Archive for youtube

SCOD Youtube Stats 2007-2013

Posted in Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Film Reviews, POB Video with tags , , , , , , , on February 7, 2013 by Drogo

Youtube SCOD Greenhouse Channel Stats 2007-2013

Total Views: 2,362,558

Minutes watched: 90,000

Subscribers: 1,500 (500 in flux)

Videos: 325


2007-2013  SCOD Channel most popular videos

Robin Hood Theme (Robin of Sherwood Intro) = 576,300 views

Dreams by Kurosawa = 168,600 views

Brazil Torture Scene = 83,100 views

Holy Crusades Terry Jones = 63,300 views

Blackwater Interview (removed) = 50,000 views

Rosencratz & Guildenstern = 48,300 views

Native American Portraits = 45,000 views

SEX Commercial SELLS!!! Buy now!!! = 44,000

American Coal Miner War = 30,000

many others = 20,000s

Bomb Iran Song (McCain) = high in shares



The Truth About Modern Tea Parties

Posted in Cooperatives / Communities / Networks / Travels, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 5, 2010 by Drogo

The truth about modern ‘tea parties’, as with the original historic ‘Boston Tea Party’, is that they are not a single political party. Political ‘tea parties’ are events and projects in reaction to the control of existing political parties. A ‘tea party’ is an act of rebellion, with anti-establishment attitudes towards taxes (not to be confused with traditional tea parties, where you sit down and have tea while socializing).

The ‘modern tea party movement’ was started during President Bush Jr.’s second term. From 2005-2008 rallies and protests were held around the Country out of frustration with unwanted wars, and increasing taxation without representation. Even more people (like myself) became aware of and joined the movement online, using Youtube as a platform for communication and expressive documentation through video, audio, and text collaborations.

SCOD’s involvement with the founding of the Modern Tea Party Movement (MTPM) came by being a member of TPA (True Patriot Action), and TPA collaboration videos that often used grassroots music. Other TPA activists that SCOD worked with during the early years of the MTPM were FreesoulJAH, Witzkeyman, Conkling, Citizenkong, Leafdude, Firemynx, Amandadevik, Coffeedude, Methadone4life, Anarchyclayman, and many other Youtube users. TPA search tags should confirm this article to anyone unfamiliar with the true origins of the MTPM.

I believe that CNN and major commercial news networks missed the underground origins, because they were not following our grassroots (non-commercial, non-corporate) activities. Now (in 2010) big media is only reporting the current Tea Party news, as the movement has grown and evolved. I believe the change in the movement lumping it more into the Republican camp, is due to the fact that many independents involved were Ron Paul supporters and a Democrat is president now. Ron Paul was a Republican before running for President, although the core of his beliefs, as shared by many followers, is free-market anarchy (anti-government). Combine that with a semi-black-liberal Democrat President and you have a ton of disaffected Republicans, replacing many of the independent and green liberals (like SCOD) who were pissed at Bush.

So let us be clear about the origins of the MTPM; we were protesting a Republican President who we wanted IMPEACHED, and we were sick of not being represented in Congress (with the exception of Kucinich, Keeney, and Wexler). Clearly the resentment against our corrupt government run by big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex, is extended to both the Republicans and Democrats. Resentment of Big Government, and the ‘taxation (often) without representation’ that runs it, is obviously keeping the MTPM alive and well, and perhaps growing and maturing it (according to the press).

Conkling (Musician Ralph Buckley)

Ron Paul’s Tea Party 2007 video (Conkling)

2007 Ron Paul Tea Party member (joined November 08, 2007)

SCOD: “Sabotage Ministry” NWO TPA ReMix


Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Music Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 2, 2010 by Drogo

The musician known as FreesoulJAH is a spirit dedicated to peace, love, and freedom. Although his desires for humanity are harmonious, sometimes he uses subtle discord in a melody. It is clear that FSJ believes there is “more Light than Darkness”, but as a realist he is unashamed to communicate with the “darker side” of life.

Building upon Hippy and Rastafarian language, he is a free poet and a philosopher of Earth-based ethics. Transcending negative stereotypes, it is clear that he enjoys challenging the status-quo through alternative means. His songs reach between experimental folk and acid-rock, with an open hand of friendship.

FreesoulJAH is an artist that loves life, and shares with others. He is accepting of others, and has participated in creative community projects with other artists. FSJ is an example that we can express “free love, truth, wisdom, peace and justice” through music.


Doctor Metropolis

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Music Reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , , on February 2, 2010 by Drogo

The musician known as Doctor Metropolis combines science-fiction with various musical genres, including gothic rock. He samples interesting multi-media clips, and records his own vocals, mixing them with different styles of music. Doctor Metropolis is a Neo-Urban leader in post-modern philosophy, and a loner that actually does play well with others (ironic).

The music of Doctor Metropolis encourages questioning authority, discovering inner secrets, exposing state secrets, and exploring the endless themes of civilization. The Doctor does not confine himself to human endeavors, as he is unafraid of paranormal and supernatural phenomena.

The mood of his music is purposefully dark, and mockingly sinister. Often ironic overtones are used within the Matrix; including anti-music and un-beats. He is the answer to the great question often asked of a Time Lord: “Doctor who?”; answered: “Doctor Metropolis”.

Doctor Metropolis Videos

The Pact

Posted in Arts (Design & Performance), Poems, Rhymes, Riddles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2009 by coffeedude65

Based on Blue Oyster Cult’s “The Pact”

I spent many hot summer days living in a land of dreams and fantasy. Images and music such as this filled my time and my dreams. The world was less complicated, even so- fantasy was my escape. The youtube video is an attempt to recapture just a hint of my youth, to remind me of the long days gone by. Even now, I can almost reach this world of savages and nobles, of knights errant and maidens fair. A world of honor and quest, a world of bloodshed and travail. A world in which one really lived strong and brave.

Live by the sword, live a good long time
Minsc of Baldur’s Gate

“Every man dies, not every man really lives.”

Behold the sword of power, Excalibur