Archive for culture

Apes Will Win The War

Posted in Art History, Economics, Politics, stock market with tags , on August 12, 2023 by Drogo

Apes are dedicated enough that despite the odds, they can win the class war forced upon the 99% by the 1%. It does not take a being a billionaire to know when we have been cheated and betrayed. We dont even need millions to tell us some people are not sharing enough, and hoarding too much. Amounts of money is not an indicator of wisdom, only the intelligence level needed to lie and beat others in fraudulent competition, because those playing by the rules are at a disadvantage when the rules are made to benefit only the most ruthless.

We must have democratic tribunals to judge business by conservative and liberal social ethics. Working class culture must have more direct say in corporations and politics. Politics is controlled by corporate agencies, so when companies can democratically remove plutocrats from oligarch or dictatorship roles, economics will change politics.

While the 1% take their vacations framed by their blackmailer agencies, Apes are making moves in relations every day to claw back national power and wealth billionaires have taken. Ultimately Apes can infiltrate inner rings of all the highest councils and families through philosophy. Moral movements beneficial to cultures can be translated to social ethics not just spiritual faiths, and thus millions of people can and do change cultural systems.

The merchant class had diminished during the Medieval Dark Age, after the fall of the Roman Empire, because trade routes were less protected. Decentralization makes traitors out of many locals in areas formerly loyal to Empires. This may be why the words “trader” and “traitor” sound so similar; traders are all potential spies as they move between foreign lands, and become more so between enemy kingdoms under fractured empires, or between enemy empires. The Crusades were Capitalist ventures under Monarchy, with military monks forming banks based on plunder. Kings were military dictators, and their knights were their company thugs willing to kill and lead other murder goons. However it was Capitalist merchants and traders and patrons willing to pay artists liberal wages, and pilgrims acting as liberally-spending tourists who (despite deadly plagues) brought about the Renaissance and later the Enlightenment. Yes over-population in cities with inadequate infrastructure led to mass plague deaths, which reduced competition and created a worker’s market, instead of a noble’s market; but it was workers and merchants who created Capitalist culture as societies became more dependent on company goods than on Monarchy Feudalist ritual. As common workers began to gain capital, the middle class was born into the 1600s or 1700s, but big empires emerged again and crushed the masses with internal wars against accused working class spies (usually women) who were often called “witches”, and external wars against Pagans (which had never stopped since Charlemagne) and competing empires.

The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s was not only a time of inventions, but also factory forced labor and field slavery (African slave trade). Many lower class families of urban factory workers and rural field labor became consumers of commercial products, as they maintained their subjugated servant and slave mentalities into the 1900s. And now here we are in the 2000s, still struggling to have liberty despite totalitarian secret agencies ruling us by rigging our politics and economy.

All of this to say, we the people (Apes) can and must make a difference. I believe we will win because corrupt power is unstable, and we can tip the tides of culture wars in our favor by uniting. The 1% will be defeated and driven underground even more, as their dark pool black-markets are made illegal.


Condemned To Irrelevance

Posted in Economics, Politics, Sustainability with tags , , , , , , on April 3, 2021 by Drogo

In public society or popular culture it is generally assumed that we must be part of the corporate commercial 2-party system, because if we sell-out individual integrity to become company approved elite icons, politicians, or their fans we will be relevant to the dominant trends (no matter how fake famous people are behind the illusions and masks). In our system corporations do not want a 3rd political party because it would threaten their control over the 2 established parties. So corporate media encourages the rhetorical talking point threat of independent individuals being “Doomed to obscurity” and “Condemned to irrelevance”, which is what they advocate their masses to do to those who rebel against their oligarchy. The plutocrats who pull the strings do not want their authority questioned, and would rather keep the facade of a democratic sports competition with only two official legitimate teams. The propaganda that nothing more is possible is backed by three threats: smearing, torture, and ignoring.

We have witnessed these three propaganda enforcement threats being used recently. Bernie Sanders and other alternative candidates were smeared as ‘Russian agents’ or ‘anti-Semetic’. Julian Assange and Manning were imprisoned and tortured without trial for exposing the crony corruption of the MIC system. Also Bernie Sanders pointed out that Nader and the Green Party gets ignored, and thus he ran as a Democrat to not be ‘condemned to irrelevance’ like most common people or grassroots leaders. Most of us are doomed to obscurity in popular culture, so it is interesting this is not discussed more. Perhaps we need to condemn commercial culture to obscurity, and reverse the trends so our economy is trickle-up, instead of trickle-down; because trickle-down ain’t workin for most of us who are trying to build on what we were given, not get buried by debt. Actually more of us should remember to be more like Ralph Nader, and he certainly matters and is not forgotten.

i paid 30,000 for an education that taught me i would not make much profit ethically working hard or doing the most important things in life that i loved, and would not be able to afford the cost of living as an adult until i paid off the debt, which meant i had to go from teaching to the military where i got told i was nothing, and the only way to get stable income was to help wage war on working class people foreign and domestic. Meanwhile everytime our economy and pollution got worse, the worst companies got bailed out. So yeah hedgies can f* themselves, i aint leavin.


Labor History: Race vs Economics

Posted in Ethics & Morals, Ethnic Cultures & Races, jobs, Politics, Protests / Riots, relationships with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 17, 2020 by Drogo

Regarding racism vs economics in politics, please remember some basics about labor history. We must understand corporate motivation to use ethnicity for union busting, like the history of Coal Mine Companies in WV for example. Companies bring in what are called ‘scabs’, or groups willing to work for less, and that antagonizes and creates hatred for the scab group. Sure there are subconscious racist tendencies genetically or socially, but dislike of ‘others’ is always amplified by anti-union competition for jobs. If you have ever been upset by anyone, it is easy to understand how one might want to hurt the ‘other’s’ feelings in return; whether you believe the insult or not depends on the person and is a separate psychological discussion. Corporate media and politicians often use propaganda on behalf of corporations (their sponsors) to keep telling people the only issues are cultural not class. It is fair to understand that a brain-washing effect occurs, which makes people avoid questioning why their jobs are being taken by others willing to work for less and not fight for rights. It is easier to point out differences between people, rather than hold power accountable for wanting slave labor. Rather than pay locals a living wage, corporate farmers and business companies would rather pay immigrants (migrant workers) less. These are the basics of Capitalism, and it is why Communism became popular and Marx decided to write about it.

See WV Coal Mine Wars

[ more later ]

Cultural Middle-Ground

Posted in Atheist/Agnostic, Cooperative collaboration, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Ethics & Morals, Languages, Pagan, Religions, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 2, 2020 by Drogo

Most of us can be called poly-cultural in some major aspects in our lives. It is common to be part of a culture to some degree, while being part of other cultures or sub-cultures (religions, sects, social movements, political parties, ethnicities, etc). Like in Middle-Earth, there are many cultures that merge and create new cultures; talking about middle ground or coming to terms with other cultures, religions, ethnicities, or sub-cultures.

What religions, nations, or ethnicities am i 100% a part of? American? Depends on the definition and what the percentage means. I could say i am 100% American in that i am a natural born citizen of the USA and it includes so many other cultures; but North American USA DC christian style to be specific. Yet when i break that down it is not well defined beyond geography. Although part christian, i would be called a heretic by other christians to question dogmas like “jesus was perfect” (which is a classical question within christianity). American english with major influences and deviations into other languages and idiosyncrasies which are “wrong” by any institutional standard (besides SCOD).

Methodist – florida, iowa, harpers ferry

Catholic – st johns, franciscan, student

Agnostic – means i ask questions and hold positions which are heresy

Atheist – i think it is possible and probably to some degree there are no gods

Pagan – i worship Nature, FLW, organic, trees, death, neo-pagan

I like to find common points of agreement with Christians and people from other cultures. I talk on the phone or in person with as many religious people as i can, to work on moral theology. Brother Father Jay Hess was right in that mystery is ok in belief, we do not always need to have strict definitions for everything. In fact it may be impossible to agree on not only all religious concepts; but even linguistic semantics, as languages evolve and living languages flow organically and never totally conform to rules during the period. What is popular in speech or writing may deviate from grammatical dogma and the lectures of scholars. There will even be those who like to argue more than get along, rather to resolve any problems.

“There has been constant debate over the classification of ethnic groups. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared ancestry, history, homeland, language or dialect and cultural heritage; where the term “culture” specifically includes aspects such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing (clothing) style, and other factors. By the nature of the concept, ethnic groups tend to be divided into subgroups, which may themselves be or not be identified as independent ethnic groups depending on the source consulted.”

Middle ground or meeting someone part-ways (half-ways is ideal), negotiating for cooperation in community vs exiling and isolating by exclusion and neglect. This is how to avoid holy wars, and strive for peace. We can make peace with our enemies, assuming we are capable of it with our friends and families to some extent. Peace, love, and sharing are 3 great ways to practice faith in humanity, no matter our religion; and this is another ethical concept I am happy to say many people I talk to can agree on no matter their belief system. The most basic moral code being the ‘Golden Rule’, which is preferred over ‘An Eye For An Eye’; although treating others well being dependent on self-esteem and attitude (how we want to be treated) is another debate for an essay on ‘the limits of love’ probably.   [Audio Draft]


The Problem of Systemic Change

Posted in Adaptive Reuse, Commercial Corporations, Critical Commentary of Civilization, Ethics & Morals, Futurist, Health & Fitness, History, Military, news, Rationality & Logic, Sustainability, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 29, 2020 by Drogo

Wave Pattern / Cyclical History Theory essay on civilization

Tidal Wave and Sail Boat[ Theme image – My ‘Tidal Wave and Sail Boat’ painting which is based on the ‘Great Wave’ by Hokusai with Van Gogh brush style. ]

Despite similarities of theories, violence vs non-violence is a critical factor for civil rights and modern history. Violent manifestos by the Unabomber or Discovery Channel Shooter, contradict the ethical wisdom of SCOD Theory. SCOD embraces more peaceful egalitarian democratic co-existence, because deconstructivist architecture can only go so far, until it has to be constructivist enough again to be utilized as shelter; the same SCOD theory applies to social systems as well. The problem of systemic change from intentional revolution is whether to advocate violence or non-violence; and how best to make needed changes. History and mythology tend to lionize violent war heroes; but modern history deviates from this due to the Civil Rights movement. 

The Netflix documentary on the Unabomber mentions the voluntary interrogation program (related to US secret agencies) at Ted’s University in relation to his psychology. I had not heard of it before, but it does sound very much like Project ‘Wormwood’ and other ‘MK-Ultra’ type operations that were unethical, and like war tend to create more terror. The paradox of using violence exists for the establishment as well as rebels. Very mathematical and scientific geniuses like Ted might have pre-existing mental health problems, but they need help rather than competitive character assassination which must lead to bodily incarceration or assassination. Despite their terrible methods, often terrorist rebels feel they are fighting for moral social or environmental justice. Their desire to do good can be encouraged with treatment, rather than pushed by further abuse or neglect. Hurting other humans tends to be less successful for defending causes, than non-violent civil disobedience protests and artistic expressions. 

SCOD theory favors peace and art not only as radical tools for social change, but also as parts of the utopian vision with which we would solve our problems and replace our systemic terror. The sadness of not being able to show your work to enough people to have a network of patrons, or the fear of not being worthy enough to do what you love are symptoms of a system that keeps us at perpetual war and in debt rather than free. Greater freedom means having more control over our own individual lives, and less dependent on the whims of others for the basics of life in civilization. The role of good democratic governments is to be run by the people, for the people. These reasons are why we like leaders like FDR (WW2 militancy aside), MLK, and Bernie Sanders. Environmental activist groups like Green Peace, ELF, Extinction Rebellion, and Sea Shepherd are disruptive so they make a social impact, but do not kill people.

Our corporate MIC (Military Industrial Complex) has our system so rigged, that paid players remove any real democratic opposition as ‘foreign influence’ aka ‘enemies of the state’ of the ‘War on Terror’ or the ‘NEW RED SCARE’. Our system bosses do not tolerate real change from third parties like the Green Party, because peace or environmental progress would reduce corruption. Corporate MIC propaganda war is a real problem.

Trump was a convenient democratic-republic glitch for corporations, as the system sometimes gets the ‘greater of two evils’ into office (see also Nixon, Reagan, and Bush I & II). Trump’s presidency was a result mostly of the corporate influenced electoral college and Hillary Clinton-DNC primary fraud. Corporate agents blame Russia for the Clinton-DNC emails getting leaked, but it was what was in the emails that turned blue states red (see WV and MI). Many voters hated Hillary Clinton so much that they voted for Trump, because at least he promised some of the liberal Bernie Sanders type changes (fighting corruption, universal health-care, and less wars). The obvious difference between Bernie Sanders and Trump is that Sanders has a successful record of fighting for populist positions like union worker rights over corporate profit; the campaign difference crucially enabled by grass-roots funding rather than corporate funding.

 The only way to hold the establishment accountable, is if you are not beholden to the criminals in power. The system usually removes peaceful potential threats like Tulsi Gabbard with smears, when they are too much against the MIC, and have too much credibility (Tulsi is an elected representative and veteran soldier), and tend to take assassination steps (foreign and domestic) when they have made too much change already (see history of CIA foreign coups, and the problematic Malcom-X, MLK, JFK, RFK cases). The Peace movement is not allowed to gain too much ground, because war is a racket for profit. People are beginning to see through the propaganda, I do not feel as alone anymore, from all the outlets I hear.

One famous example of internal change which can affect systemic change, is Dicken’s ‘Christmas Carol’. The main motivation which Scrooge will struggle with everyday after his Christmas morning revelation of joyful good-will, is his memory of the shocking awareness of self-made torture and terror that a snobbish demon of hell can be oblivious to otherwise. Religions tend to use both redemptive allegory (Jesus) and mythology (Revelation). Armageddon apocalypse mythologies are cyclical in that religions describe a ‘heavenly’ utopian life after death, before or after the next time a god decides to use their graceful warriors against their enemies. The Bible may promise eternal bliss, but it is quite clear that God can change his mind about promises if ‘Satan’ interferes (see Job). Although the ‘Beast’ may be defeated during one great war, it is clear that angels can fall from grace and become devils and demons who disobey. We have only one famous example, but how often it happens or what restrictions there may be in place at a later time are not at all clear. The Norse great apocalyptic war ‘Ragnarok’ is more clear about this wave pattern of decline and climax. The viking warriors believed that they must fight and die to go to the great hall (Valhalla) of Heaven (Asgard), where they would await the final battle of the gods after death, and the cycle of humans fighting and dying, and fighting as legendary deities would repeat again forever.


If we are the surviving minority, how would we make things better? How would our ‘good’ story of humanity resolve the problems of today in the future? Is it possible to have realistic and happy futurist visions?? I hope so.


[ Audio Recording of Essay ]


Racism & Conservative Culture

Posted in Critical Commentary of Civilization, Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 26, 2016 by Drogo

My Thoughts on Racists, Racism, and Conservative Culture

This will not take long. ‘Race’ is an artificial term that we use to stereotype or ‘vaguely identify’ physical differences between the same human species, from different ethnic and genetic regions. The fact remains we are so closely related to apes, that these distinctions among our own species are more opinion than fact. Cultural pride is not the same as hateful bigotry; when the two concepts are combined to promote intolerance of differences, humanitarian self-defense must apply social pressure to limit the hostility, or fascist regimes come out of the closet and run governments and kill those that do not obey their domination. History has shown this is true; with all empires and dictators that imposed their belief that their culture is superior to others and deserves to enslave the others.

History has never frozen in time, according to the records. Things are always remixing; cultures, families, animals, plants, inanimate objects comprised of matter, etc. etc… Yes we all have our own biased or bigoted tastes or preferences that are racist because they are based on our own cultural or personal perspectives; that does not mean that being hatefully prejudice against ‘them that are other’ is a good thing in a World where we should be evolving to be more harmonious and cooperative, even with our minor distinct differences and bio-diversity. Death will come to all soon enough, and life has plenty of other challenges that we can spend time on.

Identifying by superficial features is well, superficial. Fear, greed and jealousy are at the heart of Racism, where love should be. “Races” have always been more of a rainbow blend spectrum, rather than ‘black or white’. What we call ‘races‘ (inbred DNA groups in periods of time) and ‘cultures‘ (ethnic or economic power groups) always and constantly change, adopt, adapt, and generally move around in history and countries.
Hybrid Cultures and Races
ps – Trump has the same New England style racism as Lovecraft (HORROR author). They are not as violent as the KKK or Nazis, but New England racists want to be the last immigrants; and want to stop cultures from mixing in the melting-pot of liberty. In the South, the KKK mainly focus on attacking blacks with psychological terror and physical violence. The KKK supports Trump, and consider Nazis to be too socialist. The Alt-Right is led by white nerds that want to justify their weak hatred with pseudo-intellectual rhetoric (words). 

SCOD Hybrid Design

Posted in Adaptive Reuse, Crafts, Politics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2016 by Drogo

‘All or nothing’ is the same mentality that causes gridlock in Congress, and starts wars. In historic and environmental circles, there are many hypocritical idealists and intolerant purists. Puritanical authoritarian attitude leads to inhumane imbalances in politics, as found in Nazis, and my ancestors ‘the Puritans’ who not only killed witches, but also stray Quakers. As radical as Bernie Sanders seems compared to main-stream Hillary, or far-right Trump; he still would barely scratch the surface of our socio-economic problems or ecological design work that needs to significantly change the paradigm. But Sanders would be a good start to help shift pop-culture a bit further to the left socially, as Obama allowed somewhat, to tolerate pluralism.

The SCOD way of reasoning, is that it is better to preserve larger portions of nature when planning architecture. If over 50% of a farm can be kept for growing food, and wilderness conservation for-ever (as long as can be predicted reasonably and indefinitely), then regardless of the details of any historic, artistic, or ecological architectural combinations; the master plan is a success overall. There are 7 basic SCOD architecture types: Yurt, A-frame, Sod, Cob, Tree, Dome, and Glass; all of which can be mixed or overlap (sod underground homes can be dome-shaped).

Hybrid cultural appropriation and poly-synthetic blending is a natural part of history. Race is an artificial term, to distinguish superficial differences between homo-sapiens. New-Age multiculturalism celebrates social and religious diversity, and encourages exchange and adaptation. Enlightened New-Age spirituality runs parallel with advances in science; such as the importance of bio-diversity, relativity, quantum theory, and mathematical fractals.

Cultural pride is not hatred of others; what ‘cultural pride’ means to me, is I can love Celtic music and mythology, and not hate other cultures. I can even love cultures that are not my own, and adopt what interests me into my own celebrations and studies in life; regardless of snobs that say I am not worthy because it disrespects cultural purity. Obviously I can be sensitive to cultures that have been abused, but I am fine with Africans wearing torcs and crowns like those in the museums of Europe. I would love that. We should share and celebrate each-others historic cultures, while helping to create new World cultural traditional blends. None of it was ever pure, and we will continue mixing and remixing all things.

People should be comfortable in communities, and methods of negotiation are useful to arrive at levels of comfort architecturally. Pillow people need to communicate with Straw people, and find out if some pillows can be made with straw, or if straw or hay can be used without using finished processed materials sometimes. Sharing personal stories, tools, games, and allegories can be helpful as well, in the art of design.

7 dwellings

 fourways temple


Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Environmentalism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 21, 2010 by Drogo


Hippies are people too. Sometimes we forget because the hippie movement fell out of favor only a decade after it began. Why? Because hippies were different, hippies are made fun of, and often financially powerless because by definition they gave up desire for those social and political constructs and aspirations. Also it is popular to say they “stink” because they often smell different due to bathing and patchouli practices. It is popular to make fun of astrology, and “new age” alchemical spiritual beliefs. It is the natural tendency to make fun of people that are different than normal standards, by birth or by choice, and to be biased against them.

So “hippy” has become a derogatory label.  There was a decade when many believed and felt they were part of larger revolution, and not just a fashion taboo. Others will always believe that their idealism was flawed, and they were always just criminal bums. Those people are usually called different names by those they call hippies, to be fair.

The popular Hippie Movement during the 1960s, had evolved from the 1950s counter-culture of hipster beatniks, and embraced a revolutionary return to naturalist folk traditions. Peace was a major motivating factor for many people to become a hippy. Environmentalism, drug use, and alternative lifestyle freedoms were also very dominant aspects of the movement.

The peace symbol was developed in the UK as a logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and was embraced by U.S. anti-war protestors during the 1960s. Originally the “V” finger sign stood for Victory (a return to peace) in WWII, but ironically was adopted by hippies to remind people about the joys of peace. Hippies were mostly pacifists and many participated in non-violent political protests, such as marches and demonstrations for civil rights, liberties, and peace.

The degree of political involvement varied widely among hippies, from those who were active in non-violent demonstrations, to the more anti-authority street aggression of the Yippies (the most politically active hippie sub-group). The active yippy political rebels led to underground resistance groups like “The Weathermen”, and often operated violently as anarchists. Pacifist hippies tend to disagree with hateful tactics.

The Hippie Movement continues to the present day, but began to decline in the 1970s with the emergence of new popular movements like Disco, and later was rejected by Hip-hop breakdance, Goth, Punk, and Yuppism in the 1980s under the hyper-inflation of Reaganomics. The economic bubble of the 1980s (which revived the 1950s industrial enthusiasm) had a lot to do with the cultural supremacy of Cocaine.

The multi-culturalism of the 1990s was a peaceful integration of many colorful hippy values like celebrating ethnic diversity and environmentalism, with modern technology and the enthusiasm of the commercial 1980s. Improvements in transportation allowed these benefits of travel, including the popularity of tattoos. However, this positive zeitgeist was smothered by the Military Industrial Complex under Bush II.