Archive for feelings

Good Feelings & Memories !!!

Posted in Creativity / Imagination, Psychology, Recommendations & Tributes, relationships with tags , , , , on January 4, 2021 by Drogo

Wittgenstein famously wrote that “the limits of my language stand for the limits of my world”. So in the honor of all depressed philosophers and artists, let me now focus on good feelings and memories. We have a few sayings that relate to manifesting what we want by being what we want, or at least ‘faking it until we make it’. We can ‘practice what we preach’, even if we don’t always ‘put our money where our mouth is’ (Covid restrictions might apply to that). ‘The proof is in the pudding’ when we express what we like, repeat what we like, and elaborate on our very favorite things. This pollyanna ‘glad game’ might seem silly or superficial, but not if we also take time to respect the ever present darkness that exists eternally below the surface. It is not necessarily escapist to follow a yellow brick road, even if it leads to an emerald city with green tinted glasses. We can always remove the glasses to see the world without them again. However one of the points of practice is that the practices or the effects of the practice become habitual or inherent, if not ‘perfect’. 

“The Pollyanna Principle portrays the positive bias people have when thinking of the past. According to this psychology the brain tends to process information that is pleasing and agreeable more accurately as compared to unpleasant or disturbing information. We actually tend to remember past experiences as more rosy than they actually occurred.” – Wikipedia

The opposite principle could be called the Grinch Principle, which is when we have a negative bias linguistically and psychologically in private, which sometimes bleeds through into our social life. It is most intense in sociopathic, psychopathic, and psychotic mental illnesses of all kinds. Generally we tend to assume the worst as a survival instinct.

It is this negative second principle which is easier for me to fall into, and therefore because I want to be happier I desire to intentionally recondition my brain increasingly towards the harder positive first principle. While the Pollyanna Principle is more naive and foolish than the Grinch Principle, which is jaded and paranoid, the Pollyanna Principle is a better path towards increasing happiness. Training our minds to be able to receive and generate joy or satisfaction more, is probably more reliable for a happy life than only having random zen satori (sudden enlightenment) moments, which can fade quickly. 

My first memories of Mom are of us playing in the living room. We played trains, cards, and sang songs with me. Mom let me record myself on a tape-recorder. I sang Muppet and folk songs and made my own stories. My mother was a Montessori and Art teacher, and she taught for many years at several schools. Mom taught me how to draw and paint, and write story books with illustrations. We went on nature walks where we imagined where animals lived. Later when she bought me a C64 computer we played some video games together. 

Noel and I play cooperative video games together too, as it helps work out shared strategies with communication and adaptation. We struggle with depression psychologically, she prefers medicine and I prefer talk therapy with friends. Compassion is one of the most important and fun things about life. Compassion includes kindness, love, affection, sympathy, and empathy. Compassion eases suffering, as the good aspects of philosophies and religions teach.

Aeyla provides for her children and aids many others who struggle with disabilities. We all need healing from wounds, problems, and stress. Our issues can be social, personal, temporary, or perpetual to varying degrees. Aeyla helps people to feel better by finding ways to cheer and laugh. Celebration of life is one of the funnest things. 

Beamer helped me to transition between my house in Harpers Ferry, and my place in Frederick by storing some of my tools and inviting me over to his place for parties, games, and movies. It is fun to be part of a social group focused on joy.

Tom & Jen hosted many parties and it was always an adventure meeting new people and catching up with associates. They always had projects going on, and offered food and drink. Tom & Jen are very generous and it is hard not to be happy with generous friends.

I have amazing memories about Drum Circle too.

I have pollyanna feelings about so many people, but my grinch feelings hinder my ability to fully enjoy those memories which I frame (like a favorite piece of art) as being the best. The grinch feelings tend to want to ignore the framed feelings or see the memories in a bad light with too much glare or not enough illumination. There are many reasons to justify both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ feelings, so it is ultimately up to will power of gut (sub-conscious intuitive) or ethics (uber-conscious intention) to determine which to practice or pursue in general or about specific issues. Ethical uber-conscious intention is cultivated by awareness meditation. Awareness meditation can be done in a solemn quiet situation while reading or stretching, or while in between busy tasks (chores or work).

We cannot all be Scrooges. Can you imagine even Tiny Tim acting like Scrooge? Our economy needs to flow as a life giving circulatory system. The idea of sharing pre-dates Marx, Dickens, and even Jesus.

2021 Projects:  Audio Recordings (interviews on war & peace, readings, music), Art (Blackberry Cove, paintings, sketches), Writing (3 books, essays)

Mysteries of Manifesting Dreams

Posted in dreams, Matras Quotes Tips, Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , on December 8, 2020 by Drogo

Manifesting – materializing, to make evident by showing, understanding, perceiving

Dreams – imaginary creations, plans, or scenarios while conscious or unconscious

One reason that it can be good to keep ideas somewhat separate from reality is rational is because if we stay in a dream long enough, it may become a nightmare because that often can happen as easily as we have moods. Mood spectrum obviously varies from person to frequency in time. Imagination can allow us to explore things we may not want to risk manifesting, which can be ok i think; but manifesting dreams is also a way of life for many of us (to some extent).

Most of us can make plans to some extent, and follow through to some extent. Whether we use schedules or write lists, or make mental notes; we tend to want to express our desires or delusions within reasonable limits. When impulses or delusions become too obsessive or harmful, it is time to get help either from like-minded friends or from professionals who work for institutions.

Society and motivational speakers often encourage us to ‘follow our bliss’ and ‘pursue our dreams’, as part of national or personal ‘dream’ ideology. Sometimes people find happiness from manifesting dreams, temporary joy or sustained satisfaction; and sometimes they do not even get simple pleasure from trying or doing what they expected pleasure from. Dreams and Emotions are mysterious aspects of Life, and in spirituality both are considered mystical.

Owning Others as Partners or Parents

Posted in relationships, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 6, 2018 by Drogo

Saying that a loved one is “yours” may not be the exact same as most forms of slavery, but that mentality does have serious and dangerous problems. i stand by my conviction that possession of people leads to violence and abuse. People can seem totally in love owning eachother, until one doesnt want to be owned anymore by the other; then the concept of “you are mine” becomes psychotic. i know because ive felt those emotions, and ive witnessed others acting insane due to those feelings; most of us have as it is part of popular culture. Ownership of children is another problematic aspect of culture that has allowed for countless cases of abuse or neglect of all kinds. Letting go of this attitude is much easier said than done. Obviously there are positive aspects to this kind of attachment and co-dependency; such as defending or supporting one’s partner. Feelings of responsibility for helping other people should never go away entirely, as it is an important part of human relations and society, but our current cultural problems are related to individual civil rights.


Anger & Depression

Posted in Health & Fitness with tags , , , , , , on May 28, 2015 by Drogo

Many depressed people harbor a lot of anger, but don’t always recognize it. Anger can contribute to depression; and vice-versa. Friends who can communicate on a deep emotional level will help victims to regain the ability to perceive life with hope.

“In your anger do not do harm to yourself or others unnecessarily; if it can avoided. At the end of the day, don’t go to sleep angry, if you can deal with it; for it might breed more anger in the morning. Be kind and compassionate to one another and it will be returned unto you.” – Inspired by Celtic Book of Dawn

Having a sense of purpose can help people to live their lives fruitfully despite whatever hardships are thrown their way. Keep on keepin’ on! Don’t let things get you down that don’t need to get you down. If normally you leap to safety, away from what is hurting you, may not always be possible if you have been tied down by another force. Once you are unbound, you must retrain yourself to avoid dangers.

Sadness, Depression, Loneliness, Guilt

Anger, Fear, and Hate

Physical Abuse / Psychological Abuse

Loyalty, Pride, Mercy, and Pity: Integrity

Dealing with Depression often requires sensitivity, compassion, and patience. Depression does not discriminate. It affects people from all ages, races, and classes. It results both from specific events and chemical imbalances in the nervous system. The causes are numerous, and the variety of effects can make healing difficult. We must understand these variables of depression in order to properly suggest appropriate treatments. Self-acceptance through awareness of the Universality of Nature can be a positive first step out of depression’s smog.

For some, Christianity holds many answers, for others Buddhism, but the commonality of these major religions is that they are simply different versions of the reality of human existence within Nature. Followers of Christ have one way of explaining things, and followers of other Messiahs have other ways.

“I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on earth. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better, it appears to me.” – Abraham Lincoln

Depression is a human condition, recognized in early civilization by the Greek physician Hippocrates who called it “melancholy”. Romantic notions viewed it as ‘pining-away’ for someone or something lost to them. Today depression is considered an illness, affecting the entire body, mind, and spirit. One in five people suffer from depression during their lifetime. Sadness and anger are natural, and accepting this fact is important.

Addictions and Depression have a reciprocal relationship. Depression is the leading cause of addictions like drug abuse, and depression often results from losing something that they were ‘addicted to’. After heart disease, depression is the #2 cause of lost work days in the USA. Depression is a leading cause of suicide.

Whether it is loss of a loved one, loving affections, or a material associational loss, depression can manifest in an individual exhibiting their inability or refusal to adapt to enjoy life again, despite loss. Mental health experts define depression as an ’emotional state of dejection and sadness’. It ranges from mild discouragement and moodiness, to feelings of desperate hopelessness and despair. These naturally occurring human emotions, become constant antagonists of the depressed person.

Symptoms of Depression

Continuous irritability

Insomnia or Fatigue

Loss of enthusiasm

Extreme thoughts of suicide or death

Professional help is recommended in order to determine if other physical problems exist beyond psychological depression. Modern science is constantly finding more connections regarding the Universe and our place within it. So with the help of modern science and medicine, you can reflect on your own life experiences and existence within Nature to be liberated from the manacles of melancholy.

Often, only 1/8 of an iceberg appears above the ocean surface. Depression can hide like this. Some people may refuse to accept their emotions, viewing sadness and sorrow as signs of weakness. Resentment may be held against someone who has done something to them, or abandoned them in some way. Resentment may also be held against one’s self in the form of guilt. Bottled resentment won’t go away until the feelings are realized, admitted, accepted as a common reaction, and a decision is made to actively express a true release of negativity, or true responsibility of love.

In mythology characters deal with sorrow, suffering, and loss. They can often show ways to overcome depression.

Psychological Causes of Depression

Resentment towards someone else

Resentment towards yourself – Guilt

Low self-esteem

Unrealistic goals setting yourself up for failure

Negative perspectives “The glass is half empty”

Physical Causes of Depression

Endogenous chemical imbalances (manic depression)

Slow recovery from an illness or injury

Undiagnosed physical ailment

Side effects of drugs

Dietary deficiencies

Manic depression is bipolar and treated with lithium for mood stabilization. Treatment cannot end there, because unfortunately people can still get themselves into psychological ruts and end up making bad decisions despite a placid mood appearance on the surface. For clinical depression doctors can prescribe tricyclical antidepressant medicine which can also help stabilize nerve cell chemistry. Some people may be able to heal themselves of minor depressions, but for more serious cases steps should be taken to notify friends, family, doctors, and psychologists.

Master and Student are crossing a River. A young Girl needs help crossing the River. They carry the Girl across the River. The Girl thanks them and goes on her way. Later the Student mentions to the Master his feelings of concern for the Girl. The Masters says he put the Girl down by the River, but the Student is still carrying her. The lesson is to leave your worries behind you, and put down worries that you do not need to carry with you.

– Zen Buddhism

To alleviate depression, a friend can be one of the best cures. Psychologist Javier del Amo proposes that depression is caused in part by a process of isolation. When a person lacks meaningful communication with others, their emotions become frozen or paralyzed. To remedy this situation, del Amo advises that the depressed person needs a friend who will communicate on a deep emotional level. This communication can help thaw their emotions, allowing them to perceive positive again.

Devote time to listening to friends for mutual benefit. If they allow you to help, you help them and they will hopefully return the favor in some way later; this is healthy friendship. Help them with tasks that they temporarily lack the desire to do. Be positively encouraging or cheerful. Utilize soothing music and atmosphere; don’t wallow in melancholic problems. Help them to think, feel, and care beyond themselves; but don’t be overly antagonizing. Involve them in useful tasks or activities, to draw them out of the past into present living. Engagement in tasks help connect one with the here-and-now. Check on their medicines, work, hobbies, and other people in their lives. If your looking for more friends to meet, join a group; like a Pagan coven. There you will meet other people with comparable stories. You are not alone. Most of the gods welcome you to worship them in all their natural splendor. When you get to know a spirit in a personal way, they will communicate with you as a friend. Just as with any creature, if they are not nice to you, then it is not a healthy relationship.

Anger Management is not just avoidance or repression, it actually means accepting what is a part of natural human emotions that occur more-or-less in everyone, and dealing with the feeling by venting, controlling, or allowing it to motivate to action as a catalyst for change or work. As with other emotions, it is about moderation which sometimes means managing what is always there under the surface.

You won’t like me when I’m angry. My secret is I am always angry.” – Bruce Banner (aka The Incredible Hulk)


Natural Medicines for Anger & Depression should be used in moderation: exercise, fresh-air, sun-light, fresh-food, cannabis. Sometimes medicine reduces anxiety, and sometimes it can amplify it. Perception of which occurs is behavior based, but internal thoughts can differ from physical action. This is why philosophy or psychology can be used to guide the process of psychiatric alterations.

Medusa sculpt

Ultimate Responsibility

Posted in Philosophy with tags , , , , , , , on February 25, 2014 by Drogo

Many people believe that we are entirely responsible for our own lives, happiness, and everything that happens to us. “No Excuses!”

I can think of a few excuses; like torture and illness. But yeah if we dont kill ourselves asap, then everything that happens to us is on us i guess…  since our brains make effects. Interconnectedness certainly plays a part too though….

I am not entirely convinced that we are ultimately responsible for everything we experience, but we certainly have some control in some areas; yet NO CONTROL in other areas.

Nostalgia Is What It Used To Be

Posted in Philosophy, Poems, Rhymes, Riddles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2014 by Drogo

Nostalgia hits me hard often, but it is not just melancholy; my nostalgia an odd mix of ecstatic joy, understanding bliss, profound sadness, and contentment. These intense feelings sometimes become tears. Some may view my weeping as weakness, but honestly I am experiencing powerful life conclusions akin to one’s life flashing before their eyes during a near death experience, lessons from the lives of others, and countless other thoughts that surprise me like lights or sounds at the ‘end of tunnels.

Will-Austin 1

Signs of Success

Posted in Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2013 by Drogo

(Inspired by working with the Harpers Ferry Healing Arts Clinic in 1994)

* Successful Happiness *

Smiling, Snickering, or even Laughing.

Thinking and acting like a child, without being childish.

Reducing fear, anger, and conflict in general.

Enjoying as many moments as possible.

Appreciation for as much as possible.

Accepting rather than Judging.

Connectedness with Nature.

Contentment with People.

Sustainable feelings of Love.

Less worry.

(This is was written by Drogo Empedocles for Creative Commons)

SCOD Pledge for Confidence and SCOD Creed for Optimism 



Posted in Psychology with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2012 by Drogo

Jealousy is a natural emotion based on fear and anger, when others have something we want, or are doing something we want to be doing, or wish we did. It is useful to acknowledge this emotion so that we can better understand our desires. By understanding our desires we can better regulate our happiness / sorrow.

When we feel jealous (or start to feel envious) we should analyze why we feel jealous. State for ourselves what it is we are jealous about (honestly). Then explore options for what to do about it. List what we have already in our life, to compare experiences and possessions with desires.

Beliefs we have can cause jealousy. For example “Everyone is out to take advantage or me.” “They are trying to control me.” “I need them to not feel alone.” Some our assumptions may be very false, but can be changed. Pick beliefs that are nurturing and supportive, but have boundaries. Don’t listen to beliefs whose only purpose is to make you feel jealous.

Improve your self-esteem, will-power, and goals in life by working on them regularly with lists, charts, brain-storming, meditation, games, and practices. Acknowledge your accomplishments. Make lists, keep a journal, and maintain a calendar. Some people recommend “faking it until you make it”, but i say just be honest about your feelings… at least with yourself… and with others if you can. Honesty will help deal with the issues behind jealousy, and a rational mind can resolve many issues.





Metaphors For Life

Posted in Individuals / Members / Monsters / Creative Writing, Psychology, Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 4, 2010 by Drogo

Metaphors To Describe Aspects of Life

Which ones do you like best and why?

The following metaphors for life can be used in sentences;

“Life is a ___.”

Also “What do you think about ___?”; which then describes certain feelings you have towards aspects of life.

Metaphors for Life:




Play / Movie (The World is a Stage with different Sets)


Dance (applies to feelings about Sex)

Ocean (applies to feelings about Death)



Journey / Trip

War  (the meaning of life is to attack)

Opera / Song Ballad


Maze*  (its confusing, but you don’t always want to get out)

*Walls (applies to feelings about barriers in life)

Door (secret of life is behind a door and you hold the key)

Hallway of Doors (many options in life)



Heaven / Hell

Pile of Shit

etc…. (please comment, list your own)

Symbolic Sticks and Stones

Posted in Spiritual with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2009 by Drogo

This is what Bi-Polar actor Stephen Fry said when he received a rude comment and decided to leave Twitter: “Well maybe I’ll see how I feel in a few days. Very low and depressed at the moment and any drop of meanness makes it so much worse. Sorry.”

When famous people are affected by other people’s comments, it can be exponentially worse than people with less social networking because there are more people to potentially bring them down. Although sometimes all it takes is one comment when one is vulnerable. If someone only has one friend in the World, and they feel offended by them; it can be even worse as so much rides on that one opinion.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” This old spell is a common mind-over-mind mantra, and there are others. “I’m rubber, you’re glue; words bounce off of me and stick to you.” These can be used as a Ward against Words. Its only when we allow our perceived sentiments of other people’s opinions to bother us, that our feelings become symbolic sticks and stones. Symbolic sticks and stones may not directly break our bones, but can break our Will and Spirit to Live.