Archive for terror

The Horror of Lovecraft

Posted in Book Reports, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Individuals / Members / Monsters / Creative Writing, Memorials / Obituaries / Epitaphs, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on October 19, 2018 by Drogo

The thing about writing horror is that you basically admit you are really sick and twisted. His racist writing describes accurately how people like him would think as they narrate the events. For me it shows how the concept of evil is a human perspective, based on what we fear; from fish people to aliens. To write about your fears shows your weakness and vulnerabilities, in my opinion. Lovecraft shows how fear is a scary illness from hating ethnic differences to being petrified of anything resembling fish or squids. Another aspect of Lovecraft is that his “heroes” do not ever really “win” against the demonic powers that spread, as migrants in NY did while he was living there, and they were thriving while he was failing. Clearly Lovecraft shows how conservative culture always dies of entropy as progressive immigrants take over, for better or worse, depending on who you are. That he describes the changes in culture as evil in fictional demonic terms exaggerates his own feelings to an absurd level of parody, which i feel he must have been conscious about to marry a Jew.

RIP H.P. Lovecraft  1890-1937

Drogo’s Opinion of 9/11

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2010 by Drogo

I am a supporting member of AE911 Truth (Architects & Engineers).

We work with other professionals, like scientists and firefighters (FF911 Truth) to search for the truth.

I believe that 9/11 was partially an inside job, as well as a foreign attack. To what extent? I do not know.

The official conspiracy theory was that Muslim radicals from Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan under CIA contractor-terrorist Osama Bin Laden were entirely responsible. This story was then used with ‘weapons of mass destruction’ threats by the CIA to invade Iraq. This conspiracy narrative aided the New World Order elites as an Orwellian recruiting event, as it forced feelings of anger into nationalism and desire to blame who we were told was responsible.

For years we had seen the Bush family holding hands with Saudi Arabia, making oil and weapons deals. As Michael Moore’s film F-911 explains there are many reasons the Bush family connection with the Saudi royal family should be questioned, as Bin Laden was related to them, and many of the suspects were from Saudi Arabia. Yet we remained allies with them, and our corporate and government business deals with Saudi Arabia continued; while we went to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and aided terrorists in Syria. Meanwhile we also did operations in Pakistan, Libya, and Iran to further destabilize them also. Our artificial puppet governments we install, are never as stable as organic native national governments because our invasion and occupation is too blatant as corruption.

So given our modern history of using our Capitalist clandestine agencies to destroy other governments for corporate benefit, and their willingness to lie to the American public about collateral damage and false information, it is necessary to question such a corrupt system willing to commit evil acts to justify more funding to satisfy their own greed and ambition. Their glorified nationalistic goals are so intertwined with criminal behavior and conflicts of interest it is insane (according to many redacted documents and whistle-blowers over the years).

I am not sure which US Government officials helped plan it, if any. I suspect Rumsfeld, Bush, and of course Cheney. I think more officials in the State Dept. and CIA were involved in planning and allowing it to happen. As with other ‘rouge operations’ obedience and complacency occur due to executive orders and administration policy. Even within the CIA it has been historically documented that factions disagree about how much violence and collateral damage is needed to achieve their goals (see JFK Assassination). All too often the most violent members rise to the top with blackmail and threats, and lead operations which terminate opposition.

I cannot believe that our entire defense system failed to stop a plot which many had been warned about, and planes that were clearly hijacked. I cannot believe that the Military, the FBI, and the CIA let the Towers and the Pentagon get hit using the highest levels of modern technology, and after there had been numerous warnings that Islamic Terrorists or better funded enemies could do it years before. As I found out later, indeed jets were available and scrambled with time to spare, but most critically there were ‘stand down’ orders across the board for air, water, and ground defenses.

In fact, the architects and engineers had designed the Twin Towers to withstand jumbo jets hitting them, that was according to structural guidelines and codes for modern multi-story buildings. Buildings only have total catastrophic collapse at free fall when explosive and incendiary charges are placed deliberately to remove members and connections of greatest resistance. Normally when buildings suffer major damage at floor levels, some pieces fall and are caught by the majority of the structure, or large parts fall outwards towards the area of least resistance (Masters degree in Architecture and Air Force Engineer).

There are far too many questions regarding the ‘official conspiracy theory’ to go into here.

How did the hijackers learn to fly the planes with security clearances, and get into locked cockpits?

Did military aircraft and Pentagon defense systems fail to react due to stand down orders and simulated drills?

Why have we never seen a translation with detailed analysis of Osama Bin Laden’s tapes?

Should we just take clandestine word that Bin Laden was the main master-mind?

Why did the FBI not put Osama Bin Laden on it’s list of ‘Most Wanted’ or his capture a higher priority than occupation?

Why was the Bush family connection to the Bin Ladens not investigated?

Why was no one fired for incompetence? Are we really to believe that our leaders did their best to prevent 9/11 despite strong motives and evidence to the contrary?


PBS Nova Doc ‘Spy Factory’ – “NSA was monitoring Bin Laden before 9/11” but for some reason the official 9/11 report did not investigate that lead…. another odd finding, this NOVA doc was funded by Koch & Exxon. Why would they want full disclosure about their global operations related to our government? It is not a ‘conspiracy theory’, it is a fact that our secret agencies knew more than we were told, and are being told. You can plainly see Exxon and Koch in the sponsor credits. The theme of that NOVA doc was to say the only reason they did not stop the attack was because the agencies were not communicating at any level, and never once does it mention that those agencies are paid billions to lie to the public.

It was clearly used as a False-Flag event for war-mongers to impose more authoritarian rule in America, and launch more offensive strikes internationally for the MIC. The event really happened, but it was blamed entirely on terrorists, and used as a pretense for a pre-planned War in Iraq. It saved a lame duck president, it gave him 2 terms, and complete authoritarian control. We were terrorized by our own government, even after the attacks.

Saudis have been inside our politics for decades, so if they had anything to do with 9/11 i think it is fair to logically say there was some insider politics going on with that attack, if we call insiders any spy that gives info from within a political partnership. Bush frickin held hands like a teen lover with them, and was still loving on them after it was known most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi. Amazing we are still doing arms deals with them, i admit it is unbelievable but also undeniable. Yeah it is a possible theory that leaders never give top-secret orders to attack other countries, sure.

To think that the MIC cares about who funds it is an interesting theory.


Never forget all the soldier suicides during the endless war on terror. Since 2001 apx 20-22 die a day; 130,000-144,000+ RIP.

Update Sept.7, 2021 – We are suing NIST for their cover-up lies, with some families of victims!

3 new law suits from victims vs government:

  1. NIST cover-up of collapse cause
  2. EPA under Bush hid health risks; ‘Unsettled Dust
  3. Saudi Arabia & US cover-up of terrorist connections; ‘Biden submits to victims demand to declassify docs




9/11 NY Firefighter Documentary (Naudet Brothers Film 2002, see also their CIA ‘Spymasters’ doc)

NPR Update of the Naudet Brothers documentary

Calling Out & Beyond Bravo-7 (FF-911 Truth)

9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out (AE-911 Truth)

Loose Change  (Alternative Conspiracy Theory Documentary)


Omens of 9/11

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Memorials / Obituaries / Epitaphs, Military with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2010 by Drogo

Omens of 911

A list of Events, Warnings and Coincidences for people who say, “We never dreamed something like this could happen”; despite all the times we were shown false-flag terrorism could happen, both in fact and in fiction.

1933 – Feb 27, German Parliament’s Reichstag Building was burned in a ‘false flag’ operation by the Nazi Party, that blamed Communists.

1941Sept 11, Pentagon construction begins (date coincidence)

1944 – Japanese use planes for suicide attacks to hit large enemy constructs

1954 – Operation Suzannah (Lavon Affair) conspiracy by Mossad to bomb US installations in Egypt, and then blame Arabs for it, thus harming US-Egypt relations

1962 – US Military drafted ‘Operation Northwoods’; secret plans to kill US citizens, commit acts of terrorism in US cities, hijack airplanes, plant evidence, etc. and blame it on Cubans to create public fear and anger, in support of War with Cuba.

1962 – May 22, Airplane Continental Flight 11 (Boeing 707) becomes the first known commercial airliner to be sabotaged when a bomb explodes onboard.

1962-1970 – US Military secretly tests WMD’s, LSD, and other weapons on over 5,800 soldiers; Kennedy assassinations; Vietnam War was started by ‘false flag’ Gulf of Tonkin event; 4 Propane Blasts in an ‘Industrial Accident’ hit the World Trade Center

1972 – Nixon CIA Watergate Scandal (covert political conspiracy at the highest level)

1973Sept 11, Chilean Military coup d’état under General Pinochet, backed by the CIA, to overthrow President Allende

1974 – Attempted hijacking plot of Samuel Byck, to crash a commercial plane into the Nixon White House

1975 – Feb & May Suspicious fires inside the World Trade Center

1976 – George Bush Sr. becomes director of the CIA; James Bath & George Bush Jr. start an aircraft brokerage firm with Saudi relations to Osama Bin Laden

1977 – $50,000 was funded from Osama Bin Laden’s brother to Bush & Bath for their start-up company

1978 – Movie “The Medusa Touch”, jumbo jet crashes into a sky-scraper building

1980 – Reagan & Bush Sr. take office; Iran-Contra conspiracies; Rumsfeld arms Iraq; Reagan as a former Hollywood actor, admitted that movies continued to influence his political perspective even while in office (nuclear films affected nuclear policies, Star Wars, etc); Osama Bin Laden was funded by the CIA to fight Russians in Afghanistan

1981 – John Carpenter’s Film “Escape from NY”; a terrorist hijacks Air Force One, and crashes it into a NY building near the Twin Towers

1981 – March 30, Bush-Reagan assassination attempt where Reagan is shot by Republican Oil-Man John Hinckley

1987 – Dec 7, Airplane suicide hijacking on Flight 1771

1988 – US Air Force reveals that the F-117A Stealth Fighter had been fully operational since 1983; Movie “Die Hard” depicts office building blown up by terrorists based on 1979 novel “Nothing Lasts Forever”

1989 – Dick Cheney becomes US Secretary of Defense under Bush Sr.

1990 – 5 of the 911 hijackers receive training at secure US Military bases; Movie “Die Hard 2” depicts terrorists hijacking a commercial airliner

1990Sept 11, President Bush Sr. presents “New World Order” speech to Congress concerning the Persian Gulf Crisis, and Federal Budget Deficit; WWII Operation Gladio anti-communist conspiracy was revealed after 45 years of secrecy.

1991 – NY Port Authority warns that the WTC is a terrorist target; Securacom is aware

1993 – US Military Advisor warns that Pentagon & White House were vulnerable to hijacked aircraft attack; NY warned by FBI of Middle-Eastern terrorist office building bomb; WTC is bombed by Islamic Terrorists; FBI knew about it but did not stop it

1994 – CIA warned that terrorists could attack us here using airplanes as weapons; Islamic terrorist group hijacks Air France commercial airliner with plans to crash it into the Eiffel Tower; in novel “Storming Heaven” by Dale Brown, terrorists use large commercial airplane to drop bombs on major US Airports and Washington DC.

1994Sept 12, stolen Cessna airplane crashes on the steps of the White House; pilot Corder killed

1995 – Dick Cheney becomes CEO of Halliburton; FBI warns CIA about multiple US Islamic terrorist targets including Pentagon & WTC; trading card game “Illuminati: NWO” depicts terrorist explosions at the Pentagon, and smoke rising from the Twin Towers; movie “Die Hard 3” about terrorists in New York City

1996 – Attorney General Janet Reno called off FBI plan to capture Bin Laden; Former CIA Director Colby goes missing after being contacted by Kay Griggs about top secret immoral NATO psychological operations

1997 – Tom Clancy’s novels “Debt of Honor” & “Executive Orders” depict terrorists hijacking a plane and suicide bombing it into the Capital to kill Congress; FEMA’s “Emergency Response to Terrorism” has an image of WTC in cross-hairs; book “Grand Chessboard” by a former US National Security Advisor agrees with Cheney that the public must perceive a massive eminent threat, in order to be controlled; President Ford admits to altering the JFK Assassination Report

1997 – Sept 11, Security Firm Stratesec Inc. goes public, Marvin Bush as board member contracted with the WTC and US Airports

1998 – CIA had info Islamic Terrorists planned to fly “explosive laden aircraft” into the NY and DC targets; National Security Council Member and later 9/11 Commission Executive Director, Philip Zelikow, co-authors a book on WTC terrorism with parallels to Pearl Harbor; PNAC members pressure Clinton to attack Iraq; Unocal tells Congress that they should stabilize Afghanistan so a gas pipeline can be built; US launches missile attacks against Osama Bin Laden for planning 2 African Embassy bombings; Political Science Major, Suzanne Jovin, was murdered because of her Thesis on Osama Bin Laden (her Professor was US Intelligence Officer James Van de Velde)

1998 – Sept 11, Kenneth Starr sends Congress 11 impeachable offenses by Clinton

1999 – Federal Report warned the Executive Branch that Osama Bin Laden planned for terrorists to hijack airliners and suicide dive bomb into the Pentagon and other Government Buildings; National Security Advisor Rice was given the report.

2009 – PBS Nova Doc ‘Spy Factory’ – “NSA was monitoring Bin Laden before 9/11” but for some reason the official 9/11 report did not investigate that lead…. another odd finding, this NOVA doc was funded by Koch & Exxon. Why would they want full disclosure about their global operations related to our government? It is not a ‘conspiracy theory’, it is a fact that our secret agencies knew more than we were told, and are being told. You can plainly see Exxon and Koch in the sponsor credits. The theme of that NOVA doc was to say the only reason they did not stop the attack was because the agencies were not communicating at any level, and never once does it mention that those agencies are paid billions to lie to the public.

Never again can we say, “We failed to see it coming.”