Age in accordance with Ovid).

The Olympian Gods were already worshiped by the time of the Trojan War. The Trojan War would have been about 1,000 BC, yet Homer wrote around 850 BC. Influences from other cultures often inspired new themes.

– (Hesiod, Homer)


Neolithic Era (10,000-2,000 BC)

Mycenaean Bronze Age (1600–1000 BC)

Homeric Age (1000–700 BC)

Archaic Period (700-480 BC)

Classical Period (480-320 BC)

Hellenistic Period (320-150 BC)



Primary Primordial Deities

Gaia / Terra (Earth), Uranus / Caelus (Sky), Pontus (Sea), Eros / Cupid (Love), Tartarus (Suffering), and Erebus (Dark)

Primary Titan Deities

Kronos / Saturn (Time), Hyperion / Sol (Light), Oceanus (Ocean), Rhea (Land), Prometheus (Fire)


Thirteen Primary Greco-Roman Olympian Deities

  1. Zeus Jupiter: Sky & Air
  2. Hera Juno / Hestia Vesta: Mothers
  3. Poseidon Neptune: Water & Ocean
  4. Demeter Ceres : Agriculture
  5. Dionysus Bacchus: Wine, nature (Pan)
  6. Ares Mars: War
  7. Aphrodite Venus: Love
  8. Apollo Helios: Fire, Sun & Light
  9. Artemis Diana : Moon, Hunting,
  10. Athena Minerva: wisdom, arts & crafts
  11. Hephaestus Vulcan: Blacksmith & Metals
  12. Hermes Mercury: Economics, Trade & Messengers

13.  Hades Pluto: (Dis) Darkness, Underworld, & Death


The Romans combined their Etruscan pantheon with the Greek pantheon. Rome had a local origin story, involving the immigrant Trojan veteran Aeneas, and his descendents Romulus and Remus. In 750 BC Romulus and Remus were raised by animals and shepherds in the wilderness. Romulus killed Remus and founded Rome (much like how Cain slew Able in the Torah). Venus may have been the last great goddess worshiped in western civilization, until the modern American Lady Liberty (Statue of Liberty in the USA) and Lady Justice.

Audio Reading on Mixcloud of Greek Mythology from the SCOD History of Philosophy Book



Posted in Religions with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 11, 2013 by Drogo

Summary of Hindu Creation Mythology

The Hindu cosmological genesis story is perhaps the closest religious myth to modern scientific theory; because it seems to support Relativity, Causality, The Big Bang Cycle, Multiverses, and other complex and expansive theories. The four main Hindu scriptures are called the Holy Vedas. For this summary I will refer to the concept of Creation as Om (pronounced A-U-M for the Om Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and attempt to synthesize scriptures to minimize contradictions.

The Om Goddess helps the Om God to birth our Universe from the monistic Golden Egg Womb within his(?) belly, which causes the new God Brahma* to self-manifest out from the previous god’s naval. Brahma eventually seems to become the Om God Vishnu (or vice-versa), as their father role is both a protector and creator, when they are both named in the same role, for different creation stories. Brahma visits and rests on the transcendental waters of the multiverses, floating on a lotus, until he creates and the Golden Egg for rebirth. The cycle of universal recreation is about 4,000,000,000 years, after which that universe is destroyed by an apocalypse (pralaya) of fire or water. The Great Flood was the latest such pralaya. The period of rest in between universes is equal to the life of a universe. Then the Goddess and God release the next Brahma again; thus the cycle continues. – (Bhagavata Purana 6.16.37, 2.10.10 / Matsya Purāṇa 2.25-30 / Isvara Upanisad / Narayana Sukta) *Brahma is used here in place of Svayambhu, Isvara, or Narayana because there are many Brahmas, one for each universe.

God Vishnu rests in infinite Paradise (Paramdhama), laying on a serpent, and creates and preserves our Universe through his dreams. Vishnu has 10 material incarnations known as avatars (including Krishna & Buddha). Goddess Shiva destroys and transforms life and matter. Brahma is the grandfather of humans (children of Manu). There are thousands of other Hindu gods and goddess as well. Hindu Puranic scripture mentions that multiverses have seven layers. The seven universal layers are earth, water, fire, air, sky, energy, and false ego. The universes are unlimited; we are within them, and they are within us (microcosm/macrocosm, natural mathematical fractals, and atomic quantum theory).

The Rig Veda questions the origin of the universe. “Neither being nor non-being was as yet. What was concealed? And where? And in whose protection? …Who really knows? Who can declare it? Whence was it born, and whence came this creation? The devas were born later than this world’s creation, so who knows from where it came into existence? None can know from where creation has arisen, and whether he has or has not produced it. He who surveys it in the highest heavens, he alone knows-or perhaps does not know.” – (Rig Veda 10.129 dated 2,200–1,100 BC)