Archive for spirit

Akasha and the Elements of Nature

Posted in Nature Studies, Pagan, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2018 by Drogo

Akasha – the Assemblage of the Elements of Nature

Akasha is a Hindu word meaning space, aether, or heavenly sky in traditional Indian cosmology. Metaphysically Akasha is a primal aether fluid that allowed physical existence by universally containing and being a part of the building blocks of the 4 elements of the material plane. Akasha can be considered the fifth element within Nature that also super-naturally transcends it. Akasha binds the 4 other elements spiritually to our souls, the Material Universe, and the Spirit Universe. The four Elements are aspects of Nature, but also a connection to the spirit world through Akasha aether. The 4 elements widely accepted by Celtic Wiccan and other polytheist Pagan spiritual paths are: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These four elements are represented by an equal cross (Celtic Cross) often in conjunction with the cardinal directions, with the Akasha circle border around the cross being the 5th all encompassing element that binds them all together, and from which they come (according to Hindu). In ancient Native American culture this was the Earth-Sun Cross (Medieval Mississippian).

The fifth element is shown in diagram when using a pentagram, to include Spirit as the directional point. Fire’s place on the pentagram is often the lower right point (Tao upper right). Chinese Taoism believes the 5 elements to be Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water; having Metal instead of Akasha Spirit, and Wood instead of Air. Taoists also apply their Yin-Yang dualist theory of opposites to the elements, like polarities of particles. Fire is considered the most Yang (active) energy, and Water the most Yin (passive). Too much fire element in a dwelling can stimulate Chi (Chinese word for Spirit ‘Life Force’) aggressively; resulting in anger, impatience, impulsiveness, ambition and burnout. Chi should be used sparingly in the bedroom, since the main use is resting. Feng Shui (Wind-Water) is about balancing physical, mental, and spiritual levels to attempt harmony. It takes a great deal of Feng Shui study to determine how to design Akasha spaces, and where best to apply the elements in physical symbols and shapes.

The alchemy of elements using Akasha chi or spirit as a catalyst, allows transformation such as Fire changing Water to Air. Akasha is present in elements at their crossing, as well as around them. Akasha can also be intention of our spirit or mental will, as the 5th point on the pentagram. Akasha allows us to transcend our physical existence, and experience the Sublime daily, not just when our spirit separates from our mortal bodies.


Elemental Alchemical Effects

(Stop/Start or Hinder/Promote)

Air Stops Earth – Flying above the surface winds & precipitation blow.

Air Starts Fire – Oxygen allows Fire to consume other fuel (wood)

Fire Stops Water – Heat melts ice into Water and aids its evaporation.

Fire Starts Air – Fires cause smell & smoke H2O heated evaporates to Air

Water Stops Fire – H2O quenches (extinguishes) Fire.

Water Starts Earth – Rain nourishes trees, plants, and animals of the Earth.

Earth Stops Water – Dams of Earth and Trees block or slow Water Flow.

Earth Starts Air – Vegetation Flora creates Oxygen and many Scents.


Spirit Makes Metal – Air, Fire, Water, Iron, & Fuel of Earth by Humans

Refines Metals allowing purification & combination alloys

Spirit (Metal) To Earth – Water & Air oxidize & rust Metal back to Earth.


pentagram 5


New-Age Neo-Pagan Holy Glory

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2013 by Drogo

coexist plate

New-Age is a modern spiritual movement, influenced by global cultural knowledge and wisdom. New-Age zeitgeist is born from an environmental and social awareness of the need to break from some rigid traditions, while taking what we need from various traditions to evolve towards living in harmony with our World the Earth. New-Age multiculturalism celebrates social and religious diversity, and encourages exchange and adaptation. Enlightened New-Age spirituality runs parallel with advances in science, such as the importance of bio-diversity; and mathematical fractals. Enlightened magical thinking has always run parallel with science, as both have their roots in medieval alchemy and astrology. The term New-Age referred to the coming astrological Age of Aquarius. We are concerned with the relationship between ourselves (mind, body, and spirit), and Universe, and other dimensions (micro-macro cosmos, quantum physics, alternate planes). While we tend to embrace many main-stream trends, we also seek alternative fringe concepts. New-Age refuses to be confined by dogmas, but is often willing to include empowering motivational psychologies, self-help, holistic health, parapsychology, consciousness research, ecological design, and their inter-connectedness.

Polytheist Neo-Paganism is part of the New-Age and one of the best religions the World has. Neo-Paganism embraces the freedom to worship one, none, or many deities. The three main types of Abrahamic Monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, & Islam), all have rich and powerful demagogues claiming that they must be obeyed exclusively, based on a “One Way” theory. Neo-Pagan Polytheism has no rich evangelist missionaries, nor the intent to propagate or to proselytise by saying that all other ways are wrong. In fact we see other ways as good, ok, or valid; so long as the faithful are not being told to persecute other faiths. In Paganism there is no eternal punishment doctrine that dictates other religions are doomed to a place like Hell.

In Paganism there is no single leader, scripture or religious philosophy. Most Pagans, however, believe in the divine character of the natural world and Paganism is often described as an “Earth religion”. In Neo-Paganism many of us are both polytheist and pantheist, and are free to worship any gods, even deities that are claimed to be monotheist by their followers (it is not a Sin). While I am advocating the positive aspects of Neo-Paganism beliefs, it really comes down to individual interpretation of scriptures. Neo-Paganism should be proud to be associated with Witchcraft, because the emphasis of that label is on the individual as a natural priest. We have the power within us to commune with Nature, and any other higher powers that we wish to pray to; and reserve the right not to pray.

To be fair it should also be said, that Neo-Pagans often have contemporary liberal values; that are not only at odds with certain understandings of Abrahamic Monotheism, but also ancient Paganism. For example if most ancient Druids were involved with human sacrifice, most modern Neo-Pagan Druids are not involved with human sacrifice, for ethical and legal reasons. Truths or myths of the past are like teachers, they should guide us to find our own ways. It is often very important for new generations to distinguish themselves from their parents. New-Age beliefs embrace this common universal paradigm.

Neo-Pagans believe it is ok to believe in deities your own way. This allows for Agnostic, or even Atheist, interpretation of mythology. Pagans are free to believe in deities that are Jungian archetypes, or just really cool fictional characters; because it is the meaning of myths to the individual that matters most. Witches and warlocks can determine for themselves what it means to believe in the powers of their faith. Human psyche is liberated in the New-Age to be diverse, and in Neo-Paganism we can be united in our diversity. With tolerance, we can coexist, and even harmoniously respect our neighbor’s deities.

Witch Murders

Between 1300-1700, tens-of-thousands of Europeans (mostly women) were executed for “practicing witchcraft”, in a church-government sanctioned mass hysteria academics call the ‘witch craze’. People were burned, drowned, hanged, beaten, and crushed after “trials” in both secular and religious courts; orchestrated or lynched by vigilante mobs. By the most conservative estimate, Dr. Ronald Hutton’s count of execution records, between 35,184 and 63,850 witches were killed (at least 17,000 in Germany). Sociologist Nachman Ben-Yehuda estimates the combined death toll could have been as high as 500,000. The phenomenon of ‘witch hunting’ was a massive concerted prolonged crusade.


For My Friends to Summon Me

Posted in Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 27, 2012 by Drogo

A Conjuring Spell to Evoke my Spirit


First, let me advise the potential readers. To my strong and wise friends, you will understand this completely, and will not need this explanation. To my more timid friends, do not be afraid. To my enemies, I warn you not to abuse my good will. To lame idiots that will never get it in this lifetime, i reflect their own negativity back at them, and say “no you get a life of your own worth having jackass, and stay out of mine” (in response to insults they say to me). This is not a suicide note. Nor is this fiction. This essay is meant to explain to people how I prefer to be addressed. That being said, this is certainly not the only spell to call me, there are other methods. While I am alive “in body” there are many existing methods of communicating with me, that may not be available when my body is dead. However, as I have stated before, I intend to be around as a spirit before moving on entirely (from ghost to reincarnation or other realm entirely). I know this spell will work, because I use it to summon myself all the time (regular meditations). So this spell works for my spirit even while my body is still “alive”, so it should work better when my spirit is more free, and not contained.


Now I have dealt with many types of spirits, good and evil and neutral; in various amalgams. Sometimes I have conjured other spirits by accident, sometimes by choice; and often a little of both. I have even been possessed, and banished spirits. However I prefer to use common nature magicks; I like to work with spirits (and gods), and make things better; rather than use dangerous powers that I may not be able to control. That is why I do not intend to publish many spells about summoning other spirits, as they may not want to be bothered by strangers. So it is fair enough that the first conjuring spell for a human spirit that I publish, be one to summon I.


Spell to Summon Drogo Empedocles

This spell may be performed in haste with emergencies, or best in a prepared setting with ritual relics and additional pageantry. Other names for Drogo Empedocles may also be used. After the spell is conducted, Drogo may appear as an apparition, or you may simply feel his presence. If you do not sense Drogo, it does not necessarily mean that he cannot be summoned at that time; he may be present, but you may have a reception problem on your end in temporal existence (technical difficulties). Another possibility is that he might just visit your dreams.

Begin with basic ritual, light a candle, and play Pagan Music.

Next hold a Celtic talisman, and speak these words:


“Upon this day, upon this night

to my left, or to my right;

I call upon Drogo Empedocles,

if you can, if you please, or if you might.”


Then bow your head and Drogo will be there, bowing his head in return.

Communicate with Drogo directly.

Upon ending the summons, simply thank Drogo for coming, and properly close communications with a “good-bye”. The spirit of Drogo will bow and leave.




Christian Evangelical Challenge

Posted in Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 1, 2010 by Drogo

I hereby challenge anyone,

to a battle in Christian Right Wing Hate Speech,

or Evangelical Propaganda.

I have studied your craft,

and by the end,

you will be on the ground praying as a sinner,

to me your savior, in the name of Jesus Christ.

– God

Midsummer Night’s Dream Festival

Posted in Events / Celebrations, Pagan with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 4, 2010 by Drogo

WV Midsummer Night’s Dream Festival 2010

Visit Event Website

Alderwood Campground

Children UNDER 14 are FREE, 14 and up pays regular price.

Regular 3 day (weekend) passes are $65.

SINGLE day passes (Friday or Sunday) $20

SINGLE day passes (Saturday) $35

Prices may change, so please check the main event website link.

Pixie of Spiritdome productions


SCOD Wood Working

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 23, 2009 by Drogo

Wands, Rods, and Staves

Walking Staves, Quarter-staves, and Canes

Scepters, Ritual Staves, and Ceremonial Poles


Art is an extension of one’s self, often manifest through an object.

Some of the stronger and more ornate pieces go for between $100 to $200.

Those are for very unique pieces that are often special request and rare materials.

Most of the work I do is affordable for anyone, from $5, $20, $40 on up to $80.


First I find branches or saplings that are dead or scheduled for clearing.

Then I meditate and offer prayers to the spirits regarding the wood.

Designs are made clear to me, so I begin by carving layers.

Next I sand and wood burn patterns, symbols, and text.

Then I oil the wood using organic oils, or stains.

Sometimes I add a thin coat of polyurethane if gloss (glamour) is desired.

Finally I add leather, metals, and other finishing details and allow its new life to begin.


SCOD Mission Statement “Seek”

Posted in SCOD Pipedream Pub with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 30, 2009 by Drogo


We seek others of like mind, spirit, and soul.

We seek kinship of the heart, and loyalty in friendship.

We seek Truth, in all its forms.

We seek Land, to build upon.

We seek to unite other communities, in common communication.

We seek to untie ourselves from unwanted mundane bonds.

We seek a Medieval Tavern to gather locals and visitors alike.

We seek dwellings to be individuals, personally designed.

We seek fields to grow our own food, and have open space.

We seek groves of trees, to selectively use for harvest of food, shelter, and fire. Under their giant branches we gain wisdom from their shade.

So Mote it Be.


SCOD is like Paganism in its mission. In Paganism there is no single leader, scripture or religious philosophy. Most Pagans, however, believe in the divine character of the natural world and Paganism is often described as an “Earth religion”.