Archive for goth

Drogo’s Karaoke Albums

Posted in Song Lyrics & Analysis with tags , , , , , , , , on September 22, 2021 by Drogo

[Most of the cover music is commercially produced, but feature Drogo’s accompanying vocals and/or instruments]

Greatest Pop Cover Songs

‘Gangam Style’ Psy, ‘Turn Back Time 2‘ 21 Pilots, ‘Sweet Dreams‘ Eurythmics, ‘Division Bell‘ Pink Floyd, ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It‘ Twisted Sister, ‘Cruel Summer‘ Bananarama, ‘People Are Strange‘ Doors, ‘White N Nerdy‘ Weird Al, ‘The Passenger Rides’ Stooges, ‘Another Black Summer’ RHCP

Greatest Comedy Cover Songs

Dare To Be Stupid, Everything Is Wrong, One More Minute, Birthday Song, God Is A Girl, Sick of You, Dirty Dishes, Tendy Town, Cops Need Weed Too, Bright Side of Life

Greatest Punk Cover Songs

Last Caress, Die Die Die, Doomsday, Like Being Stoned, Magic Rock, Are You Better?, We Care Alot, Along The Way, We’re Not Gonna Take It, AMC Shanty, Opera Demolition

Greatest Goth Cover Songs

Division Bell, Sweet Dreams, Kardrogina, Turn Back Time, Everybody Knows, Werewolves of Texas, Vlad the Impaler, Everyday Is Halloween, Battle of Evermore, Her Bones, Mother, Living Dead Girl


Which songs are your favorites?

Punk Rock

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Music Reviews, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 27, 2010 by Drogo

Punk Rock

Evolving from garage bands of the early 1970’s, urban industrial working class citizens began expressing their political and anti-establishment angst. Punk Rock defined itself with less emphasis on music quality, and more emphasis on speed and shorter songs. Just as urgent anger can drive a worker to finish a job faster, anger is released in punk rock as an urgent call to pay attention, to celebrate the moment, to seize-the-day, or just-do-it! In punk rock the line between singing and regular voices is the folk charm that is working class. In the ancient tradition of regular workers singing, everyone has a right to be heard; no matter if they annoy their coworkers or can barely speak. poetry and songs are connected in seemingly endless variations… You never have to sing, read aloud, or even play an instrument the same way; each time you can interpret a piece different, your way; just like when we read or watch something again and pick up something new.

1976 is seen as a pivotal year for Punk Bands like the Ramones, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, etc. Being ‘Punk Rock’ means practicing any non-conforming or socially shocking vocals or physical behaviors. Punk Rock physical behaviors include looking or strange and/or acting illogical. Punk Rockers look different by wearing improvised and socially rejected attire and hair cuts. Although the shock value of Punk Rock is communicated by audio, visual, and physical modes, the underlying principles of Punk Rock are actually breaking through to alternative thoughts.

Into the 1980’s and 90’s Punk Rock subcultures were often fierce and divided. Punk Subcultures are defined either by their own style, or an associated genre: Rockabilly, Thrash, Surfer, Skin Head, Straightedge, Skater, Ska, Oi, Celtic Punk, Goth, Gutterpunk, Glam Fashion and Big Hair. Informal urban tribal gangs as audio based social movements. True Punk tends toward aggressive rebel anarchism.

Pop Rock (Popular Punk Rock) existed from the beginning with elements seen in New Wave bands, and artificial bands created by producers. Pop Rock continued using Punk Rock into the 1990’s with The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Mighty Mighty Bostons, Green Day, The Offspring, and other bands popular at colleges.

In the 21st Century a Pop-Emo appreciation of The Cure and Radiohead produced many new bands based on moody, sad personal emotions; with less emphasis on group hardcore resistance to established norms. Punk Bands like Bad Religion continue to express paradoxes in themselves and civilization, loud and proud.

Punk Rock is freedom of thought and expression in music; which extends and resonates through all the arts of life. Punk Rock has certain modern stylistic trends that identify it for labeling (for example as a similar but separate tradition from Acid Jazz); however punk as a philosophy can also be used for any anarchistic revolutionary action, look, or behavior.

Drogo Hawkest


“A righteous student came and asked me to reflect
He judged my lifestyle was politically incorrect
I don’t believe in self important folks who preach
No Bad Religion song can make your life complete
Prepare for rejection
You’ll get no direction from me
You’ll get no direction from me
You’ll get no direction from me”

–  from “No Direction” by Bad Religion


“a sense of self-definition and also sort of playing music for music’s sake and being part of a family for family’s sake.”
Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat, Fugazi)


“Punk rock is just another word for freedom.”
Patti Smith


“Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you alive.”
Sid Vicious


Doctor Metropolis

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Music Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , on February 2, 2010 by Drogo

The musician known as Doctor Metropolis combines science-fiction with various musical genres, including gothic rock. He samples interesting multi-media clips, and records his own vocals, mixing them with different styles of music. Doctor Metropolis is a Neo-Urban leader in post-modern philosophy, and a loner that actually does play well with others (ironic).

The music of Doctor Metropolis encourages questioning authority, discovering inner secrets, exposing state secrets, and exploring the endless themes of civilization. The Doctor does not confine himself to human endeavors, as he is unafraid of paranormal and supernatural phenomena.

The mood of his music is purposefully dark, and mockingly sinister. Often ironic overtones are used within the Matrix; including anti-music and un-beats. He is the answer to the great question often asked of a Time Lord: “Doctor who?”; answered: “Doctor Metropolis”.

Doctor Metropolis Videos

Shameless Self-Promotion

Posted in Individuals / Members / Monsters / Creative Writing with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 19, 2009 by noellanatavano

Hello, SCODites, this is my first post, and I love SCOD. But, I’m really here for shameless self-promotion of my two (thus far) books: Suicide Surprise and its first sequel Vampire Surprise. They are both available on as paperback or kindle. I have recently lowered prices to $7.99 for paperbacks and $4.99 for kindle, but it may take up to 2 weeks for those changes to show up. These will now be “Sherwood Forest Prices.” This way you can try a new author for less money. Discuss.

In the meantime, visit my site at and make some comments (unless they are mean comments–mean comments suck–hah hah). I’d love to hear from you, unless you are a shameless Twilight fan. Hell, even if you are a Twilight fan, come on over. What the hell. We all like vampires here, even those “vegetarian” kind. Blah.

Your horror-loving SCOD member, Sunshine (aka Noel Lana Tavano)

P.S. Jacob is better than Edward.