Archive for spell

Tree Cutter Curse

Posted in Poems, Poems, Rhymes, Riddles with tags , , , on August 23, 2022 by Drogo

a poem based on true events today –

someone wrote a curse on the ground

around the stump of the tree

and it wasnt me.

the fledging tree was cut without concern

its bright branches had fallen down all around

and i was not the only one who frowned.

From the length of the written curse i see

i was not the only one who loved the tree.

someone cursed the cutter and their family

i cannot say who it was, but it wasnt me.


Samhain (Halloween) Ritual

Posted in Pagan, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 11, 2018 by Drogo

Sowin, End of Fall, Annual End of the Celtic Year, Celtic New Year, Start of Winter,

Ancestor Night, Feast of the Dead, Devil Night (Friday or night before), All Souls Night & Day, Time of Scorpio / circa Oct. 31 – November 1

The significance of this night is great, for it is the Celtic New Year and Ancestor Night. On November’s Eve the Celts celebrated Samhain (now pronounced Sowin). The veil between worlds is thinnest at midnight when the Dark Lady Crone and Dark Lord Wizard work their magic. Test your bravery, and rid yourself of fears by confronting them. Sacrifice that which no longer serves you, but will scare you from living the fullness of your potential. We must find the light within us with the aid of Hecate and Herne, to make it through Winter. We must find ways to cooperate together.

Samhain Poem   [ AUDIO Reading & Music ]

Leaves have turned brown, and fallen down; or will soon.

Silhouettes of trees lean creepily against the Moon.

Smells of smoke and spice, feel very nice.

Pumpkins become Jack-o-lanterns to ward off vice.

Wearing costumes to dance with the dead.

Thin Veil Time, our spirits full of dread.

Fire burn bright, in the dark of night!

Trick or Treat, let us eat; despite our fright.

Another growing year is done,

Now let the new year bring more fun!


Samhain Sabbat Spell

Components: Candles (white, black, red, yellow, orange, brown, blue), orange cloth, cauldron or plate, horns and skulls, staves, wands, daggers, fire, water, incense, salt. Fire pit optional.


“Be it known our power is here. There are spirits with us, ours and those of others. The circle is about to be cast, let those who desire attendance gather here within, so long as they wish us no ill will. Lesser spirits of evil or selfish purposes should stay away from this place and these strong souls. For if they come near seeking to harm us, they will find us difficult to possess and they will be the one’s hurt this night, by their own anger. For we are the guardians of light and darkness, and tonight we welcome visits, but support only positive intention towards catharsis and healing at the end of the growing year.”


“We must not fight each other, and so must communicate loving reassurances to those that we want within our circle. If one of us becomes possessed by evil, those with enough strength to see the good should wish them life and seek to save them this night. For the path is perilous. We should remind ourselves why we are here, and what must be done, as one. We must guard against ill intent from spirits that distract us from our duties to the circle and our goals that we set for the new year. We can fight them in the ethereal spirit world, and banish them from us. If a kindred spirit becomes confused, it is our duty to keep them safe by reminding them that they are loved and important to us. Even if they cannot control themselves due to madness, fear, or anger we must not give into those selfish dark emotions. Defend yourselves, but do not leave the safety of the circle unless retreat is needed, or brothers and sisters will watch your back, and let you back in by protecting you in a bubble that does not dispel the circle. Our path is perilous, but we are one.


“The dead are with us this night, more than usual. Be strong for our ancestors, and smart enough not to harm a brother or sister, even if you feel them attacking you in any way. Ask them their intent if you are confused. If their dark side answers in a way that seems to conform they wish us ill, then with the brightness of love and life, defend the circle. Seek to remind, subdue, and release any level of threats. Remind any enemies of their positive worth. Subdue with minimal harm. Release those unwilling to participate from obligations. Hold no one against their will if they will leave peacefully. Even when faced with the most destructive force, the goal of the circle is to keep our loving light lit in our hearts and minds. May Hecate light our way and shine through our actions. Great darkness and cold will come this Winter, and we must be together in our readiness to survive, despite death and sickness around us.”

Place salt, water and candles around the circle. Set altar and prepare to light the candles. Light incense. Wear masks, costumes, or paint as appropriate. Music.

Ollumh the high priestess leads coveners along the procession and into the circle area.


“For all the Ancestors and relations, in acknowledgment of all who have gone before, we honor you with offerings. We bow to your memory within us, and the lives you led as part of our legacy. We are the living and you are the dead. Some are living dead, and others are dead living. Be here only of your free will and sympathy. Let us cast the Circle!”

Elements – casting Circle

Visualize light drawing a circle perimeter deasil.

East – Air


“Here I do bring light to Air in the East. To illuminate breath of life. Listen to the Spirit Winds that herald the voices of the ancients. From the realm of Gorias and Paralda, come forth clarity, truth, sunlight, starlight, moonlight, and shine bright! Thoet se! We call upon you powers of Air to witness this rite and guard this circle. So mote it be, blessed be.” Light the Air candle.

South – Fire


“The flame of Life reaches us, climbing up and surrounding us. We are within it dancing. The flame can destroy life, burning it like a wick. From death comes life reborn from ashes. We can sprout from devastation, with fiery passion, like the phoenix. On this night we honor the dead year, and the new year to come! We honor the ancestors and spirits and our sacred selves in this circle of Albred. So mote it be, blessed be.” Light the Fire candle.

West – Water

“Here I do illuminate Water in the West, to wash and clean. From the realms of Murias and Niksa, come forth fertility of plenty. Ocean circles the Earth, seas flowing and ebbing, rivers running. Thoet se! Taste tranquility and baptism to rest and be born again. Witness this rite and guard this circle. Blessed be, so mote it be.” Light the Water candle.

North – Earth


“Here I do bring the light to Earth in the North. We illuminate and give you strength Mother Earth! From the realm of Falias and Gob, come forth earth elementals. La Falia, La Fail (Stone of Destiny), solid strong! Foundation below thoet se, shelter and food (throw salt). We call upon you powers of Earth, to witness this rite and guard this circle. Tuath, North, Earth, so mote it be. Blessed be.” Light the Earth candle.


“Flames leap high, inside life! Flames rise forth, outside death! Flames burn bright, inside eternal day! Flames keep us warm, outside everlasting Night! I consecrate this circle with power all around, to the ancient ones. Here may they manifest and bless their children.”

Lights white, red, and black candles at the altar.

“White candle, glorious Maiden we honor your joy. Red candle, Great Mother we honor your love. Black candle, Dark Crone we honor your wisdom. We welcome the Triple Goddess in all her forms. Also let the Triple God be with us too, through her.


Offerings and spell work



“By the powers of light and dark, so closes the fullness of our energy in this circle, here this night, yet this circle will be open to all spirits who linger or remain. Depart in peace, all those visiting. So mote it be, thank you gods, goddesses, ancestors, and elements. Blessed be, so mote it be.”


Friend In Need – Christian Witchcraft

Posted in Book Reports, Crafts, Religions with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 17, 2015 by Drogo

This is a reprinting of an extremely rare (only one copy known to exist by experts) old American spell book by the Wizard Zittle. Pennsylvania-Deutsch (German immigrant) braucher pow-wow hoodoo folk-lore magick literature, spread into Boonsboro, Maryland. Inspired locals like Michael Zittle made and used original and pirated books for medicine cures and magical charms of self-help, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency. While considered dark-evil ‘powwow magick’ during the 1800s, these independent publications were Christian folk-lore witch-craft; as most European immigrants were proudly Christian Protestants (Lutheran) and Catholics. This curious occult local artifact has now been revived by local folklorist and Pagan Priest Drogo Empedocles!

Order a copy of ‘FRIEND IN NEED: Sympathetic Knowledge

1st Edition Kindle Ebook

1st Edition Amazon Paperback


For My Friends to Summon Me

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 27, 2012 by Drogo

A Conjuring Spell to Evoke my Spirit


First, let me advise the potential readers. To my strong and wise friends, you will understand this completely, and will not need this explanation. To my more timid friends, do not be afraid. To my enemies, I warn you not to abuse my good will. To lame idiots that will never get it in this lifetime, i reflect their own negativity back at them, and say “no you get a life of your own worth having jackass, and stay out of mine” (in response to insults they say to me). This is not a suicide note. Nor is this fiction. This essay is meant to explain to people how I prefer to be addressed. That being said, this is certainly not the only spell to call me, there are other methods. While I am alive “in body” there are many existing methods of communicating with me, that may not be available when my body is dead. However, as I have stated before, I intend to be around as a spirit before moving on entirely (from ghost to reincarnation or other realm entirely). I know this spell will work, because I use it to summon myself all the time (regular meditations). So this spell works for my spirit even while my body is still “alive”, so it should work better when my spirit is more free, and not contained.


Now I have dealt with many types of spirits, good and evil and neutral; in various amalgams. Sometimes I have conjured other spirits by accident, sometimes by choice; and often a little of both. I have even been possessed, and banished spirits. However I prefer to use common nature magicks; I like to work with spirits (and gods), and make things better; rather than use dangerous powers that I may not be able to control. That is why I do not intend to publish many spells about summoning other spirits, as they may not want to be bothered by strangers. So it is fair enough that the first conjuring spell for a human spirit that I publish, be one to summon I.


Spell to Summon Drogo Empedocles

This spell may be performed in haste with emergencies, or best in a prepared setting with ritual relics and additional pageantry. Other names for Drogo Empedocles may also be used. After the spell is conducted, Drogo may appear as an apparition, or you may simply feel his presence. If you do not sense Drogo, it does not necessarily mean that he cannot be summoned at that time; he may be present, but you may have a reception problem on your end in temporal existence (technical difficulties). Another possibility is that he might just visit your dreams.

Begin with basic ritual, light a candle, and play Pagan Music.

Next hold a Celtic talisman, and speak these words:


“Upon this day, upon this night

to my left, or to my right;

I call upon Drogo Empedocles,

if you can, if you please, or if you might.”


Then bow your head and Drogo will be there, bowing his head in return.

Communicate with Drogo directly.

Upon ending the summons, simply thank Drogo for coming, and properly close communications with a “good-bye”. The spirit of Drogo will bow and leave.




Sword Jump Wedding

Posted in Events / Celebrations, Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 1, 2012 by Drogo

Celtic Pagan Sword Leap Ceremony by Drogo Empedocles



We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of _____ and _____,

and to help celebrate their marriage on this chosen day.

They have chosen to perform a sword ceremony,

where they must ‘jump the sword’.

The edge of the sword is symbolic of the possible dangers of love,

and jumping over it represents that they maintain their own ties to each-other,

during the perilous ‘leap of faith’ required for getting married.


I will now bless and lay the sword. Here is the sword!

Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha

So mote it be, blessed be.


_____ do you take _____? _____ do you take _____?

Lord and Lady please hold hands.

For marriage you are headed!

Once over the sword,

for evermore you are wedded!

Now Leap Lord, and Jump Lady!


You have made the leap of faith together, and now you are married.

You may now kiss.

So mote it be, blessed be.



3 Celtic Spells of Making

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2010 by Drogo

3 Celtic Spells, Chants, Charms, Prayers of Making, Evoking, or Binding

All 3 are acknowledgements of the laws of nature. The first Welsh Spell says the spirit of water and earth elements shines even when the moon is dark. The second Gaelic Spell speaks of the Serpent’s Breath of Life & Death, and our will to make. The third English Spell describes how three aspects can be parts of one whole; as with the symbol “Y”.

1. Welsh Spell of Making

A elfyntodd dwyr sinddyn duw,

cerrig yr fferllurig nwyn,

os syriaeth ech saffaer tu,

fewr echlyn mor necrombor llun.

2. Gaelic Spell of Making (in Modern Irish Gaelic)

Anáil nathrach, ortha bháis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh

3. English Spell of Making (Harpers Ferry, Modern American English)

One flows from Two,

Two Rivers are One.

One is also Three,

And Three is One.
